U zadnje vreme kad uhvatim vremena igram fliper i to je moja preporuka
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Igram ovaj po defaultu koji je jedini dostupan/free za igru --> Sorcerer's Lair, uskoro ću da kupim Tesla tablu, probao sam kod prijatelja. Fantastična igra i veoma realistična.
Opis: Citat:
Take Sonic for a spin around Little Planet with Sonic CD™ Lite!
In order to put an end to Dr. Eggman’s nefarious schemes, Sonic must use the power of Little Planet to travel through time; breaking Dr. Eggman’s hold over the future by destroying his machines in the past and recovering the missing Time Stones!
Featuring 16:9 widescreen, achievements, leaderboards and both the US and Japanese soundtracks, experience the adventure through time that introduced the world to Amy Rose and Eggman’s most evil creation, Metal Sonic.
Sonic CD is a blast on touch screen Android devices, optimized for Xperia™ PLAY, and now features Immersion Haptic Vibration Feedback functionality to bring your stages and boss battles to life!
Link: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Komercijalni Sonic:
Sonic CD - [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Sonic 4 Episode 1 - [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Sonic 4 Episode 2 - [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Sonic Jump - [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Lični utisak:
Povratak u doba Sega Mega Drive-a. Ko nije igrao Sonica kao klinac, evo mu idealne prilike da vidi o cemu je rec.
Licni utisak: Vrhunska igra, kreator je objasnio neke stvari na grafickom polju, posebno u trecem delu igre. Prvi deo je besplatan, drugi i treci imaju simbolicnu cenu od 0.99$ , jer igra vredi daleko vise. Sve preporuke.
Opis ::Basketball Shoot is an simple but very addictive game which base on realistic physics.
The quantity of the basketballs is limited,your goal is to shoot them for a better score.
How to play:
1. Touch the screen
2. Drag the dotted line to change the power and angle
3. Release to shoot
-Easy to control, fun for every age players.
-Great shooting experience.
-Simple but special picture style.
-11 backgrounds to choose from, like airport, beach, rooftop and so on.
-More interesting functions are coming soon.
Opis :
Ukratko :
+ Free to play forever
+ Unlock and customize class abilities
+ Collect and grow mystical pets that help you
+ Find thousands of legendary weapons and items
+ Play in Co-Op or Solo Mode in PvE or PvP
+ Plays Across Wi-Fi, Edge, 3G or 4G Networks
Adventure through a breathtaking fantasy world in this award winning, online, multiplayer RPG. Another hit game from critically acclaimed Spacetime Studios. Install now and choose from 3 free pets to fight with you!
***** "One of the most impressive games we've seen in a long time" – Pocket Gamer
***** “Best Mobile MMO: 2012” – Massively
***** “As perfect a mobile adventure game as one could ask for” - New Gamer Nation
+ Pun opisAdventure through a breathtaking fantasy world in this award winning, online, multiplayer RPG. Another hit game from critically acclaimed Spacetime Studios. Install now and choose from 3 free pets to fight with you!
***** "One of the most impressive games we've seen in a long time" – Pocket Gamer
***** “Best Mobile MMO: 2012” – Massively
***** “As perfect a mobile adventure game as one could ask for” - New Gamer Nation
Adventure Unleashed! Team up with friends from all over the world in this online co-operative RPG from Spacetime Studios, creators of the smash-hit Pocket Legends. Your adventures will take you and a stable of epic pets through darkly-lit taverns, majestic forests, and dank mines as you root out the evil taking hold of the kingdom of Arlor.
The awards and accolades for Arcane Legends keep pouring in:
“2012 Best App Ever, Best MMO” - 148 Apps
"Best of the Best" – MMORPG
“10 best games for Smartphones” – Kotaku
“A Hack & Slash Home Run” – Forbes
“One of the best mobile MMORPG experiences you can find” - Touch Gen
Arcane Legends is a FREE online, multiplayer, fantasy adventure and 3D Massively-Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG). Heroes take on the role of a deadly rogue with devastating bow and trap attacks, a mystical sorcerer that wields elemental fury and aids companions, and a hulking warrior with strength of arms to protect and devastate enemies!
Play online with friends and your stable of in-game pets in fast-paced co-op action. As you defeat enemies and destroy evil, you will unlock special abilities and find new pets that you may customize to suit your play style. During your travels, you will also find rare treasures and gear!
Play with anyone, anywhere, anytime!
