Opis: Citat:
Smart Notebooks - Save, Share and Act on what's important to you
Springpad’s smart notebooks make it easy to save, share, and get things done. Use it for yourself, collaborate with others, or create public notebooks to share.
Use it for yourself:
- Save your ideas, notes and tasks, then access them from all your devices.
- Clip recipes and access the ingredients while you’re grocery shopping.
- Collect products you want and receive alerts for when they go on sale.
- Springpad makes it easy to save - snap photos, record audio notes, scan barcodes, save via GPS, and much more...
Collaborate with others:
- Family - Save movies you want to see on date night in a notebook with your spouse.
- Friends - Invite your book club to a notebook to share ideas for next month’s read.
- Co-workers - Collect industry articles or important resources in a notebook with your team at work.
- Receive updates when others comment on the things you save.
Create public notebooks to share:
- Share your collection of the best vegan dessert recipes.
- Make a notebook of recommendations for the best restaurants in your city.
- Build a catalogue of the must-read articles for your industry.
- You can also explore and follow notebooks from other users in the Springpad community.
Whatever you’re saving, Springpad enhances your items with reviews, showtimes, maps, price comparisons, and more! Plus, your data syncs instantly, so you can access it any time on your phone, tablet, and on the web at Springpad.com.
Also available on the web:
- Everything you save is automatically synced to the web and available at Springpad.com.
- Install the Springpad web clipper or browser extension to easily save bookmarks, recipes, products or anything else while you browse the web
Lični utisak: Odlicna aplikacija za hvatanje belezaka. Ima i funkcionalan widget koji na lak nacin omogucava pregled zapisanih belezaka, kreiranje istih i drugo. Uz svaku poruku se moze zakaciti Attachment u vidu dodatne poruke, slike ili audio zapisa.
Opis: Citat:TV vodič, 280 TV postaja u Hrvatskoj, regiji + satelitski
TV guide (Croatian)
TV vodič, podržava oko 280 TV postaja u Hrvatskoj i široj regiji te popularne satelitske programe.
Hrvatska lokalizacija, podsjetnici, pregled trenutnih emisija, pregled po kanalu, pretraživanje, home screen widget, veza na IMDB, preporuka emisija na facebooku.
Ukoliko imate pitanje, pohvalu, pokudu, želite prijaviti problem ili imate prijedlog za novi feature, kontaktirajte nas na TVDroid facebook stranici ili na email.
TV guide, Croatian locale
Lični utisak:
Iako je aplikacija djelo hrvatskog autora, dobro pokriva sve važnije TV stanice iz Srbije i RS (BiH), sportske kanale, ali i sve važnije TV stanice koje su u ponudi IPTV operatera, kablovskih operatera, Total-a... odmah se napravi izbor željenih TV stanica tako da se ostale koje nas ne interesuju i ne prikazuju, kasnije je moguće napraviti i odgovarajući redoslijed, moguće je dodavati ili izbacivati kanale po potrebi, aktivirati podsjetnik na odgovarajuću emisiju....
Opis: Citat:
- multiple torrent downloading, queuing
- search for torrents
- Wifi only mode, Wifi or WiMAX mode
- able to limit Upload/Download speed
- web browser integration
- magnet link support
- trackerless torrent (DHT) support
- RSS support(automatically download torrents published in feeds)
- UPnP and NAT-PMP support
- IP filtering support
- proxy support(SOCKS, HTTP)
- encryption
- Local Peer Discovery
- creating torrents
The Lite version is ad supported, and the maximum download speed is 250kB/s.
The Pro version has no ads, and no download limit. 3D Magic Kft is the official publisher of the Pro version.
WhatsApp LicencaFreeware Play storeLink Slide MeLink QRCode
Opis Citat:Get WhatsApp Messenger and say goodbye to SMS!
WhatsApp Messenger is a smartphone messenger available for Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Phone and Nokia phones. WhatsApp uses your 3G or WiFi (when available) to message with friends and family. Switch from SMS to WhatsApp to send and receive messages, pictures, audio notes, and video messages. First year FREE! ($0.99/year after)
★ NO HIDDEN COST: Once you and your friends download the application, you can use it to chat as much as you want. Send a million messages a day to your friends for free! WhatsApp uses your Internet connection: 3G/EDGE or Wi-Fi when available.
★ MULTIMEDIA: Send Video, Images, and Voice notes to your friends and contacts.
★ GROUP CHAT: Enjoy group conversations with your contacts.
★ NO INTERNATIONAL CHARGES: Just like there is no added cost to send an international email, there is no cost to send WhatsApp messages internationally. Chat with your friends all over the world as long as they have WhatsApp Messenger installed and avoid those pesky international SMS costs.
★ SAY NO TO PINS AND USERNAMES: Why even bother having to remember yet another PIN or username? WhatsApp works with your phone number, just like SMS would, and integrates flawlessly with your existing phone address book.
★ NO NEED TO LOG IN/OUT: No more confusion about getting logged off from another computer or device. With push notifications WhatsApp is ALWAYS ON and ALWAYS CONNECTED.
★ NO NEED TO ADD BUDDIES: Your Address Book is used to automatically connect you with your contacts. Your contacts who already have WhatsApp Messenger will be automatically displayed.
★ OFFLINE MESSAGES: Even if you miss your push notifications or turn off your phone, WhatsApp will save your messages offline until you retrieve them during the next application use.
★ AND MUCH MORE: Share location, Exchange contacts, Custom wallpaper, Custom notification sounds, Landscape mode, Precise message time stamps, Email chat history, Broadcast messages and MMS to many contacts at once and much much more!
