Android aplikacija dana


Android aplikacija dana

  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

Spojio sam ti poruke.

--> Ako nisi u mogucnosti da predstavis aplikaciju, po unapred definisanom sablonu ("kako Bog zapoveda"), ostavi ime aplikacije i link ka google play. Ostalo cu ja dopuniti i tekst koji iskucas kao komentar aplikacije staviti pod "licno misljenje" sekciju.


Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • wlade
  • ekonomicnost
  • Pridružio: 13 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 46
  • Gde živiš: odzaci


Licenca: freeware

NQ Mobile Vault is a privacy protection app that creates an encrypted and password-protected space on your Android device where you can safely store private contacts, SMS message, call logs, photos, and videos.

Download NOW and get immediate protection.


--Hide pictures, videos, text messages and call history--
-Create a private and encrypted space within your device to hide selected pictures, videos, text messages (up to 100 in free version/unlimited in premium version) and call history. You can view this content privately anytime from within NQ Mobile Vault by entering your password.

--Hide contacts--
--Create or select specific contacts from your address book and make them invisible. Phone calls and text messages from these contacts will no longer appear in your phone's native SMS folder or call logs.

--Private SMS Messages--
--Send and receive text messages from your selected specific contacts within NQ Mobile Vault. Choose to be notified of new coming texts or turn off notifications to hide the specific contacts completely.

--Stealth Mode (Premium)--
--Choose to hide NQ Mobile Vault folder from your home screen and application folder. You can access NQ Mobile Vault by entering your password from within the phone dialer.

--Break-In Monitor (Premium)--
--Photograph anyone who enters the wrong password. This feature requires an Android 2.3 (or higher) device with a front-facing camera.

NQ Mobile Vault is available FREE on Google Play. For advanced features, including unlimited text message storage, stealth mode and break in monitoring, users can upgrade to the premium version for $1.99 USD per month.



Lični utisak:

Jos jedna pametna besplatna aplikacija je VAULT . Neko je pametno prokomentarisao da dobro dodje da mu zena ne vidi svakakvu golotinju.. .;-)

Ovde mogu, pomocu vaulta, da se sakriju sve slike, video i SMS. Mislim da moze i imenik nisam jos potpuno istrazio. Sve je pod shifrom postoji i ta opcija da moze i sama aplikacija od sebe da se sakrije i sa liste programa.

Pise lepo uputstvo kako se to radi kad se skine app. Jedina stvar sad sto sam primetio je da od kako sam apdejtovao moj xperia mini fon aplikacija mi se takodje apdejtovala i posle mi se poremetio format na ekranu od 3". Kad ukucam sifru malo teze mogu da potrdim za ulazak jer je jedva linija prostora na ekranu da se dodirne.mislim da ce to popraviti a na vecim ekranima mislim da sljaka bez problema bez obzira na sve.

Hvala, Philosopher. U sred sam banatske nedodjije. Izvinjavam se sto pisem fonom i ne po paravilu. Al' tema je tako dobra i neiscrpna da ne mogu da odolim. Jos malo pa se vracam u backu civilizaciju, pa cu nastaviti kompom.

  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586


Licenca: freeware

Have you ever been away from home or the office and realized you need a file that is on your computer? SugarSync puts ALL of your data from all of your computers right at your fingertips…anytime, anywhere from your Android device. With SugarSync, you get free cloud backup that you can use to sync files, share folders, and access your data directly from your Android device. If you like Dropbox, iCloud, or Carbonite, you’ll love SugarSync.

But don’t just take our word for it. Experts agree that SugarSync is the leader online backup, mobile sync, and file sharing. Here’s what a few industry experts have said:

SugarSync "is by far the best solution I have tested to replicating and synchronizing your files across multiple computers. It really works." – Walt Mossberg, Wall Street Journal



Lični utisak:

Odlicna alternativa Dropbox-u. Try it.

