Licenca0,99$ na promociji inače je oko 3$ Opis Prelep vidžet za vremensku prognozu, sat, datum, toggles (uključ/isključ panel)
Google play link
QR Code
Prelepi skinovi (sami ih pravite), jako mali memory footprint, nema battery drain -a, svaka preporuka.
Opis:Citat:WiFi File Transfer lets you upload and download files to/from your phone or tablet over a wireless connection. Easy-to-use web interface, no USB cable needed.
Licni utisak: Odlicna aplikacija za one koji imaju WiFi u kuci. Jako je jednostavno, a ne treba vam USB kabal. Sam proram je jednostavan, dovoljno je kliknuti na Start pri cemu dobijete adresu koju unesete u browser. Dobijate FTP koji je jako jednostavan, a prebacivanje fajlova je jako brzo. Sve pohvale...
Opis: Citat: Floating Sticky Notes that stay on top of all other apps! Easily dock them to the left side to keep your screen real-estate at full potential. Useful for quick note taking. Closing a note will delete its text.
Massive thanks to Mark Wei for his StandOut Library.
- On top of all other apps (access from anywhere)
- Dock to the side & resize
- Copy/Paste/Share
- Smooth fun animations & colors
- Save the state of the stickies
- Simple & Clean look
- In constant development!
Lični utisak:
Floating Stickers je widget za beleške koji možete postaviti bilo gde na ekranu i on će stajati iznad svih aplikacija. Ovaj widget odlikuju jednostavnost korišćenja, manipulacija sa dva prsta, jedostavan izgled i dobre animacije.
Jedostavno kreirajte novu belešku, postavite je bilo gde po ekranu, sa dva prsta promenite veličinu, pomerajte po ekranu, dodajte još jednu druge boje, lepite, kopirajte, secite tekst…
Pored svih ovih mogućnosti, belešku možete zakačiti za ivicu ekrana kako vam ne bi smetala u nekom trenutku. Posle je samo prevucite nazad na ekran.
Pri prvom startovanju aplikacije dočekaće vas ekran sa uputstvom i odmah će biti kreirana jedna prazna beleška. U gornjem levom uglu te beleške se nalazi Plus pomoću kojeg dodajete još beleški. A u gornjem desnom uglu je Iks (X) pomoću kojeg zatvarate belešku. Takođe u zaglavlju widgeta je mala strelica koja otvara Menu sa opcijama Copy, Paste i Share.
Developer FD_ sa XDA foruma napravio je aplikaciju Fast File Transfer koja koristi WiFi tethering, za prebacivanje fajlova između dva uređaja sa brzinom i do 32Mb/s.
Citat: Up to 20x speed of bluetooth
The receiver is device-independent
No need for a common Wi-Fi connection
No data usage for file transfers
The receiver does not have to have the app installed
Send single or multiple files
Easy to setup:
Use QR codes to allow the receiver to easily connect to the wifi and open the receiving URL
Aplikacija neće raditi ako imate 2.2 sistem.Samo od 2.3 sistema pa na gore,aplikacija radi.
Isto tako, aplikacija ne radi na sledećim telefonima
Citat:Motorola Razr XT910 (Restarts phone; Problem in Motorola's Android implementation)
Motorola Razr XT890
HTC EVO 3D X515m
Some Galaxy Y devices
Opis: Citat:
A simple application that allows you to change the screen brightness.
Adjustable on screen control is top of all the windows.
You don't need brightness widgets any more.
Just install, setup and adjust brightness by touching screen.
Free version shows Ads in the Settings, Pro version does not show.
Ono što sam imao na S2 na Gigerbreadu, da prevlačenjem prsta preko status bara menjam osvetljenje ekrana, na ICS (stock 4.0.4) toga nema (izbačena opcija ). Ova aplikacija odlično odrađuje taj posao.
Vrlo sam zadovoljan. Povlačenjem prsta preko status bara lagano se povećava ili smanjuje osvetljenost ekrana.
Indeks teme je ažuriran. Pogledajte prvu poruku teme. Hvala Jimmy-ju na redovnom održavanju indeksa
imo messenger
Licenca: freeware
Opis: Citat:
Message and call your family and friends for free with imo messenger!
