Android aplikacija dana


Android aplikacija dana

  • u administraciji
  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 3468
  • Gde živiš: KRAGUJEVAC

Citat:Nije ovo nikakva zamjena, zahtjeva Adobe plugin. Stvarno mi fali Flash na Jelly Bean-u Confused
A još gore je to što ga neće ni biti za JB.Tako da će ti zauvek faliti. GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 16 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 277
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska


Licenca: Free


Citat:Transliteracija ili preslovljavanje je prenošenje znakova iz jednog pisma u drugo (npr. iz latinice u ćirilicu), pri čemu se ne vodi računa o izgovoru, odnosno, prenosi se znak za znak.

Ova aplikacija omogućava upravo to: konverziju iz jednog pisma u drugo.
Funkcionalnosti koje aplikacija obezbeđuje su:
- Konverzija latinice u ćirilicu (i obrnuto tj. ćirilice u latinicu)
- Konverzija latinice u celavicu (uklanja srpska slova čćšđž)
- Konverzija dvoslovne latinice u ćirilicu (cx = ч, cy = ћ, sx = ш, dy = ђ, zx = ж, ly = љ, ny = њ, dzx = џ)
- Konverzija dvoslovne latinice u latinicu (cx = č, cy = ć, sx = š, dy = đ, zx = ž)
- Automatska konverzija u klipbordu tj. bilo koji tekst u bilo kojoj aplikaciji se može konvertovati koristeći opcije 'Cut' (ili 'Copy') i 'Paste'
- Slanje teksta ka drugim aplikacijama
- Podrška za instalaciju na SD kartici

U planu je razvoj dodatnih funkcionalnosti kao npr.:
- Istorija konverzija
- Dodatna pravila za transliteraciju

Ukoliko Vam se dopada aplikacija i ukoliko želite da je učinite još boljom i korisnijom, šaljite vaše predloge, sugestije i komentare na e-mail autora.

Tagovi: transliteracija, preslovljavanje, konverzija, latinica, ćirilica, klipbord, clipboard, srpska, slova


Lični utisak:
Za one koji nemaju instaliranu ćiriličnu tastaturu a desi se da nekad zatreba ćirilica (na primer za slanje čestitki za Božić ili Uskrs) ovo je odlična stvar...

  • u administraciji
  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 3468
  • Gde živiš: KRAGUJEVAC

Handcent SMS

Licenca - freeware

Citat:Handcent SMS is a powerful free sms/mms tools for your android phone

The most popular messaging app on the Android Market, Handcent SMS is a powerful SMS/MMS app that fully unleashes the messaging potential of Android devices,free to use. More than just an unsurpassed alternative to the stock Android messaging app, Handcent SMS features optional, seamless online integration with your My Handcent Online account allowing users to circumvent the limitations of the Android OS and wireless carriers.

The following lists some of Handcent's most popular features:

> Full SMS and MMS support augmented with unmatched features powered by the Handcent network

> Integrated spellchecking and additional message composition tools

> Additional security options allow you to password protect and hide individual messages with the Privacy Box or secure all of your messages. These protections apply regardless if they are viewed in Handcent SMS, the stock Android messaging app, or any third party applications!

> Support for more than 20 languages and growing as well as support for the various messaging protocols of different countries

> Handcent’s Contact Locator plugin helps you quickly locate your friends using GPS!

> Group sending features capable of extending Android’s SMS limitations of 100 messages per hour up to 1,100 messages per hour

> Optional SMS Popup notification and other notification customizations such as unique notification sounds, vibrate patterns, backgrounds and themes for individual contacts

> Customize every aspect of your Handcent SMS application with countless themes and skins available for free download from the Handcent Network. New themes are added daily!

> Mimic the unique messaging layouts of other device manufacturers such as HTC’s Sense, Motorola’s Blur, or even the iPhone!

> Backup Security powered by the Handcent network allows you to backup all your Handcent’s settings, SMS messages and MMS messages to your My Handcent Online account and restore them if you reinstall Handcent or if you reset your device or upgrade to a new one.

> Handcent MMS+ allows you to circumvent Android’s MMS limitations and send up to 10 files at 25 megabytes each for a total message size of 250 megabytes! This means sharing higher quality photos, videos, and music!

> Better MMS support and picture resizing that resolves Android compatibility issues with some carriers such as those in the UK

> Auto-splitting feature for messages over 160 characters for users on CDMA networks such as Verizon Wireless

> Additional font packs to further customize your SMS messages are available as downloadable plugins

> Integrated Blacklist feature with the ability to filter incoming SMS and MMS messages by origin and help block SPAM

> Manage drafts and undelivered messages

> Schedule tasks to deliver SMS and MMS messages at a specific time or regular intervals such as daily, weekly or monthly

> Full support for vCards allows you to send, receive, import and export them with Handcent SMS

> Share beautiful Handcent eCards with family and friends to mark holidays, birthdays, etc.
> Send and receive fun emoji icons and smileys to other Android Handcent users as well as iPhone users. Once exclusive to the iPhone, this integrated feature of Handcent SMS may now be enjoyed by Android users. Additional emoji are available as free, downloadable plugins!