  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

DW Contacts & Phone

Licenca: freeware ------> // ima i komercijalna verzija

dialer, phone, contacts, groups, sms, mms, email, organization, ringtone, call filter

DW Contacts & Phone
Is a powerful (MUST HAVE) replacement for your stock dialer, contacts and phone management application

+ multi-language support
+ most functions are accessible by using the *LONG PRESS* (tap and hold) on any item or use *MENU* key
+ very flexible to configure the design of every view (sort order, fonts size, color, transparency)
+ quick-jump function, show a window, where you can click the first letter of your contact and quickly jump/scroll to it
+ configurable contact view, how it should show the list (*show contacts as* / *sort order* for last name, first name, nick name, ...)
+ support for all account types (local, Google, ms exchange, ...)
+ tab bars: hide & sortable, include gesture switching to different views (phone, history, favorites, contacts, search, groups, organization, titles, events, toolbox)
+ full management for your contacts (create, add, change, delete, copy contacts, copy to another account, groups, organization, titles in single- and multi select mode)
+ batch mode for mass delivery with SMS, MMS, emails on single- and multi selection (contacts, groups, organizations, titles)
+ search contacts by any attribute (name, nick name, phone number, organization, notes, address, email, relationships, websites, birthday, ...) + voice search
+ support for layered groups, sub-groups (sub-group via Business.VIP = Business -> VIP)
+ set ringtones on single- and multi select (contacts, groups, organizations, titles)
+ contact event notification and contact event management (birthday, anniversary) + support for lunar calendar format
+ easy sending event greetings to your contacts
+ create shortcut to home on any contact item or on any tab via toolbox (phone, dialer, contacts, favorites, groups, organizations, titles, ...)
+ extended incoming call view (background service: show organization, group, notes, group picture)
+ share contacts (text,vcard) via SMS, email, ...
+ call filter (blocking incoming calls on free definable date- and time zones)
+ display call history with summary for single- or multi-select contacts, groups, organization, titles, ...
+ dialer(phone) with T9-search - has many options to make it exactly to your wishes
-> dialer and dialpad scalable and adjustable in size, background, color, font size can be changed
-> full T9-search on all contacts fields and configurable
-> icons for contact picture, dial, SMS, email
-> quick dial manager (long press 0-9)
-> quick dial last number
-> display call history on dialer
-> edit number before dialing
-> voice dialer



Lični utisak: odlicna zamena za stock aplikaciju. Svakako preporucujem da se isproba Smile

  • oblak  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Glavni moderator foruma Mobilni telefoni
  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 6355


Licenca freeware
Play store Link

Citat:DiskUsage provides a way to find files and directories on storage card which consume a lot of space.

Displays diagram with directories/subdirectories proportional to their size.

Press MENU for actions.

Integrates with OI FileManager and Astro.

If program fails or gives you out of memory error message - please contact me. Thanks.

Source available under free license (GPL-2)

Keywords: visual space on internal storage flash sdcard memory file directory folder sd xdu xdiskusage spacemonger windirstat baobab storage space cleaner



Lični utisak

Odličan pregled veličine fajlova i prostora koji oni zauzimaju, jako dobra aplikacija za čišćenje nepotrebnih fajlova koji zauzimaju prostor.
Vizuelno jako lepo izgleda i jedna je od retkih aplikacija koja koristi ICS holo temu.
Nema nikakve servise i sumnjiva ovlašćenja.

  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

No Lock

Licenca: freeware

Tired of the lock screen?
Use your phone as quickly as possible, with No Lock!

Tired of the lock screen?
If you want to use your phone as quickly as possible, this app is for you.

It simply disables the lock screen. Press the unlock/menu button just once and the screen turns on immediately.

Especially useful for the Nexus One if you don't like to have to 'slide' to unlock.

On certain phones, this app doesn't work - I am very sorry about that but there is nothing I can do!



Lični utisak: Znaci, kada sam tek uzeo S2, vrlo iritantan mi je bio lock screen i prevlacenje istog da bih mogao da koristim telefon. Za ovom aplikacijom, cim ukljucim display, uredjaj je odmah funkcionala. 5+ za aplikaciju.

  • Strog  Male
  • Stručni saradnik
    Web programiranje
  • Bojan Kopanja
  • Web & Mobile developer @ ZeusSoftware
  • Pridružio: 26 Jul 2003
  • Poruke: 2597
  • Gde živiš: Stara Pazova


Licenca: freeware

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you just couldn't grab a cab? Have you ever been in that position where you needed a taxi vehicle so badly but you couldn't reach it?

Imperio Inc. proudly presents Taksiko - easy, fast and secure way to get your cab. Taksiko is an application made for smart phone users who want to get cab through their devices in the best possible way. Its interface allows quick user geo-location and vehicle requesting with a single tap. After the request is made, users will receive push notification with the pickup time and vehicle number.