+ Free to play forever
+ Unlock and customize class abilities
+ Collect and grow mystical pets that help you
+ Find thousands of legendary weapons and items
+ Play in Co-Op or Solo Mode in PvE or PvP
+ Plays Across Wi-Fi, Edge, 3G or 4G Networks
Check Us Out At:
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Want More Info? Visit our Forum!
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Developer’s website:
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Moj utisak :
Fenomenalna MMO igra, kontrole su odlične, tri različite klase sa malim mestom izmene likova, mnogo kvestova, mapa, još zanimljivija je kada je igrate sa prijateljima (server radi sav posao pa nema potrebe biti na istom mestu već je samo potrebna internet konekcija). Generalno jedna od boljih igara imo, veliki plus je zbog MMO-a.
Ako krenete da igrate bacite mi PP da se nađemo
Play Store : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Lični utisak:
Opet ja sa multiplayer igrama. Ovog puta 2D igra koju možete igrati preko interneta sa tri nasumična lika ili sa prijateljima. U pitanju je 2D trkanje sa dodatnim elementima u vidu bonus "zamki" koje možete u toku trke pokupiti i postaviti je za druge.
Ogroman broj igrača dozvoljava skoro 'instant' mečeve, postoji ogroman broj mapa a pred svaki meč igrači mogu glasati za dve nasumične koje igra izabere.
Skoro svaki meč nije isti zbog toga što zavisi većina meča od sreće, ko šta pokupi ali je toliko zabavna da ne smara i posle sat vremena konstantne igre, takođe uspeva da me nasmeje svaki put kada pobedim zbog sreće ili kada se neko upeca na moju zamku (bacim sečivo i pokupim ostala tri lika, pređem finish liniju).
Coins sistem jeste 'harsh' kako bi se reklo međutim u pitanju je samo izgled avatara pa je svejedno, u svakom slučaju postoji mogućnost da besplatno dobijete iste.
Možete igrati sa prijateljima u posebno kreiranim mečevima, pored vas još troje.
Dakle fenomenalna igra koja ne smara brzo, svaki meč je drugačiji i veoma je zanimljiva
Opis: Citat:
** Over 25 million players worldwide! **
Race against your friends or random people in real-time!
All the cutest, furriest creatures of the forest are out running. For you to remain a cool critter, it is essential that you finish the race before your furry friends.
No amount of force is excessive.
Fun Run is an online real-time multiplayer game for smart phones and tablets, both Android and iOS. You can be anywhere in the world and play with up to four players simultaneously. Play with your friends or get matched with random players from around the world!
Keywords: online, multiplayer, physics, four, player, realtime, stream, race, mario kart, sonic, challenge, fun run, funrun, cross platform, competative
Link: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
// Ukoliko instalirate igru - dodajte me ukoliko želite. Nick je : Hrcak
Opis: Citat:
Featuring a wide variety of officially licensed tracks, an expanded 22-car grid, and over 50 meticulously detailed cars from makers like Porsche, Lamborghini, Dodge, Bugatti, and Audi. Plus, racing against friends becomes even easier with the advanced Time Shifted Multiplayer™ (TSM) technology, allowing you to race anyone, anytime, anywhere on smartphone and tablet devices!
Link: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
SS iz igre zapravo :
Lični utisak:
Dok se skida taj Gigabajt i nešto vrti se EA logo, bez mnogo razmišljanja predpostavljate da će biti dobra igra. Kreće igra i onda vas oduva fenomenalna grafika od samog početka, čim vidite prvi auto . Ostatak je odličan, kontrole treba malo srediti jer senzitivnost nije baš na mestu, bar za moj ukus, generalno rade bez problema i lako se koristi. Ima dosta elemenata simulacije kada je auto u pitanju.
Savršena igra
Opis: Citat:
The smell of freshly burnt rubber on tarmac, the feel of the soft leather in your hands, the sound of engines roaring and crowds cheering, open your eyes and experience racing in its purest form, get ready to take to the streets in Race Illegal. Finally the true street racing experience has arrived on your phone. Starting your career as a rookie; you need to earn respect out there before you can challenge the best, work your way through an intense and engaging storyline to prove yourself top dog. With 20 tracks to race, 9 cars to choose from and a whole host of customisations there’s plenty here for the petrol-head to tinker with. Real driving physics, insane drifts and nitrous boosts and some of the most visually stunning locations to drive around, Race Illegal has it all. Check out your own driving stats and compare your times and honours with other players worldwide. Have you got what it takes to Race Illegal?
Link: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Lični utisak:
Definitivno treba odigrati. Malo je kratka, i uzitak je zagarantovan. Idealna za razbibrigu i ubijanje baterije.