Ako ce moderatori dozvoliti mali offtopic >
to sam ja bloodzero srdjan
Inace ja i modche (sekula) mkdsl i jos par likova imali smo
skoro neki miting tj dva puta u vezi osnivanja Sabac linux group.
Malo smo razmatrali kolko ljudi u Sapcu koriste linux ko bi se otprilike
za to zainteresovano i cime bi doprineli zajednici. Imali smo na umu izradu sajta , neke projkete i odrzavanje javnih predavanja i sl.
Ako ste zainteresovani i ti i sadux i dollar ko vec javite se ;>
da pokrenemo celu stvar
Takodje uskoro imamo sastanak u krupnju u vezi izrade LFS disttribucije.
Dopuna: 12 Avg 2005 13:55
E ovako pogledaj sadux ovu temu na DZ
Ukoliko si zainteresovan i dalje za ovo mogu ti po ekstra jeftinoj ceni obezbediti potreban softver naravno licenciran.
U pitanju je 3d game studio editor/script/engine koji je DX9 kompatibilan i zaista ima tone fiscrsa i mnogo dobro izgleda u praksi. Naime full paket tj pro
kosta 899$ Ja bih ga dao jedno 10 puta jeftinije i uz to mogu vam lincencirati i gamespace koji sluzi za modelovanje cena prava njegova je 399$.
Evo specifikacije enginea
de mozes videti shotse
3D engine ...........................................................
* Six degrees of freedom, multiple cameras and render views
* Supports DirectX 9, DirectPlay, DirectShow, DirectSound
* Window or fullscreen mode
* BSP/PVS, Portal and frustrum culling
* Geometric LOD and trilinear mip mapping
* Static and dynamic point, spot, and directional light sources
* Static and dynamic shadows
* Colored fog areas
* Portals and mirrors
* Vertex and pixel shaders, HLSL/Cg and asm shader languages
* Bump and environment mapping
* Multitexturing (up to 8 textures), light maps, detail textures
* Material properties for static and dynamic objects
* Animated 3D sprites and decals
* Seamless indoor and outdoor support with deformable multitexture terrain
* Models with mesh deformation, bones and vertex animation, animation blending
* Programmable particle and beam generators
* Sky system with animated layers and backdrop bitmaps
* 2D renderer for still images, 2D sprites, panels, buttons, sliders, overlays, Truetype and bitmap fonts, screenshots and movies
* 3D views and movies can be rendered to curved surfaces, for distortion or fisheye effects
* Programmable 2D and 3D effects like lens flares, bullet holes, cartoon rendering etc.
Game engine ........................................................
* Polygon level collision detection
* Physics engine supports gravity, damping, elasticity, friction, and hinge, ball, wheel, and slider joints
* 3D sound sources (WAV and OGG) with Doppler effect
* Slow motion / quick motion effect
* Arbitrary axis rotations for space and flight simulators
* Path tracking for camera, actors or vehicles
* Mouse picking and manipulating of 3D objects
* Save / Load system for resuming games at arbitrary positions
* Multi-player client/server mode for LAN and Internet (TCP/IP, UDP)
* Multizone/multiserver support for massive online multiplayer games
* Expandable through DLL plugin interface