Link: Google Play



Lični utisak:
Brzo i jednostavno pozivanje taksija na teritoriji Beograda, drugi gradovi u procesu Wink. Sve u svemu, ako vam treba taksi i ako ne zelite da cekate na liniji da vam se javi operater, ili jednostavno ne znate broj telefona ni jedne taksi kompanije, ovo je odlicna aplikacija da za manje od minuta narucite sebi taksi Smile.

  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 15879
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Parking Manijak

Licenca: freeware



Citat:Aplikacija za plaćanje parkinga SMS-om u Srbiji. Jednostavan i brz korisnički interfejs, slanje SMS-a u jednom koraku. Automatski detektuje poziciju upotrebom mobilne mreže, i postavlja trenutni grad.

Podržava gotovo sva mesta u Srbiji, korisnik može i sam dodati definicije za slanje SMS-a, za bilo koji grad.

Ne upotrebljava GPS već koristi mobilnu mrežu (cell) za lociranje trenutnog mesta za koje se plaća parking.

Lični utisak: Ko će popamtiti one brojeve i kucanje, ovako u 2 koraka Ziveli

  • u administraciji
  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 3468
  • Gde živiš: KRAGUJEVAC

Slices for Twitter

Licenca - Freeware


Citat:✪ Finding Follows – Slices is the only Twitter app with Explore. Explore is a directory of all of Twitter. With 21 browsable, searchable categories, finding people and lists to follow is astonishingly easy and fun.

✪ Live Events – Only Slices has Live Event streams, finally making it easy to follow live events on Twitter. Each stream displays a feed of tweets from the “right” people for today’s events, like sports, TV shows, and other happenings.

✪ Timeline Slicer – Another exclusive feature, the Timeline Slicer helps you organize your timeline into “Slices”. These are mini-feeds that you define, letting you read what you want, when you want it.

✪ Bookmarks – Anyone who browses the web is familiar with the Bookmark concept. But Slices is the first Twitter app with bookmarks. Just like on a web browser, you can bookmark favorite Twitter accounts or lists for easy access.

✪ Mobile-to-Web – Slices lives on your Android phone AND the Slices website. All your actions are automatically synchronized. No struggle to find where you left off, or notifications of messages/mentions that you have already seen.

Slices also sports a comprehensive list of features, as you’d expect from a top-of-the-line Twitter client. A few highlights:

• Unlimited # of Twitter accounts
• Post to Facebook
• Search Party – Enhanced search of your own timeline, individual accounts, mentions, private messages and more.
• SmartLists - Twitter lists with lots power user capabilities
• Zip It - Hide unwanted tweets without unfollowing
• Smart Filters - Filter your timeline with one tap to show only tweets with photos or videos



Arrow Slices for Twitter je nova Android aplikacija koja donosi potpuno novo iskustvo kada je u pitanju Twitter. Kod ove aplikacije akcenat je stavljen na sadržaj, njegovo organizovanje, prilagođavanje vašim potrebama i ukusima, kao i na samo pronalaženje zanimljivih ljudi i tema. Kreatore ove aplikacije ste već upoznali korišćenjem aplikacija kao što su TweetCaster i FriendCaster.

Arrow Slices omogućava pretraživanje kategorizovanog sadržaja tako da u samo par poteza možete doći do informacija koje vas zanimaju. Jednostavno se dolazi do najnovijih vesti iz oblasti koju vi odaberete, a pri samom odabiru imate nekoliko opcija za sortiranje. Ono što je još interesantno jeste opcija praćenja važnih događaja koji se odvijaju u svetu. Aplikacija sama pronalazi trendove vezane za događaje i omogućuje vam da pratite tvitove.

Arrow Ima mogućnost kreiranja bookmarks-a. Svaki twitter profil možete jednostavno markirati i staviti ga među odabrane tako da im uvek možete brzo pristupiti.

Arrow Slices takođe nudi i mnoge druge opcije kao što su neograničeni broj naloga, postovanje na Facebook, Search Party, Smart Lists i Smart Filters. Takođe postoji i opcija Zip It koja vam omogućava da blokirate određenu vrstu sadržaja bez da otpratite neku osobu.

