Android aplikacija dana


Android aplikacija dana

  • Milan
  • Pridružio: 17 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 14824
  • Gde živiš: Niš

Pazi, na telefonu razlika između 196kbps i 320kbps gotovo da se i ne primećuje, a nema ni mnogo razlike u odnosu na 128kbps, tako da ja uglavnom skidam 196kbps, eventualno 128kbps. Ispod 128kbps ne idem.

Isprobao sam. Kod te opcije pusti pesmu od početka i taj preview traje nekih 15-20 sekundi. Svakako, može da bude korisno za raspoznavanje pesme. Wink

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

Dictionary Croatian English

Licenca: freeware
* ima i komercijalna verzija koja se placa

Free, offline Croatian English Dictionary with Widget and Voice pronunciation!

Dictionary Croatian English Free is a fast OFFLINE dictionary. Database is downloaded on first use. Will sit on the SD card
This is the FREE, ad version of the BK Dictionary Croatian English dictionary. To remove ads please buy BK Dictionary Croatian English!
- Voice pronunciation (1.6+)
- 117,000+ translation pairs
- Scrolling through the whole dictionary
- Quick search while typing (accentuation independent)
- Detailed view with PHRASES tapping on the words
- Word-tap: you can tap on any word in the detailed view, to find its translations - available in FULL VERSION
- Copy/paste - available in FULL VERSION
- Search integration (1.6+)
- Google translate integration
- Recents and Favorites
- Color schemes
- Voice input
- Text resizing on detail screen

Link: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]


Lični utisak:

Najbolji engleski recnik na Google Play Store-u (po mom misljenju)

  • u administraciji
  • Pridružio: 16 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 3468
  • Gde živiš: KRAGUJEVAC


Licenca - frewaree

Citat:Link2SD is an application that makes it easy for Android 1.6+ users with root privileges on their phone to move applications to the SD card.

The idea behind is same with apps2sd scripts, linking applications to SD card's second partition but differs in two ways.

One, instead of linking /data/app folder (that means moving all applications), you can select applications that you want to move.
Two, it's an application which means has a user interface. You can manage your applications with few clicks.

It also provides native apps2sd features on Android 2.2 and higher. It can move any non-protected user apps to SD card (force move), with batch moving capability.
That feature uses Android's standard SD-card installation feature and does not require a second partition. It can break some apps if they are not meant to be moved to the SD card (Such as Widgets).

- Create and remove link for apk, dex and lib files of the applications you select
- Automatically link newly installed apps (optional)
- Move any user apps to SD even though the app does not support moving to SD (a.k.a. "force move", for Android 2.2 and higher)
- Shows the apps that support moving to SD with native apps2sd (for Android 2.2 and higher)
- Set the default install location of the apps; auto, internal, or external (for Android 2.2 and higher)
- Batch link, unlink, reinstall, uninstall, "move to SD", "move to phone" functions (multi-select mode)
- Uninstall system applications (bloatware removal)
- Freeze and un-freeze system and users applications
- Convert system apps into user apps
- Convert user apps into system apps
- Integrate "Updated" system apps into system (ROM)
- Clear data and cache of the application
- Clear all apps cache at once (1-tap cache cleaner without being root)
- List applications, show detailed size information and link status
- Sort and filter applications
- Search applications by name
- Display available space information of internal storage, SD card and SD card 2nd partition

What you need:
- root permission.
- a second partition on your SD card.

You should have two partitions on SD card and both should be primary.
The first FAT partition is your standard SD card storage. The second partition is used for application files and can be ext2, ext3, ext4 or FAT32.
Some phones lack the ext2, ext3 or ext4 file system support and you may get mount errors like "no such device", "invalid argument". These phones need ext2.ko or ext3.ko modules and even some additional modules to be able to mount. Using FAT32 on the second partition will eleminate such problems, because FAT32 is supported on all phones.

Link2SD does not create the second partition, you need to create it yourself. You can use any partition manager such as Minitool, Paragon, Easeus etc. for this.

How it works:
Link2SD mounts the second partition of your SD card and makes OS mounts it at boot time.

When you press "Create Link" button Link2SD moves apk file, dalvik-cache (.dex) file and lib files (.so) to SD card's 2nd partition and creates symbolic links in original directories.

Note: On Android 1.6 and 2.1, shortcut and the widget of the app should be re-added to homescreen if you move the apk file.

You can remove the links and put application files back to phone. Just click on "Remove Link" button.