- Free high-quality voice calls
- Super fast and reliable messaging (much faster than SMS)
- Group messaging and photo sharing
- Discover new people and content tailored to your interests
- Voice IMs turn your Android into a walkie-talkie
- Multimedia attachments - audio, video, files
- Share your location with friends using Google Maps and Places
- Searchable chat history accessible on mobile and web
- Concurrent sessions on different devices
- Support for Facebook Chat, Google Talk, Skype, MSN, ICQ, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, Jabber, Hyves, VKontakte and Steam
"I’d say this is the best IM client on Android." - AppStorm
"If you have friends that use a variety of different IM services and you don’t want to have to switch between individual apps, imo will feel like a godsend." - PCWorld
“Android finally has a few good IM apps in the Market, but if you're looking for multi-protocol IM, it's hard to beat imo.” - Lifehacker
Opis: Citat:We like live statistics. Android does not show network connection statistics on screen. You do not know the current internet bandwidth used for upload and download.
This is a mini network monitor for your phone. It monitors the upload and download speed per second. It will always stay in the corner of your phone's screen. You can set the indicator to any corner of the screen, customize the color and transparency of the indicator. In this way, you can enjoy surfing internet, just like what you do in your PC!
Pro version support auto-hides when there is no traffic, hides monitor for specific apps, and it is ad-free. You can also disable the notification icon. Pro version is available at:
Lični utisak:
naletih na ovaj programčić, funkcija je praćenje protoka podataka putem diskretnog prikaza koji se može postaviti u nekoliko položaja... pro verzija ima par podešavanja više a jedno od njih je i uklanjanje ikonice programa iz statusbara
Opis: Citat:
Let's listen to music for free using PVSTAR+!
You can make and manage playlist for Youtube, DailyMotion videos and MV. Moreover, continuous playback, background playback, repeat playback are also supported.
The main features are as follows.
- Video search (YouTube, DailyMotion, NicoVideo)
- Voice search
- Search Youtube playlists
- Search Youtube channels
- Category Search
- Playlist playback
- Background playback
- Repeat playback
- Shuffle playback
- Mylist (up to 100)
- Wallpaper on Mylist
- Backup Mylist
- Video title and summary can edit
- Sleep Timer
- Popular video ranking
- Music mode
- #NowPlaying, timeline playback on Twitter
- Tweet video
- Video cache function
- Low quarity mode(for slow network)
- Automatically stopped when the earphone disconnected.
- Open in PVSTAR when you open the URL in other app.
- Import playlists from Youtube or NicoVideo.
- Viewing related videos
- Easy operation
- System also supports Android 4/3
[Very easy operation]
- Continuous playback of music ranking. Listen to popular songs at once!
- Video search by artist. Selected from the search results, continuous playback!
- If you make a mylist, your favorite album is completed! Even wallpaper can be set!
- As it is playing a YouTube playlist. Effort to create a mylist is not required!
- Playing in the background. You can listen while your work!
[Also active in this scene]
- Classification into a list of your favorite music videos, repeat playback.
- You can play in the background, while you are enjoy using your earphones.
- Also convenient to commuting time. Last Night your made mylist, it is usefull.
- Set the sleep timer before sleep, you can also play.
- Continuous playback in the playlist the video of the series.
- Also active in the drive. Please try to connect to the car audio.
Citat:Application can backup and restore: Contacts, SMSes, MMSes, Call logs, System settings, User dictionary, APNs, Calendar events, Bookmarks and browser history.
Backups are stored on SD card or in device memory, it is also possible to store data on Google Drive or Dropbox.
It is possible to schedule automatic backups. Application can automatically upload backups to Google Drive, Dropbox.
It is possible to copy data from one device to another by uploading and downloading backups to/from Google Drive, Dropbox, by moving SD card from one device to another or by copying BackpYourMobile folder between devices.
Important information:
1) In case of any problems after contacts restore please check Contacts Display options.
2) System settings should be restored on the same android version and the same device.
If you restore settings on different android version or different device, some settings will not be restored.
3) APNs visibility depends on mobile network, restored APNs from other mobile network will not be visible in settings.
Detailed functions.
Backup and restore of:
- Contact
- SMS (text message)
- MMS (multimedia message)
- Call log
- Bookmark (stock browser)
- Browser History (stock browser)
- System Setting
- User Dictionary
- APN (Access Point Name) restore don’t work on android 4.x
- Calendar events - events only, calendar must be created by android synchronization
Storage backups online (internet) to Google Drive or Dropbox
Fenomenalna app, od svih app koje sam koristio za Backup, ova je ajbolja do sada.Ovo je najnovija app iz ove kategorije, izbačena na tržište pre neki dan.