Angelina Jolie


Angelina Jolie

Britanska televizija "Čenel 4" (Channel 4) na svom internet sajtu obavila je listu od 100 najseksipilnijih osoba svih vremena - na prvom mestu je holivudska glumica Andjelina Džoli.

Na drugom mestu je pevač Elvis Prisli, a na trećem Andjelinin životni partner Bred Pit, čime je ovaj par, popularno nazvan "Brendjelina", postao najseksipilniji na svetu.

Četvrto mesto pripalo je legendarnoj Merlin Monro, a na petom se našla pevačica Bijonse Nouls, koja je nedavno izabrana za najpoželjniju ženu na svetu.

Thanks to Mondo web portal

Dopuna: 02 Mar 2007 4:16

Andjelinin izvestaj u Washington Postu o stanju u Darfuru i Chadu!!!

Justice for Darfur

By Angelina Jolie
Wednesday, February 28, 2007; Page A19

BAHAI, Chad -- Here, at this refugee camp on the border of Sudan, nothing separates us from Darfur but a small stretch of desert and a line on a map. All the same, it's a line I can't cross. As a representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, I have traveled into Darfur before, and I had hoped to return. But the UNHCR has told me that this camp, Oure Cassoni, is as close as I can get.

Sticking to this side of the Sudanese border is supposed to keep me safe. By every measure -- killings, rapes, the burning and looting of villages -- the violence in Darfur has increased since my last visit, in 2004. The death toll has passed 200,000; in four years of fighting, Janjaweed militia members have driven 2.5 million people from their homes, including the 26,000 refugees crowded into Oure Cassoni.

Attacks on aid workers are rising, another reason I was told to stay out of Darfur. By drawing attention to their heroic work -- their efforts to keep refugees alive, to keep camps like this one from being consumed by chaos and fear -- I would put them at greater risk.

I've seen how aid workers and nongovernmental organizations make a difference to people struggling for survival. I can see on workers' faces the toll their efforts have taken. Sitting among them, I'm amazed by their bravery and resilience. But humanitarian relief alone will never be enough.

Until the killers and their sponsors are prosecuted and punished, violence will continue on a massive scale. Ending it may well require military action. But accountability can also come from international tribunals, measuring the perpetrators against international standards of justice.

Accountability is a powerful force. It has the potential to change behavior -- to check aggression by those who are used to acting with impunity. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), has said that genocide is not a crime of passion; it is a calculated offense. He's right. When crimes against humanity are punished consistently and severely, the killers' calculus will change.

On Monday I asked a group of refugees about their needs. Better tents, said one; better access to medical facilities, said another. Then a teenage boy raised his hand and said, with powerful simplicity, "Nous voulons une épreuve." We want a trial. He is why I am encouraged by the ICC's announcement yesterday that it will prosecute a former Sudanese minister of state and a Janjaweed leader on charges of crimes against humanity.

Some critics of the ICC have said indictments could make the situation worse. The threat of prosecution gives the accused a reason to keep fighting, they argue. Sudanese officials have echoed this argument, saying that the ICC's involvement, and the implication of their own eventual prosecution, is why they have refused to allow U.N. peacekeepers into Darfur.

It is not clear, though, why we should take Khartoum at its word. And the notion that the threat of ICC indictments has somehow exacerbated the problem doesn't make sense, given the history of the conflict. Khartoum's claims aside, would we in America ever accept the logic that we shouldn't prosecute murderers because the threat of prosecution might provoke them to continue killing?

When I was in Chad in June 2004, refugees told me about systematic attacks on their villages. It was estimated then that more than 1,000 people were dying each week.

In October 2004 I visited West Darfur, where I heard horrific stories, including accounts of gang-rapes of mothers and their children. By that time, the UNHCR estimated, 1.6 million people had been displaced in the three provinces of Darfur and 200,000 others had fled to Chad.

It wasn't until June 2005 that the ICC began to investigate. By then the campaign of violence was well underway.

As the prosecutions unfold, I hope the international community will intervene, right away, to protect the people of Darfur and prevent further violence. The refugees don't need more resolutions or statements of concern. They need follow-through on past promises of action.

There has been a groundswell of public support for action. People may disagree on how to intervene -- airstrikes, sending troops, sanctions, divestment -- but we all should agree that the slaughter must be stopped and the perpetrators brought to justice.

In my five years with UNHCR, I have visited more than 20 refugee camps in Sierra Leone, Congo, Kosovo and elsewhere. I have met families uprooted by conflict and lobbied governments to help them. Years later, I have found myself at the same camps, hearing the same stories and seeing the same lack of clean water, medicine, security and hope.

It has become clear to me that there will be no enduring peace without justice. History shows that there will be another Darfur, another exodus, in a vicious cycle of bloodshed and retribution. But an international court finally exists. It will be as strong as the support we give it. This might be the moment we stop the cycle of violence and end our tolerance for crimes against humanity.

What the worst people in the world fear most is justice. That's what we should deliver.

The writer is a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees.

Dopuna: 02 Mar 2007 19:08

1. mart Fotke sa seta novog Bredovog filma.

