Poslao: 21 Jun 2013 22:10
- Conte7
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 477
1Mobile Market
Licenca: freeware
Download any apps and games without limitation
Follow our Facebook homepage, you will find the answer.
1Mobile Market is the best way to quickly find and download the best free Android apps and games for your unique, mobile life!
With the 1Mobile Market, you can :
- Download specific apps and games. Download the latest Angry Birds game, the official Facebook and Twitter mobile apps, and all the best, hot free apps and games direct from 1Mobile Market. Just run a quick and easy query in the 1Mobile Market search box on the top of the 1Mobile Market homescreen.
- Find the best free apps for you. You’re an individual. Why should your apps be anything but unique to you? Explore our vast collection of App Lists to find apps and games tailored to your life. We’ve got recommendations for every individual, whatever your background, personality, or lifestyle. Explore, download, and discover the perfect apps to build your mobile life!
- Discover new, interesting, useful, and fun apps and games. Browse categories and App Lists that interest you to find recommendations for the best free apps and games to enhance your work, social, leisure, and personal life.
Every app and game in the 1Mobile Market store is FREE.
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.o.....rch_result
Lični utisak:
Na ovom Marketu se mogu naci mnoge aplikacije kojih nema na Google Play-u. Takodje, sve one aplikacije koje su iz nekog razloga onemogucene na Play Store za nasu zemlju, nalazi se na 1Mobile Marketu. Postoji veliki broj programa koji su kategorisani u vise oblasti. Sve u svemu po mom misljenju ovaj Market je bolji od onog standardnog, redovno se azurira i svakim danom mi se cini sve boljim i boljim. Probajte, pa javite utiske.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 21 Jun 2013 22:21
- TwinHeadedEagle
- Anti Malware Fighter
Rank 2
- Pridružio: 09 Avg 2011
- Poruke: 15879
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Zar ovaj 1Mobile market ne sluzi samo kao redirekcija za Play Store? Koliko se ja secam sa njega se ne skida direktno aplikacija, vec te salje na Play Store sto ti dodje na isto...
Poslao: 21 Jun 2013 22:30
- Conte7
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 477
Imas i tu opciju, medjutim naravno da se moze skidati i direktno sa njega. Udjes u aplikaciju i kliknes na download.
Poslao: 22 Jun 2013 23:26
- Srki94
- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
- Poruke: 12403
Clueful Privacy Advisor
Opis :
Clueful for Android is a FREE product that shows you how installed apps use, and possibly abuse, your personal information and treat your PRIVACY.
You'd be surprised how many things an app can learn about you. Without you ever knowing it.
Clueful is like your own personal “Privacy Consultant” giving you detailed info as to what your installed apps are doing in the background without your knowledge. It checks your apps against Bitdefender’s constantly updated Cloud database, calculates your device’s “Privacy Score”, and then informs you as to which apps are sacrificing your privacy.
Did you know that apps can:
- Leak your phone number, e-mail address, contacts from address book to aggressive ad networks or third-parties
- Play audio ads while you’re on the phone
- Spam you in the notification bar, even if not accessed
- Send your password unencrypted over the Internet, a password that can be easily intercepted
- Upload your calendar
- Read your browsing history, which contains sensitive data
- Read and send SMS with or without your permission, thus incurring charges to your bill
- Intercept SMS
- Make phone calls with or without asking for your permission
- Monitor your phone calls
- Upload your device ID. (This unique ID can be used by developers, advertisers and analytics tools to track your location or behaviour across more than one app)
- Track your location and share it with third-parties
- Access your photos
…and many more. Really know you apps with Clueful!
Lično iskustvo :
Dakle aplikacija proverava sve instalirane aplikacije na telefonu i daje vam skor uz kategorisanje u tri grupe :
Visok rizik
Srednji rizik
Mali rizik
Podeljenim aplikacijama imate pristup i možete da ih obrišete iz aplikacije. Aplikacije se naravno grupišu po tome koliko su opasne po vašu privatnost.
Našao mi je par aplikacija koje su pokušale da proslede moj broj nekim levim sajtovima, sve pobrisao iz kritičnih ...
Uzevši u obzir da iza aplikacije stoji moćna i ozbiljna firma, totalno joj verujem
Poslao: 04 Jul 2013 01:57
- Srki94
- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
- Poruke: 12403
TV Show Favs
Licenca: Freeware, postoji premium , cena premium-a: 5$
Lični utisak:
Ukoliko volite da gledate TV serije kao ja onda je broj aktuelnih serija u trenutnom mesecu veliki. Teško je nekada stići sve pregledati i neretko zaboravimo šta se izdešavalo ili do koje smo epizode stigli nakon duže pauze. My Show Fav je fenomenalna aplikacija koja će stati na put ovim mukama. Uz fenomenalni interfejs i mnoštvo informacija čak i u free verziji, aplikacija dozvoljava sve od pregleda epizode, markiranja odgledanih epizoda, praćenja vremena i kanala emitovanja do višeg nivoa organizacije.
Ja iskreno nisam bolju aplikaciju za ovu svrhu (zapravo i nema ih mnogo, jedno vreme sam hteo da napišem za Windows aplikaciju za moje potrebe ) Za upotrebu je potreban akaunt koji sinhronizuje sve vaše serije sa drugim uređajima pa uvek imate pristup informacijama.