  • u administraciji
  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 3468
  • Gde živiš: KRAGUJEVAC

Elixir 2

elixir 2-link



- open system screens from one place
- displays information about battery, internal/external storage, cpu, memory, telephony, wifi, bluetooth, location, display, airplane mode, synchronization, audio, camera, camcorder, input devices, build, operating system, settings, configuration, clipboard, environment variables, features, java system properties, shared libraries
- change settings (brightness, screen timeout, ...), do actions (mount/unmount sd, clear cache, start bluetooth discovery, view location, ...), turn things on/off (apn, wifi, bluetooth, auto-brightness, rotation, ...) on information screen
- displays installed applications: code, data and cache size, network traffic; launch, uninstall, clear cache, move to sd, organize applications by labels, batch mode
- displays running and recent processes / services / tasks: pid, cpu usage, memory usage, total cpu, network traffic, view logs of a process, kill background processes, batch mode
- displays output of the top linux command
- shortcuts to widgets, application labels or Elixir screens
- statusbar icon can display memory/battery/cpu/internal storage via circle/bar/percent/elixir/transparent icons
- can handle profiles: turn toggles, change settings, launch applications by one click
- displays sensor information, turn sensors on/off, microphone
- generating and sending reports
- view online documentation from the app
- displays logcat/dmesg logs, save/share logs

- multiple widget sizes, each can be disabled
- small widget icons, up to 7*7 icons per screen.
- open widget from shortcuts, put to the notification area or to the home screen.
- widget performance screen
- customize widget icons by icon packs
- various widget backgrounds, custom color, custom background image, changeable transparency
- different icon sizes
- change label position/color/size, hide labels
- backup/restore widget definitions
- change image, label, refresh rate of widget types

Widget icon types:
- application launcher
- recent application (dynamic)
- contact
- shortcut: bookmark, contact, setting, ...
- battery
- battery current
- battery time
- battery temperature
- internal storage
- external storage
- cpu usage
- cpu frequency
- cpu usage * frequency
- memory
- running/recent applications/processes count
- e-mail unread count: gmail or any imap server
- missed calls count
- messages unread count
- bookmarks, history
- time
- uptime
- date
- next alarm
- mobile signal strength
- mobile traffic
- wifi signal strength
- wifi traffic

Widget toggles:
- profile
- mobile data
- mobile network toggle (2G/3G/4G) - opens settings
- apn
- apn selector
- data roaming
- wimax (4g)
- wifi
- wifi ap (hotspot)
- usb tethering
- bluetooth (2 or 3 state)
- gps
- airplane mode
- auto-brightness
- brightness (can set levels)
- auto-rotate
- lock
- screen timeout (can set levels, keep screen on)
- screen off
- screen filter
- wallpaper
- auto-sync
- sync all
- background data
- speakerphone
- ringer mode
- vibrate
- haptic feedback
- ringtone
- sd mount
- sd refresh
- usb mass storage
- flash (needs TeslaLED Flashlight)
- volume
- mute
- clear cache
- reboot (for rooted devices, normal/recovery/bootloader/shutdown)
- usb debugging
- stay awake (with wake lock)
- refresh widget
- locale

* shortcut: bookmark, contact, setting, ...

Languages: english, magyar, русский, deutsch, ελληνικά, polski, française, español

- separate ring and notification volumes

:arrow:Informacije o procesoru, memoriji, eksternoj kartici, ram memoriji, signalu mobilne mreže, WiFi mreže, menjanje osvetljenja, nivoa zvuka, uključivanje/isključivanje raznih opcija i još mnogo toga. Masivan broj infromacija i mogućnosti dolazi u jednoj aplikaciji. Elixir 2 IMA mogućnosti nameštanja interfejsa widgeta, 49 prečica u jednoj prečici, dodavanje prečica u notification bar, detaljnije informacije o senzorima i još puno stvari

Ko je trenutno na forumu

Ukupno su 885 korisnika na forumu :: 29 registrovanih, 5 sakrivenih i 851 gosta   ::   [ Administrator ] [ Supermoderator ] [ Moderator ] :: Detaljnije

Najviše korisnika na forumu ikad bilo je 3466 - dana 01 Jun 2021 17:07

Korisnici koji su trenutno na forumu:
Korisnici trenutno na forumu: bokisha253, Boris BM, debeli, GandorCC, ILGromovnikM2, jackreacher011011, Kaplar2, Koca Popovic, kolle.the.kid, Kubovac, Marko Marković, mean_machine, milutin134, mkukoleca, Nemanja.M, powSrb, raso76, Sir Budimir, skvara, stegonosa, Tvrtko I, vathra, Vlad000, Vlada1389, Vlada78, vukdra, wolf431, x9, zziko