Lični utisak
Brzina kojom stižu poruke je za par sekundi sporija od SMS poruka (nekada je trenutna, zavisi od mreže na koju ste zakačeni), mogućnost slanja fajlova takođe je odlična stvar nema potrebe za MMS-om ili mailom. Aplikacija dobro radi i u dosadašnjem korišćenju nisam imao nikakvih problema sa njom, naravno ograničenje je da i primalac mora imati instaliranu aplikaciju na svom uređaju što i nije neki problem jer whats app podržava sve mobine platforme (novijeg datuma) Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Windows Phone i Nokia telefone.
Ko voli da "priča" putem poruka ova aplikacija je pravi izbor jer je količina skinutih i poslatih podataka (bez fajlova naravno) je zanemarljivo mala (3g mreža) i totalno besplatna ako koristite bežični internet.
Ono što ne valja
Nema mogućnosti da se izloguete, nema mogućnost da isključite aplikaciju, prilično je "teška" za bateriju telefona (radi u pozadini čak četiri servisa) postoji način da se to sve to isključi ali prosečnom korisniku je izuzetno komplikovano.
Opis: Citat:
If you're trying to get work done on your computer, your phone can be a big distraction.
--> The more you glance at it to see whether you have any new messages or any missed calls, the less you get done.
Android Notifier to the rescue: This mobile-desktop app combination lets you stay focused on your computer without missing important notifications from your Android phone.
To use it, you :
a) install the mobile component on your phone
b) put the desktop version on your Mac, Linux, or Windows PC.
Opis: Citat:Operator Widget and Device Info & Status Bar Logo
WARNING: with galaxy S3 not rooted signal strenght doesn't update, refer to Samsung it's his own bug!!
Phono, phono the widget operator, signal strength, provider logo on status bart, operators logo, device infos, roaming infos
Use LOGO HELPER in menu for to set the right logo!
On Samsung Galaxy S2 and recent Samsung devices there is an issue that prevents Phono to shows the signal strenght correctly.
All others devices (new Nexus S included) hasn't problem
On some cdma net the roaming notifications has some problem.
Device infos & Operator widget
-Operator logo on status bar
-Real time signal strength
-Roaming warning
-Connection status
-Settings shortcuts
Refer to the home for bug & supported operators
Shortcuts settings
From this release we introduced the settings shortcut for devices with Android > 1.6, this function is available again in beta, so please tolerate possible issue.
IMPORTANT if you'll get problems:
Open Phono activity before install the widget
Remove previsious release widget from home screen
Widget update on signal change
Keyword: Antenna, widget, operator logo, status bar, operator name widget
Lični utisak:
Na android telefonima po default-u nije baš čest slučaj da se vidi naziv ili logo operatera, oni kojima to ne dostaje mogu pogledati ovu zgodnu stvarčicu...
Pored konfigurabilnih widget-a klikom na njih dobijaju se opširni podaci, widget-i imaju zadovoljavajući broj podešavanja kako informacija tako i izgleda...
...mada sam se ja za sad zadovoljio samo sa logom operatera u status baru
Opis: Citat:
Православни календар обједињује:
- Црквени календар, у периоду од 2010. до 2015. године,
са дневним приказом датума по грегоријанском и јулијанском календару, месечеве мене и врсте поста. Омогућена су три приказа календара: текстуални, иконе светаца и сликовит приказ поста. Доступан је приказ датума почетка и краја свих постова године из календара.
- Празнике и крсне славе. Сваки празник и крсна слава, осим датума садрже и икону као и биографију свеца.
- Молитвеник, са више од педесет молитви.
- Израчунавање датума Васкрса, као и католичког Ускрса, једноставним уносом године.
Црквени календар аутоматски прилагођава покретне празнике и постове за сваку годину према Васкрсу као и месечеве мене. У првој верзији омогућен је приказ црквеног календара у периоду од 2010. до 2015. године.
Citat:Potrebna adfree verzija, suludo je da pored slika svetaca ili tekstova molitvi prolaze reklame. Integrišite opciju/link sa brojem računa na koji može da se uplati donacija, posle čega bi mogla da se download-uje verzija bez reklama. Odličan program!
- Srednji/kupovni/prodajni kursevi.
- Informacije o kursu za bilo koji dan počev od 15 maja 2002. godine.
- Konvertor valuta.
- Grafici promene kursa za proteklih mesec dana.
- Indikativni kurs EUR i USD.
- Homescreen widget.
Meni je korisna aplikacija kursna lista .to bi predlozio svima ko radi sa novcima kao sto je pijaca.svaki dan je potrebno azurirati i bas precizno odredjuje kurs svake valute.
Da dodam i ja nesto:
pored Dolphin Browsera - postoji i Mini varijanta. Meni sljaka solidno i treba probati i HD i Mini pa je tako najbolje izabrati.
Ali, koristim Dolphin i nista drugo za sada.
Inace, postoje jos aplikacija tipe predstavljenog crkveni kalendara. Ja sam skinuo tri i sve sljakaju dobro na svoj nacin i svaka ima nesto posebno.
Nisam nikad znao kako da skinem kompom mp3 pesmu.skoro sam ustanovio da je lakse skinuti mp3 fonom nego kompom .korisna aplikacija je po meni na prvom mestu easy mp3 downloader. Ranije dok nisam apdejtovao mislim da mi je radila bolje nego sad.mada nije jos to sve usavrseno i da moze da se skida bas svaka pesma koja se upise ili izvodjac.jedna stvar sto sam primetio moraju da se tacno upisuju nazivi i to velikim slovima.druga stvar je da nece dati predloge kao u google ili you tube vise predloga ako je neispravan naziv.dobra stvar sto kad se potrefi neka pesma onda moze da se skida u razlicitim velicinama i kvalitetima kompresije zvuka.od kvalitetniijeg do losijeg.