Dopuna: 03 Mar 2007 18:45

Official: Angelina Jolie Files to Adopt in Vietnam

Angelina Jolie has filed papers to adopt a child in Vietnam, the country's top adoption official said Friday.

According to the Associated Press, the director of Vietnam's International Adoption Agency said an American adoption agency representing Jolie had submitted the paperwork.

"She just filed the papers this week," Vu Duc Long said.

However, a source close to the actress tells PEOPLE, "The process began shortly after Shiloh was born."

The source adds: "It has been a long process and she is now simply waiting for further information."

Vietnam has one of the most complex and thorough processes in the world, the source explains, as a large number of reports must be created by Vietnamese authorities, background checks are undertaken, interviews are conducted and many meetings need to occur.

"That process could take a long time to unfold," says the source, "and while it is wonderful that people are excited about it, the news that papers have been filed is only the beginning of a very comprehensive and detailed process."

In addition to 9-month-old Shiloh, Jolie, 31, and Brad Pitt, 43, are parents to son Maddox, 5, and daughters Zahara, 2.

Jolie said in December that she wanted more kids. "I'd like to add many more children and many more obstacles and many more things to my life," she told reporters while promoting her movie The Good Shepherd.

And Pitt told PEOPLE in January that he and Jolie were hoping to expand their family. "Always, of course," he said. "We'll let you know when we get there."

The globe-trotting couple spent Thanksgiving in Vietnam, taking a self-guided tour of Ho Chi Minh City, dining at a popular local restaurant converted from an old temple and later cruising around the former Saigon on a motorcycle.

Asked by a local newspaper how he felt about traveling the busy streets, Pitt replied, "There will be no problem," adding, "We had a wonderful day in Vietnam."

Jolie traveled to Vietnam again in January for a meeting about the Maddox Jolie-Pitt Project, her charity aiding her son's native country of Cambodia.


Rizikujem da budem "ispljuvan", ali voleo bih da mi neko objasni zasto vise nego prosecna glumica ima 17 strana na ovom forumu?
Preteraste ga!

pa upravu si, ali valjda zato sto je mnogi smatraju najlepsom zenom sveta, pa sada jos i veza sa bredom... nisam preterano veliki obozvatelj, ali uvek privuce moju paznju i uvek mi je interesantno da procitam nesto novo o njoj, ne znam zasto. ali je ipak dobar lik i pozitivna osoba, opustena, prirodna, opet cudna na svoj nacin, narocito u ranijim fazama...

x-tina ::pa upravu si, ali valjda zato sto je mnogi smatraju najlepsom zenom sveta, pa sada jos i veza sa bredom... nisam preterano veliki obozvatelj, ali uvek privuce moju paznju i uvek mi je interesantno da procitam nesto novo o njoj, ne znam zasto. ali je ipak dobar lik i pozitivna osoba, opustena, prirodna, opet cudna na svoj nacin, narocito u ranijim fazama...

Slazem se!

Zato sto je jednostavno the best. Ne samo kao glumica, vec kao humanista, kao majka, kao neko ko ne trosi svoju lovu na luksuz, vec daje onima kojima je najpotrebnija!!!

I zato zasluzuje mnogo vise stranica!!!

mozda i nije najbolja glumica na svetu, ali svoju popularnost, slavu i novac koristi u pametne svrhe ne bi li drugima pomogla, a sto je retko i za pohvalu.

Angy is back from Africa!!!

Slazem se!

Zato sto je jednostavno the best. Ne samo kao glumica, vec kao humanista, kao majka, kao neko ko ne trosi svoju lovu na luksuz, vec daje onima kojima je najpotrebnija!!!

I zato zasluzuje mnogo vise stranica!!!

mozda i nije najbolja glumica na svetu, ali svoju popularnost, slavu i novac koristi u pametne svrhe ne bi li drugima pomogla, a sto je retko i za pohvalu.

Ovo bas i nije istina radim za un i znam da volonteri imaju 5000$mesecno i jos pregrst privilegija,a verujem da je njena dnevnica mnogo veca od mesecne plate volontera

kao prvo cisto sumnjam da ona od njih dobija bilo kakvu dnevnicu posto ima mnogoomnogo para, tako da bilo koja veca cifra o kojoj govoris bila bi opet smesna u odnosu na sada njihovo bogatstvo. na kraju krajeva zena daje svoj novac, zasto bi onda uzimala pare od un-a.

x-tina ::kao prvo cisto sumnjam da ona od njih dobija bilo kakvu dnevnicu posto ima mnogoomnogo para, tako da bilo koja veca cifra o kojoj govoris bila bi opet smesna u odnosu na sada njihovo bogatstvo. na kraju krajeva zena daje svoj novac, zasto bi onda uzimala pare od un-a.

Takodje se opet slazem. Ma o kojim parama govorimo? Zasto bi uzimala, kada ima dovoljno novca, i UN joj nije posao, vec zadovoljstvo. To radi iz humanosti, i ljubavi prema deci.

Njen posao su filmovi i ona u Holivodu dovoooooljno novca zaradjuje!!!

bas vole da setaju upareni... i naocare i garderoba. malo me to nervira.
ali bez naocara nigde!

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