>Group Mms with iphone,useful for US networks

>Handcent Talk service,send FREE messagess/picture to android & iPhone (Comming soon) users easily,fast and security,just register free and login with your handcent account,add buddy then Handcent talk today!

>Universal messaging that send classic SMS/MMS and Handcent Talk with contact in one converstaion

Arrow Link -


Lični utisak

Arrow Po meni bolja aplikacija od SMS GO, u suštini su slične mnogo, ali ova je po meni bolja.
Možete putem MMS - a da pošaljete veličinu fajla od 25mb, jer zaobilazi standarno ograničenje za veličinu fajla.
Probajte je, ništa vas ne košta.Ja sam prezadovoljan.Ima dosta tema dobrih.

  • Pridružio: 23 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 208
  • Gde živiš: U prestonicU, bre.. ;)

All-In-One Toolbox

Licenca: freeware

14 Features Optimizing Android System to Run at Optimum Speed!

All-In-One Toolbox provides comprehensive system optimizing techniques, including real-time memory info, one click memory quick boosting, task killer, cache cleaner, history cleaner, and SD file manager etc. It embraces all factors that matter to device performance, and helps to optimize your device to run at optimum speed.


Product features:

1. Memory status report (RAM, ROM, SD Card memory and CPU)
2. System information
3. One-click task killer
4. Cache cleaner
5. History cleaner(clipboard, browser, Market, Gmail search, Google Maps, Google Earth history)
6. Call log and messages cleaner
7. SD Card temporary file cleaner
8. App to SD Card
9. SD Card file manager
10.Batch installer
11.Batch uninstaller
12.Startup manager
13.Add app to startup
14.Homescreen widget



Lični utisak:

Dragi moji,želela bih da vam predstavim jednu odličnu aplikaciju,koje kako vidim ovde još uvek nema lao preporučene. Kako ja NE UMEM da odradim tehnički deo sa citatom sa marketa,linkom ka aplikaciji i svemu što se zahteva prilikom preporučivanja aplikacije,taj će deo naknadno obaviti moj dragi drug Philly.

Ovako,reč je o aplikaciji pod nazivom "All-In-One Tool Box".
Kako i sam naziv govori,to je aplikacija sa zaista dosta alata u sebi,kao što su quick boost,process killer,cash cleaner,history cleaner,calls and messages cleaner,SD card cleaner..i još dosta toga,kao i Moove 2 SD,koji se sreće kao zasebna aplikacija.
Radi savršeno i obavlja posao više različitih aplikacija..ja sam prezadovoljna!
Naravno,besplatna je!

Sledi Philly sa tehničkom podrškom,uživajte..

  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 373
  • Gde živiš: Sarajevo

Mantano Ebook Reader Lite

Licenca: freeware

Read, annotate to any EPUB or PDF ebook with the most powerful Android ebook reader compatible with the Adobe DRM.
This ebook reader provides unprecedented flexibility, speed and reading comfort. It is a robust and well supported ebook reader for eager readers, students and professionals: download thousands of ebooks from famous OPDS catalogs such as the Internet Archive or add your own OPDS catalogs, highlight and annotate excerpts, share quotes and annotations with friends, annotate contracts, lookup words in dictionaries...

Subscribe to Mantano Cloud (, requires a separate paid subscription) and:
- Switch between your phone and tablet and always find your books, annotations, notes, reading positions along with you
- Transform your books and documents into digital reading circles by sharing annotations and learn from others' experience.

Optimized for ICS, tablets and smartphones!

Free version supported by ads.

Main features:

Ebook Reader

- Advanced support of PDF including : Pan and Zoom, one column display with a double-click, word selection with a long press
- Support of Adobe DRM, including the management of ID and password protected files
- Read your PDFs at night with the Night mode for PDFs.
- Create textual notes attached to a page or to an highlight
- Browse the table of contents thanks to a familiar expandable tree structure
- Quickly access to your annotations, highlights and bookmarks.
- Search words in a dictionary to be chosen among a list (online dictionary)
Paid version only:
- Customize the display of ePub documents thanks to Themes: change the default font, line height, colors, etc. Create your custom themes and reuse them
- Quickly highlight many interesting excerpts on different pages thanks to the "Highlight" mode.


- Organize your books in collections
- Display your library according to different view modes: compact list, detailed list and thumbnail view
- Look at detailed book information (on a long press)
- Tag your books and manage your tags (when typing a tag name, auto-completion avoids redundant tags)
- Filter by collection, author, tags, publisher and formats
- Sort by title, author, date on which it was added, last access date
- Search a book by typing a part of its title, tags and author’s name
- Share books and annotations to your friends (need separated paid susbcription to Mantano Cloud)
Paid version only:
- Browse your internal memory and SD card thanks to the integrated File Explorer, to manually import books into your Library.