Interfejs je lagan i organizovan pa neće biti problema pri navigaciji ili upotrebi.
Jedina zamerka je dodavanje serija za prvi put, klikne se gore na lupu u glavnom interfejsu pa potom na zvezdicu pored imena serije.
TV Show Favs is your personal TV tracker! TV Show Favs allows you to keep track of more than 25,000 TV shows. Can't remember which episode you watched last or when the next episode of one of your favorite TV shows airs? Let TV Show Favs help you out!
TV Show Favs allows you to maintain a list of your favorite TV shows, as well as tag any TV show or episode with whatever tag you come up with! Create robust lists to help separate the shows you watch and make it easier to track them. Check out your schedule to see which shows have upcoming episodes, or see which shows had recent episodes you might have missed. Mark which episodes you have watched so you can keep track of the episodes you haven't. Use the to do list to see what your progress is for each show, and to easily see which episodes you need to watch. Check out the top favs among all users of TV Show Favs and even filter by date range, show status, classification and genre! Use the customizable home screen widget to see your next episode for your shows or upcoming or recent episodes at a glance, and even jump to the episode, show, or mark the episode as watched right from the widget!
Poslao: 14 Jul 2013 22:33
- Fil
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
- Poruke: 16586
Fora Dictionary
Licenca: freeware
Multilingual offline dictionary application.
• Suggestions
• Installable packages (WordNet, FOLDOC, Factbook, Moby)
• Support for StarDict, XDXF, DSL, DICTD and Plain (TSV) dictionary formats
• Wikipedia (with suggestions and random)
• Wildcard search
• Full-text search
• Fuzzy search
• DICT protocol
• Profiles (grouping)
• Reader mode
• History and navigation
• Word list with notes
• Clipboard activation
• Text-to-Speech/TTS
• Voice-search/dictation
• Customization
• Find in page
• Export
• Email/SMS
• Query API
• Tablet friendly
• Portable, all-in-SD configuration
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ngc.fora&hl=en
Lični utisak:
Preporučujem da probate ovaj ultragenijalni višejezični rečnik. Zaista dobro parče softvera. Za njega sam saznao preko Cool Readera (takođe predstavljen u temi), jer je on odlično integrisan sa njim. Znači kada čitam knjigu unutar Cool readera, kada zapnem na nekoj reči, tapnem na jednu od zona koje sam definisao i time se pokreće Fora Dictionary. Zaista zgodna stvar kada čitate, da ne morate menjati na Task Switcheru non stop između čitanja i rečnika, samo tap i Fora je tu.
Od featuresa koje bih želeo da pomenem tu su:
- offline dictionary, sa sve izgovorom.
- višejezičan, ja ga koristim u englesko-engleskoj varijanti, mada ima i croatian i deutsch i sl.
- prilagodljiv - birajte koje boje želite da koristite i zapamtite to kao profil
- ako je u opisu nepoznata neka reč, tapnite na nju i u mini prozoru se otvara objašnjenje
- odlično se integriše sa Cool Readerom
- podržava eksport rezultata
- instalirajte i otkrijte ostale featurese
Poslao: 20 Jul 2013 21:09
- Pridružio: 22 Avg 2012
- Poruke: 109
Ima li neko da mi preporuci neki dobar program za snimanje razgovora,po mogucstvu, u mp3 formatu?
Poslao: 07 Avg 2013 22:35
- Srki94
- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
- Poruke: 12403
Smart Launcher
Licenca: free, postoji pro verzija sa obogaćenim mogućnostima
Smart Launcher is an innovative launcher, minimalist design, low resource and user-friendly interface which allows you to launch any application in a few keys.
It's currently the only launcher of Play Store, which has a function of automatic sorting and cataloging of installed applications!
PRO version has a secondary screen where you can place widgets. There are also more transitions and colors to customize the home screen. By purchasing, you will contribute to the development of Smart Launcher and it will give you new features and updates.
Minimalist doesn't mean under-features!
- Main screen with Quick Start
- Drawer organized by categories
- Ready to use without special configurations.
- Live Wallpaper Support
- It supports every screen and device (Google TV too!!)
- Widget support (PRO version only)
- Support of set of icons for ADW Launcher, Apex Launcher, Nova Launcher and Launcher Pro.
- Possibility to change a single icon in the drawer.
- You can hide every app you want by long pressing an app, then select menu → Hide.
- Quick search.
- Dozens and dozens of global themes, which will allow you to change all elements of the interface.
- Easy access to apps info.
- Designed to be used comfortably also in landscape mode.
- Option to hide the statusbar.
Lični utisak:
Tražio sam launcher aplikaciju jer me je smorio ovaj koji dolazi uz JB. Probao sam Nova, međutim nekako je menjao previše sve i nisam imao opcije koje sam želeo. Odlučim da dam šansu ovom launcheru i BUM! Ispade da ima sve što mi treba. Najviše me je privukla organizacija drawera koja bez ikakavih podešavanja odlično prepoznaje kategorije i aplikacije, lepo je sve sređeno. Zatim brzina kojom se drawer otvara, čak brže nego na stock launcheru. Minimalistični pristup home screena je odličan plus, izmenjiv je takođe.
Mana je donekle to što nemam Widgete bez pro verzije međutim poprilično mi se sviđa ovaj launcher.
Dajte mu šansu
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