Citat:Viral is an innovative video player that has many features which are missing from the standard YouTube app.
For those of you who like to multi-task, it allows you to pop-out and float your videos above any other app, so you can watch a video and send text messages, emails or just browse the Internet. If your device is powerful enough, you can even view multiple floating videos!
You can also choose to visualize your videos in fullscreen mode or minimize the playing video to the notification tray so you can listen to the audio in the background – great for listening music or podcasts from YouTube while you're on the run!
This app has the following features to give you the best seamless and intuitive experience:
Lični utisak:
Nemam vremena sada da pišem opis. Svakako, aplikacija je izvanredna i ono što pruža je mnogo korisno. Što se mene tiče, ide među must have aplikacije.
Mislio sam da je ovo već predstavljeno, no, budući da nije vredi pomenuti ovaj terminal:
Android Terminal Emulator
Licenca: free
Citat:Access your Android's built-in Linux command line shell. Unleash your inner geek!
You need to know (or be willing to learn) how to use Linux command line to use this app.
You may want to install a set of command line utilities like "Busy Box" in order to add commands beyond the commands that come built into your Android device.
Android Terminal Emulator is an open source project.
Koristim je već neko vreme i ima je smisla koristiti naročito ako se rootuje telefon.
Tema koja je od koristi je ova:
Dopunjavaću je kako me put tuda nanese, a naravno, ko voli da eksperimentiše, slobodno neka se raspiše