Da li znate sta je emo?


Da li znate sta je emo?


Opusti se, ovde se samo malo zezamo.


Nemoj da spopadas ljude, bre! Evo ja slusam metal pa sam super moderator. Mada... Mozda nisam smeo ovo da kazem ovako javno, a? Mr. Green

Slusam New Age, Ambijental, bluz i dzez, ovo za metal nije tacno, ne slusajte me sta trabunjam, nisam to ja rekao, ne, ne!

Ljudi misle-tachno je
Emo likovi su narkomani-emo likovi su sasvim normalni
Ima mnogih predrasuda o emo ljudima.......

Cekaj a koji je to pravac emo? Koje grupe tu spadaju? Rok, metal (i njihove podvrste) ili ste izmislili toplu vodu ili rupu na saksiji?

Za neobavestene, evo sta je emo:

@ Limit :

Ma, to je neki komplikovani podžanr (a koji podžanr nije komplikovan?! Mr. Green ) Metala... neka mešavina NuMetal-a, Metalcore-a, Punk-a i Hardcore-a koju zovu i 'Screamo'...

Znam da su bendovi Jimmy Eat World, Glassjaw, Poison The Well i The Used definitivno Emo; ali tu bi se mogli svrstati i Thrice, Lostprophets, možda Weezer (bar jedan album) i sudeći po njihovom prvom albumu (koji vuče i ka Metalcore zvuku) - Bullet For My Valentine... Neko bi tu dodao i Funeral For A Friend i Darkest Hour.
No, opet, nisam ja ovo izmišljao; samo sam glasnik... i usputni komentator, iako nisam preeeviše upućen. Napisao sam ono što znam, a i naveo linkove poznatijih mi pesama/izvodjača koje svrstavaju u Emo. Wink

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lh6fFYRP1s [Darkest Hour, dobri su]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m_MJX58qk8 [BFMV, moćni su]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HblFoIaS000 [The Used]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM_O2svHIb0 [FFAF, moćni su]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lL-I40d0uo [Lostprophets, dobri su]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY1SwqLOC3c [Thrice]

Dopuna: 30 Mar 2008 0:52

E, da - setih se i da bi bendovi Avenged Sevenfold, My Chemical Romance i A.F.I. možda mogli da prodju kao Emo...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOsIlLC3s_o [A7x, dobar bend]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d5WlUR1T3k [A.F.I., sasvim solidan bend]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF9UB_xrhMI [MCR, uopšte nisu loši]

Tol'ko. Ja ću se ipak držati Trivium-a, Maiden-a, Metallica-e, Dream Theater-a i još par 'tvrdjih' (iliti više true) grupa... Very Happy

Emo, emotional hardcore, emo-core, post-punk, pop-punk...call it what you like, this guitar-driven music bed for the anxious teens of America and beyond has arguably come so far from its supposedly 'underground', alternative beginnings as to become part of the current mainstream. By the late-90s, Emo had become part of the lingo, the 'latest thing' according to 'Teen People' - probably causing many of the movement's exponents and followers to shudder with self-conscious angst. (If an updated, slightly gothier version of Harry Enfield's 'Kevin the Teenager' was to have a soundtrack, it'd probably be 90% emo...)
Emerging through various Washington DC bands in the 1980s, 'emo' was originally synonymous with hardcore punk, but the term has latterly been used to describe the 'emotional hardcore' music of famous bands such as Fugazi, Weezer and Jimmy Eat World. Seeking to define the emo sound, the New York Times summed it all up quite nicely in 2005: '...punk that wears its heart on its sleeve and tries a little tenderness to leaven its sonic attack. If it helps, imagine Ricky Nelson singing in the Sex Pistols.'
Must we? Anyway...as an offshoot of the increasingly violent and aggressive hardcore scene, emo was more of an emotional form, albeit no less confrontational and angry, the lyrics being intense and personal...and the navel-gazing hitting on what so many of the teenaged fans on the scene felt they were all about. Added to this was a more experimental approach to arrangement, jangly melodic guitars and harmonies (remember them?) challenging the norms of the punk genre. Several sources seem to think that Minneapolis band H?D?1984 release 'Zen Arcade' provided something of a road-map for the emo movement that was to follow, raging self-abusive vocals and melodic hard rock meeting in bizarrely harmonious circumstances.
The torch originally lit by DC bands Moss Icon, Rites of Spring and Embrace was passed on to groups in other cities, expanding the scene in San Diego (where Gravity Records was the imprint in the early 90s releasing emo stuff). As well as spreading across California, over on America's East coast another comparable scene was growing, particularly in New Jersey. Not content with having unleashed Bon Jovi upon the world, the Garden State can now lay claim to being responsible for acts such as Saves the Day, My Chemical Romance and Jimmy Eat World, more recent groups daubed with the emo tag - predictably so, given both groups' penchant for guitar music and 'life-sucks' outlook - maudlin American complaint-rock, here we come.
However, it seems that the emo tag is one that few people seem to want - clearly, as soon as a scene gets a label from the mainstream media, its cover is blown - and My Chemical Romance's front-man, Gerard Way, was once moved in an interview to describe emo as 'a pile of shit'. Whether or not he was talking about the tag or the music is up to you, really.



Najzad i ovde blog o EMU... posto sam malo bila zaopostavila net, kao i sav drustveni zivot (kao sto se desi i svim emosima..)sad kad sam videla da NAS i ovde ima, rekoh da se prikljucim.... Za pocetak bih da kazem da emo nije crnilo i sivilo vec se nesigurnost tako pokazuje... EMO nije gomila budala i narkomana, za one koji to tako shvataju... radjas se kao EMO i to se manifestuje na razlicite nacine. Pritom ne shvatam one EMOSE koji se preterano eksponiraju i tako sebi donose probleme. Kad si vec tako emotivan ne stavljj se u izlog gde ocekujes da ce ti se svi diviti... pa evo ja ja sam delom EMO ali to ne nosi sa sobom kutiju spriceva, crnu kosu isl... Emo je nacin zivota, muzika u usima i prilagodjavanje grubom zivotu koji je svuda oko nas.
@Leggu, ne znam zasto imas toliku mrznju prema onome sto ne poznajes U CELOSTI.
PS. svi koji imaju nesto protiv ovog pokreta neka izvole PRONACI SAME SEBE, i ako nemaju nista pametno da kazu, neka oVaJ blog ostave EMOSIMA..
I DA... puno poZzZz za sve koji su se odvazili da priznaju da su barem delom EMO...jer ko nije bar toliko- sta je- PRAZNA LJUSTURA....

ja javno kazem da sam emo
ali ne 100%,
sarv pozzdrav i brawo

Dopuna: 21 Dec 2008 16:16

evo mene i jedno opusteno vece, u potpunom miru
peace in world shirri love and happiness

stvarno ne znam sta ljudi imaju protiv Emo osoba
cak ih i moje drustvo mrzi, mada mrznja je prejaka rec,...
mislim da je stvorena u potpunosti pogresna slika o njima tj nama Smile)))

Dopuna: 21 Dec 2008 16:17

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