Some points
- System applications should not be linked to SD card. Link2SD does not allow these applications to be linked.
- When you connect your phone to PC as mass storage, Android unmounts the first FAT partition but the second partition remains mounted. Therefore linked applications are not affected and can be run without problems.
- Link2SD does not move application's private data files; it moves apk, dex (dalvik-cache) and

Link - [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Lični utisak

Arrow Ko je izmislio ovu app, svaka mu čast.Neizostavna aplikacija za oslobađanje interne memorije, prebacivanja i direktnog instaliranja aplikacija na memorijsku karticu.
Da nema nje, još bi bile potrebne scripte za prebacivanje app na memorijsku karticu.
Svaka čast na aplikaciji.

  • Dusan Kostic
  • @kosticdk
  • Pridružio: 24 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 300
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Traffic Statistics

Licenca: freeware

Citat: Traffic Statistics is the simplest traffic statistical tools that can Stat. 2g/3g network traffic、wifi traffic exactly。
Main features: 1. set traffic alarm value
2. Set the month-end
3. Correct traffic
4. Set update the time and traffic display units
The simplest, most useful traffic statistical tools, statistical precision, real-time update the display data


Lični utisak:
Ovako, volim da sam uvek online za slucaj mejla itd...a poznato je da internet u nekim mrezama i nije bas jeftin tako da me ova aplikacija "opominje" ako na dnevnom nivou potrosim vise od 10mb. Aplikacija pravi izvestaj za wifi i 3g internet, na rakju meseca ispise izvestaj o potrosnji podataka.
Obozavam ovu aplikaciju! Zaljubljen

  • Milan
  • Pridružio: 17 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 14824
  • Gde živiš: Niš

Dušane, istu mogućnost ima i aplikacija PhoneUsage koje je predstavljena na drugoj strani: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Takođe, pored praćenja internet saobraćaja možeš da pratiš i minute i poruke, a takođe možeš da podesiš i dnevni, nedelji i mesečni limit i obaveštenja o prekoračenju limita. Smile Isprobaj je, dobra je aplikacija. Very Happy

  • Dusan Kostic
  • @kosticdk
  • Pridružio: 24 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 300
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

vasa.93 ::Dušane, istu mogućnost ima i aplikacija PhoneUsage koje je predstavljena na drugoj strani: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Takođe, pored praćenja internet saobraćaja možeš da pratiš i minute i poruke, a takođe možeš da podesiš i dnevni, nedelji i mesečni limit i obaveštenja o prekoračenju limita. Smile Isprobaj je, dobra je aplikacija. Very Happy

VAU!! Sad sam je instalirao, podesio prema svojim potrebama i videcemo kako ce se pokazati, svidja mi se sto mogu i pozivi i poruke da se ogranice!! Hvala punoo Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2011
  • Poruke: 941

IMorning Routine Free

Licenca: freeware

Get up in the morning with this clever SCANNING alarm clock!
*Important. For bugs, do not leave a comment only, send a mail so we can get in touch and fix the problem.
If the alarm does not go off, we are _very_ interested in getting contacted. We want it to work for everyone!
+ Ceo tekst

Link: Morning Routine Free


Lični utisak:
U potrazi za aplikacijama koje bi me naterale da ustanem, naišao sam na ovu. Princip je vrlo jednostavan: Podesite budilnik, počne da zvoni ujutru, i kako da isključite? Uzmete telefon i odete do mesta gde ste zalepili QR kod ili pronađete neki artikal koji ima Bar Kod, i skenirate.. kad se prepozna QR kod ili Bar kod, alarm prestaje da zvoni ! Smile
Ja sam npr. ištampao QR kod i zalepio na drugi kraj sobe, tako da kad mi zvoni telefon moram ustati i otići do tog zida i skenirati QR kod da bih ugasio budilnik Smile

  • Milan
  • Pridružio: 17 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 14824
  • Gde živiš: Niš

Hahahaha, zanimljivo. Very Happy A verujem da će i korisno da bude posle ovog četvoromesečnog raspusta. Very Happy

BTW, izmeni deo kod licence. Wink


  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586


Licenca: cena: 2.51 $

The powerful and reliable alarm clock

The famous alarm clock is now available on Android devices with following features:

- Choose your favorite music as alarm tones
- Save battery power during your sleep by turning on the airplane mode. G-Alarm will switch it off again when your alarm goes off.
- Tasks (Maths & Mazes) to prevent you turning off the alarm easily
- Accelerometer control (e.g. Shake to snooze)
- Vibration
- Fade in
- Own background wallpapers
- Export/Import your alarms
- Quick Alarm: tap and hold the "New alarm" button to quickly set up an alarm.

