Koji softver se koristi za low level formatiranje


Koji softver se koristi za low level formatiranje

  • Pridružio: 27 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 170

A što je uopšte potreban taj softwer za low level format ?
Ako postoje logički bed sectori, oni se ispravljaju sa scandisk C: /F
Ako postoje fizički bed sectori, rešavaju se programom HDD regenerator ( to stvarno radi, uspešno opravio dva harda, oba maxtora )
Posle seanse sa HDD regeneratorom treba uraditi scandisk /F svih particija

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 06 Apr 2007
  • Poruke: 32

Pa jel ima bilo kakav link za taj program bilo kakav

  • pixxel  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 9091
  • Gde živiš: Tu i tamo...

ciki022 ::A što je uopšte potreban taj softwer za low level format ?
Ako postoje logički bed sectori, oni se ispravljaju sa scandisk C: /F
Ako postoje fizički bed sectori, rešavaju se programom HDD regenerator ( to stvarno radi, uspešno opravio dva harda, oba maxtora )
Posle seanse sa HDD regeneratorom treba uraditi scandisk /F svih particija
Potreban je jer nekada ni hdd regenerator ne moze da pomogne... Neki dan sam dobio hard od 40 giga na kom je bilo 2421 particija od po 300 gigabajta (nesto ozbiljno poremeceno na disku), i nije pomoglo bas nista - ni hdd regenerator... Tek posle FULL low level formata sa powermaxom se disk vratio na staro.

oblak ::Taj ubitacan processsss nesmes NIKAKO i NIKADA prekidati taman isti trajao 150 godina ili odo hard u m*terinu...To valjda znas?Smes da ga prekidas koliko hoces, jer on i onako pegla hard (anulira ga), tako da ako ga prekines, kad ponovo pocnes jednostavno odradis sve ispocetka i gotovo... Naravno, ako ga prekidas tako to mu fizicki ukines struju, ko zna sta moze da se desi...

  • Pridružio: 06 Apr 2007
  • Poruke: 32

Ljudi jel ima ko link za download PC3000

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2003
  • Poruke: 24135
  • Gde živiš: Wien


Na sajtu ne vidim download, ali vidim da ide u kompletu sa posebnom karticom, sto znaci da download ne bi puno pomogao.

  • vodnik 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2003
  • Poruke: 576

Provereno radi bez ikakvih dodatnih kartica, downlodovao sam sam ISO fajl, narezao ISO faj na CD, bootovao sa CD-a i peglaj (vozi misko).

PC3000 - Russian Super Hard Disk Service Tool

PC-3000 is studies the development by Russian famous hard disk laboratory -- ACE Laboratory the commercial specialized repair hard disk comprehensive tool. It is manages the hard disk from hard disk internal software, carries on the hard disk the firsthand information change and the repair.


1. 0 tracks bad hard disks service
2. Hard disk bad road service (G-LIST P-LIST)
3. Firmware flaw hard disk service
4. Different sound kind of hard disk service
5. Is unable the normal read-write hard disk service
6. Distinguishes the wrong hard disk the service
7. Shields the track
8. Changes LBA, S/N
9. Change hard disk capacity
10. According to factory way scanning hard disk inherent drawback
11. Each kind of hard disk Firmware

The software and hardware synthesis tool "PC-3000" mainly uses for specialized repair each kind of model the IDE hard disk, the capacity from 20MB to 200GB, supports hard disk

Produces the factory to include: Seagate (hopes Czechoslovakia), Western Digital (west data), Fujitsu (Fujitsu), Quantum (elder brother leaps), Samsung (Tristar), Maxtor (steps develops), Conner, IBM, HP, Kalok, Teac, Daeyoung, and Xebec and so on.

The use Р С-3000 has the possibility to repair 50-80% flaw hard disk. The so high repair rate is (for instance factory pattern) which achieved through the use special hard disk working pattern, may carry on the following operation under the special working pattern to the hard disk:

1. Internal preliminary formatting;
2. Rewrites the hard disk interior micro code module (firmware);
3. Rewriting hard disk parameter marking;
4. The inspection flaw fan area or the flaw track, and with the reset, the replace or jump has neglected the flaw and so on the way repair;
5. Readjusts the internal parameter;
6. The logic shuts off (namely prohibition use) the flaw magnetic head;
7. S.M.A.R.T parameter replacement....

Among them, rewrites the internal micro code (Firmware) the module to the logarithm according to restore in some situations has the special effect, for example: After Maxtor beautifully drills, Jin Zuan, the star drills the series hard disk to add the electricity not to be able correctly to distinguish (non- magnetic head static); After Fujitsu MPG and the MPF series hard disk adds the electricity the magnetic head basically to seek to be normal, but cannot correctly examine; IBM leaps the dragon series to have the magnetic head to seek a sound (not to have static), but cannot correctly distinguish;

The Quantum hard disk can examine, but is unable read-write; WD EB and the BB series hard disk can examine, but is unable read-write..... Above arranges in order these breakdowns, generally do not belong to the hardware breakdown. Through the PC-3000 operation, may solve the majority of similar breakdowns, moreover the majority of data are also perfect

PC3000 works the basic principle

Explains each kind of model the hard disk special-purpose CPU instruction collection, each kind of hard disk Firmware (firmware), thus controls the hard disk internal work, realizes the hard disk interior parameter module read-write and the hard disk program module transfer, finally achieves by the software repair many kinds of hard disks flaw goal.
Most specialized function including: Rewrites the hard disk Firmware module; According to factory way scanning hard disk inherent drawback and record in hard disk interior corresponding parameter module; Carries on the internal preliminary formatting according to the factory way; Change hard disk parameter and so on

ACE Laboratory passed through more than 10 years unceasing research, PC-3000 V12 (the newest edition) already can support the majority of new old models the IDE connection hard disk, the capacity from 40MB to 200GB!

The compact disc contains ACELAB specialized level hard disk service tool PC3000 completely to analyze the course

  • Pridružio: 11 Sep 2005
  • Poruke: 1282
  • Gde živiš: Pa gde i do sada

Evo ti link za PowerMax,skini ga pa ga oderi

  • vodnik 
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2003
  • Poruke: 576

Probao sam PowerMax i slicne od drugih prozvodjaca diskova... a npr. kada sam koristio "hdd regenerator" takav disk bi mi ponovo pukao posle par mesec ili dva. Tako iz iskustva, preporucujem ovaj utiliti:

  • Pridružio: 06 Apr 2007
  • Poruke: 32

vodnik ::Probao sam PowerMax i slicne od drugih prozvodjaca diskova... a npr. kada sam koristio "hdd regenerator" takav disk bi mi ponovo pukao posle par mesec ili dva. Tako iz iskustva, preporucujem ovaj utiliti:

Ok ali jel moze mala pomoc posto se prvi put srecem sa PC3000
sta ikako da radim

  • Pridružio: 16 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1251
  • Gde živiš: Podgorica

moj Maxtor 6Y080L0 je prije bio 80 gb i nešto je zabudalio i sada je 60 gb...
sa čim da probam ?
uradio sam abckup da kasnije povratim sve stvari Mr. Green

eh da flopy nemam tako da ovaj program otpada Razz

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