


Melissa Haslam

Is there a poetry of red heard by the blind?

Percussion of red, resonant, redolent,
potent red,
that marks a red shift in the stars, feels
lichened touch on stone, litmus of the bone,
alizarin's taste on the tongue?

Deep, deep red, red that feeds all the senses,
red that is all of redness.

Cardinal, sensuous Roman red, ancient
velvet red-dark scent of roses.

Drumbeat sounds of red, red pepper
burning the throat.
Red that baits the bull.

Lucky, joyful red, slithering, soft, Chinese
wedding silks, exhilarating blood-red wine.

Treacherous red of poppies and poison berries.

Crimson, carmine, cerise, cayenne,
safflower, scarlet, vermillion.
All the dangerous, warning, compelling, ripening,
happy, fortunate words for red.

Red thoughts becoming red words in language
Prometheus stole with fire from the gods.

Crveno je boja ljubavi !

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jos malo, moje crveno...

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