OPDS Catalogs Explorer

- Search for new books in several online catalogs
- Add your own OPDS catalogs
- Directly open a downloaded book in the ebook reader
- Filter by catalog and category
- Full-text book search

Supported platforms:

- Android 2.1 à 4.x Jelly Bean

Other ebook reader applications:
- Supporting Adobe DRM: Aldiko, Moon+ Reader, Kobo
- Not Supporting Adobe DRM: RepliGo, Laputa, Cool Reader, ezPDF.

Tags: Books, eBooks, Book Reader, eBook Reader, Library, Bookstore, share books.



Lični utisak: Sto se PDF-a tice probaj Mantano Reader Lite, *ebe sve zivo. Samo sto ovo sve trosi bateriju samo tako...jbg CPU kolje Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 15879
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Smart App Protector(app lock)


Opis: Citat:Protect your installed applications using a password or pattern!
✔ Smart App Protector will protect your installed applications using a password or pattern!
It can also prevent your screen from turning off, and prevent it from auto-rotating when selected apps are open!
1) All Features
· Protect installed apps using password or pattern
· Prevent the screen from turning off (when selected app is running)
· Prevent the screen from auto-rotating (when selected app is running)
2) Additional Features
· Supports pattern unlock
· Supports random password button
· Protection Delay (if you unlock an app, you will not be required to enter the password again until screen is turned off)
· Protection Delay+ (if you unlock an app, you will not be required to enter the password for ANY app again until screen is turned off)
· Lock screen settings (change the background image & more!)
· Restart the protector when it is forced closed (Helper needs to be installed)
· Set app protection time (for example: 09:00-18:00)
· Hide the app icon in home launcher
· Power saving mode (set CPU & RAM usage)
· Backup & Restore your list of protected apps
· Includes a homescreen widget!=

Licni utisak: Ukratko aplikacija koja omogucuje da prilikom pokretanja odredjene aplikacije morate uneti lozinku. Burazer uzme telefon i skida kojekakve igre sa Market-a a ne bi da skine nesto maliciozno, pa je to bio razlog zasto sam malo potrazio neku takvu aplikaciju.

  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 373
  • Gde živiš: Sarajevo

Notification Weather

Licenca: freeware

A stylish application which displays the current weather conditions and a 4 day forecast in the Android notification shade.

Options include:

Weather Provider
Manual or GPS location
Metric or imperial units
Update interval
Optional 4-day forecast

Pro version features:

Refresh button in notification (no need to open settings)
Progress bar in notification
No notification icon
Transparent notification icon
Swipe notification to dismiss
12/24 hour switch



Lični utisak: Mnogo mi se dopala aplikacija. Ne trosi mnogo bateriju kao druge Weather aplikacije, nije bloatware, ima tacno ono sto treba, jednostavna, i uklapa se u stock izgled Androida.
Samo za Android 4.1+ Ko ima prilike da "nabavi" Pro verziju jos bolje, ima 2-3 opcije bas korisne! Ziveli

  • u administraciji
  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 3468
  • Gde živiš: KRAGUJEVAC


Licenca - freeware

Citat:Keep your screen awake with Wakey Smile

Need to keep your screen awake for reading, testing your apps, or anything else?

Wakey will do it for you

Wakey is memory and battery friendly, it will keep the screen awake only when you need it, when you don't need it anymore just tap the bulb

Arrow Wakey -

Lični utisak

Mogu reći samo jedno.Odlična aplikacija, ako vas smara gašenje ekrana dok radite nešto, aktivirajte je.Prosta, mala, ko bombonica.I kotira se ocenom 5, čista 5-ca na Google Play.

  • Goran Stankovic
  • Java Developer
  • Pridružio: 01 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 5
  • Gde živiš: Nis

Najduza Rec

Licenca: freeware

Najduža Reč je aplikacija koja vam omogućava da od unetih slova dobijete najdužu moguću reč. Popularna je kod rešavanja igre Slagalica u Muzičkoj Slagalici.




  • oblak  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Glavni moderator foruma Mobilni telefoni
  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 6355


Licenca Freeware
Opis Fantastičan reader (google i RSS)
Google play link


GooglePlay Opis
Feedly - The Google Reader Magazine.

Feedly is a fast and stylish way to read and share the content of your favorite sites. It brings a fresh new experience to Google Reader.

Feedly aggregates content from RSS feeds, Youtube channels, Tumblr blogs and podcasts and organizes into a beautiful magazine-like experience.

Ja Mr. Green :
Fantastičan interfejs i brzina, jako dobar izbor feed-eva, preporuka ko voli da čita Smile

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