Link: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]


Lični utisak:

@ Vas dvojica gore Mr. Green Lako vam je da tu skenirate neke QR kodove. Ovde da se probudite treba da resite lavirint Mr. Green Mogu se koristiti i matematicki zadaci. Idealan nacin da razbijete telefon ujutru Mr. Green
Ovaj Alarm sam koristio na Windows Mobile uredjaju.

  • Fil  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
  • Poruke: 16586

Ultimate Guitar Tabs

Licenca: cena: 3 $

An easy and convenient application for viewing guitar Tablatures on your phone.
Ultimate Guitar Tabs is an easy and convenient application for viewing guitar Tablatures, bass Tablatures, drum Tablatures and chords. This is the only mobile application giving you UNLIMITED access to the world's largest database of Tabs from! Use this intuitive viewer to browse the collection of over 400,000 Tabs and then learn or practice your favorite songs wherever you are.
♫ NEW! Tab Tools is now available for in-app purchase. The Tab Tools feature is a must-have extension to Ultimate-Guitar Tabs that adds key features, making it easier to read tabs. Available in-app for $1.99.
♫ NEW! Now with SD Card support.
If your device has a limited internal memory, you can now use your SD Card for storing both the application and the Tabs you saved for offline access.
♫ NEW! Tab Pro now available for in-app purchase. Tab Pro is an add-on to Ultimate Guitar Tabs giving you access to over 150,000 interactive Tabs. Playback songs, switch between instruments and learn Tabs using a virtual guitar fretboard. Available in-app for $3.99.
Main features:
● Quick Search. Find Tabs quickly by entering artist name or song title.
● Favorites. Add Tabs to your Favorites to make them available for offline browsing. Synchronize Tabs between the app and your online account!
● Advanced Search tool. You can search for Tabs by specifying Tab type, part of the song, difficulty level, tuning, and rating.
● UG Authorization. Sign in with your Ultimate Guitar account, or create a new one directly from the app.
● Playlists. Create custom lists of Tabs in your Favorites.
● Chords. View chord diagrams while reading Chords, transpose chords easily.
● Tab Packs. Collections of pre-selected Tabs. Tab Packs are based on skills level, music genres, and special occasions.
● Top 100 Tabs list for each Tab type (Guitar, Bass, Chords, Drums or overall).
● Auto-scroll feature. View Tablature in the text viewer using the handy Auto-Scroll functionality - The App will scroll Tabs for you!
● Changeable fonts. Pick what font to use for displaying Tabs' content.
● Random Tab. Load Tab for a random song.
● Now playing. Find Tabs for the currently playing song (needs to be technically supported by the device).
● Portrait and Landscape modes are available. You can scale Tabs too.
Tab Pro* includes:
· Supports the Tab Pro format, similar to Guitar Pro and Power Tab.
· Huge Database. A thorough database with over 150,000 Tabs.
· Playback. Instantly playback tabs with real-sounding instruments.
· Multitrack. Audio mixing is in your hands, change volume on any instrument.
· Chords. Shown above the corresponding beats for optimum visual cues.
· Fretboard display. Get the perfect view of the notes' placement on each fret.
* You will get access to Tabs in the Tab Pro format from the app's regular search results after making the in-app purchase.
Tab Tools includes:
· "Fit To Screen" feature, which makes tabs easier to read on your device
· Font customization capability
· Print function available (for Cloud Print-compatible devices)
· Email - send tabs by email with just one tap.
· Copying to clipboard
Guitar Tools combines a top-quality Guitar Tuner, Metronome and Chords Library together with your Ultimate Guitar Tabs app, giving you the ultimate set of guitar tools:
· Guitar Tuner. Keep your instrument in tune using your device's built in microphone, or with our accurate Brain Tuner.
· Metronome. Keep in time with a metronome full of features like fine tempo tuning, ability to set tempo by tapping, adjustable tempo signature, beat subdivision, 5 sound packs, and much more.
· Chords Library. Display and playback chords from our beautiful and powerful chord library.

Link: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]


Lični utisak:

Nabavio sam pro verziju ove aplikacije i mogu da kažem da ima veliku bazu tablatura.
- negde su prikazani samo akordi za pesme
- negde su prikazane klasicne tablature
- a negde je moguce otvoriti njihov format i cuti melodiju

Mana je sto se ove tablature ne mogu download-ovati Confused
// dakle ovo može da radi samo ako uhvatite Wi-Fi ili imate Inernet na neki drugi način.

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