


Mladene ----------------- Mladjo ...

Tebi jako hvala za sav tvoj trud (neizmjerno hvala) ali ja sam sarlatan Mladjo. Ja sam rodjeni buntovnik i ako se ja potpuno slazem sa tvojim izjavama i sl. ja to javno ne priznajem (nisam k'o neki, jel' te). Mladjo, ja se ne slazem sa samom sobom a kamol' s nekim drugim. Nisam znala da ces ovako ozbiljno shvatiti temu (koja je zapoceta sa velikom primjesom sale na moj vlastiti racun - da gubim i ovo malo pameti sto imam) ili svijesti, a mozda je nesvjest ta koja gura moju svijest u to stanje zbunjenosti tako da ja opet LUDIM! Mr. Green

Jos jednom, tebi hvala - svaki tvoj post je na mjestu, moze dosta informativnog teksta da se procita i da se nesto i nauci. Ali Mladene, ja ni sama ne znam sta ponekad pisem/citam/mislim/radim/osjecam. smešak

Evo ti jedan lubac kad si tako dobaj. -- > 1 Poljubac
1. (All rights reserved)

Very Happy

Jbg - je l' sad kontaš zašto obično naje*em pomažući drugima?
(Ni govora o tome da sam naje*'o sad ili zbog tebe; ali kad osetim da nekome bar u nečemu malo mogu da pomognem - zaletim se i ništa me ne sprečava! Kad je odmaganje i tudja nezainteresovanost u pitanju, naravno da se povlačim [What am I, an idiot?! No, thanks! Mr. Green ])

A razlog zbog toga što sam toliko siguran je prost - mnoge od tih stvari (problema i pozitivnih stvari) sam upravo sâm skontao... postao sam ih svestan, iako su bile pritajene 'dole', u podsvesti. A onda sam kasnije i našao dokaze za to!

I nije da sam tol'ko tvrdoglav - jeste da uporno nudim eventualno rešenje, ali znam da moj način nije i jedini (ili jedini dobar)... A otprilike sam vešt u objašnjavanju stvari koje već dobro razumem.

P.S. Hvala! Zagrljaj
P.P.S. Opet kenjam o sebi, Booožeee..! Evil or Very Mad

Well, thank you for making me feel like shit. Mr. Green

And don't you dare to turn this around and make it about you.
It is about me.
Me, me, me, me …..
It's all about me! Very Happy

Piece of advice, keep up a good work. smešak

I'm not sure I can grasp that advice idea that you're suggesting... What good work? (Or is it more of a general phrase..?)

P.S. Moi, made you feel like merde?! How's that so?!
Really, I don't get it... You didn't do/say anything that I might have felt to be invasive, and I damn sure didn't relate to you in particular in the previous post of mine..!

Wow, wow, wow .... Hold your horses, young man. smešak
Good work - helping people. For some reason I thought that's a good thing to do.

P.S. I think is a good time to drop the subject. Wink

'Coz I'm about to go on vacation and I really don't want to spend my time thinking about "conflict" with you or anyone else (for that matter).

Okey - dokey? Laughing

"chill out what you ya yelling for
lay back it's all been done before"

Don't think that one person can't make the difference. I think that is all we need. smešak

Ella ::
Good work - helping people. For some reason I thought that's a good thing to do.

That's why I study Medicine... Helping people - it's all I ever wanna do (and write a little bit, and draw, play music; but helping comes first)... Wink

No 'conflicts' between us whatsoever! You can be certain about that.

P.S. Subject over. Have a nice vacation! Zagrljaj

E bre kako to opet ides na godisnji zar nisi vec bila ocu i ja tako da se vratim sa godisnjeg pa da, pa da se vratim na godisnji kmeee

I'm 2 stupid 4 life.
I thought there is no such thing or situation or declaration, but there is. I'm living proof.
Not that anyone else cares (except me).

Mr. Green smešak

Hmmm, did you ever wonder if anybody else had the same thoughts (about themselves) ?
It's not that people don't really care as much as we can hide or spot our dissatisfaction... after all, we're the ones that se us from the inside and on the inside...
But, yes - I do mostly feel that we are essentially on our own.

P.S. No one stupid enough to notice that would ever say what you just did. You're far from stupid... Wink

MladjaVR ::Hmmm, did you ever wonder if anybody else had the same thoughts (about themselves) ?

I'm sure they do. I'm sure pretty much everyone does (at one point or another) it's just that some of "them" won't admit that they do indeed find themselves "stupid" (and I don't mean this in any special bad way).


Ok, I'm getting lost in my own thoughts. I always like to tell everyone that no one is stupid, just lazy to think. I really like to believe that we all have same tools, it's just how we use them. And I also say to myself more times that I'm stupid because of little mistakes that knocks me off. Mistakes that I could prevent from happening, only if I had paid more attention to them. And then, when (what ever happens), I see how blind I was, I see so many solutions to the problem that could have been prevented in the first place but it's too late because of stupidity. That is why I call myself stupid.

But ... as a matter of fact, I am an intelligent person. Mr. Green

Joj ... odoh da pojedem jos jedan sladoled, mozda mi bude bolje. Laughing

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