Enough bullcrap from me


Enough bullcrap from me

Mladjo,ovo je divno...Divno...Ne samo sto si jednu pesmu posvetio "nekoj" Saski..I sto se ja slucajno isto tako zovem.. smešak Laughing Vec zato sto je iz srca..oseti se...A produktivnost dolazi sa zreloscu..

Guess what, guys - nisam baš izašao iz bedaka, al' me napao dobar trip..:

Mala boginja

Plava kosa deli sjaj svile
i ranjivi pogled ćuti;
spokojno idi, mila moja,
jer čekaću te ovde kad se probudiš.

Glatka, besprekorna koža,
dvaput prekinuta purpurnim ruhom,
miriše na slatki med
i prekrivam je lagano.

Nežna stopala na ivici kreveta
migolje se u potrazi za toplinom,
a laktanjem bira pogodni deo jastuka.

Široki, iskreni zev
uzima mi osmeh; i slučajno,
nesvesno, baca prste u stranu,
dodirujući mi obraz.

Dobro je da ne zna
koliko sam slab
dok blizu me bezbrižno postoji...

@ Saška :
Hvala i tebi... Embarassed Wink

Well, back to the good ol' misery...

Pola čoveka

Pogledaj me, vidi kako
padam ispod njihovog dna,
polako bivam ugušen;

Neometan, na pesku ja sam samo
onda kad i moral prijatelja
je daleko.

Zamerite mi hir što nije
od vas odobren, ponudite
reč uvrede dovoljno preteće i
opet smo na istom -

Učim kako prolazeće vreme
vodi me do izvora,
zatvarajući krug.

Ostavljen u osami
živim dobro svoje;
trebam druge, al' oni
potajno me neće...

U meni

U meni, kad mirujem,
juri svet što satkao sam
od sete i vriska za
vratima koja jednu svest
željnu novih tajni
uvela bi.

U meni žubori izvor
snova, skriven i stvaran
za one ruke što, kad
svoja dobra peru,
miluju me.

U meni se sudar oštrica
ne čuje, jer koplja
sopstvena u delovima rasuta
povrede tek moju dušu
što tiho postoji.

U meni uzavrele reči
igraju i kružeći beže
put pora van, ne štedeći
strast što nije tudju kožu
celovito oslikala u
glavi punoj čvoruga.

U meni je stežuća potreba
za begom u pustoš,
praznu i tako nevinu,
iako mi nekad telo
sa mišlju u šupljem
samo prezir čuvaše.

U meni široko je znanje,
a lenje kretanje trudi se
da oslobodi me još kojeg ožiljka,
al' odveć verujem da
trnovite grane čuvaju
ugalj goreći od svakog pogleda mog.

Ukleto je mnoštvo u meni,
a kazaljke poskakuju,
te budim se kad ne htedoh
da razlikujem boje...

MladjaVR ::

Magnovenja šumskog sna (Njoj... <3 )

Ja sam glas što juri šumom,
nečujan za uši običnog čoveka;

Moj plač donosi rosu na jutarnje
lišće, i to je vama lepota prirode...

Moj jezik vi ne poimate jer mi
drveće sakriva drugo drveće;

Meni se voće greha ne nudi
i granje me jadnog zla ne šiba.

Čist sam i proziran,
usputan u vašem neznanju.

Al' jedno čudno biće došlo je
sasvim blizu i pozvalo me...

Čarobne kose devojka moju
tajnu pesmu tuge je poslušala,

Držeći oko ka mom pogledu
poznate reči tiho je izustila:

"Čemu te ne nauči pamet
spoznaće ti emocije."

Osetih se nelagodno u društvu
nikad ranije dobijenom;

Nevidjena ikad okraj doma mog,
a oduvek i doveka tu pripada...

"Ono sam što nisi dosad osetila,
a ti si ono što nikad imao nisam."

"Tvoj svet me ne zaslužuje,
a moj nisi dobro upoznala;"

"Ja neću van, a ti unutra
ne možeš, iako volim te..."

Ova mi je najbolja... smešak

Hehe, pomalo apstraktna... a baška što Ona ne postoji; nikada i nije... Wink zato je dobila posvetu...

Otkrij me

Ništa nije izvesnije od hladnog kruga
kojim koračam nejednako gazeći...
no prepreke su uvek drugačije;

znam samo da svako moje "volim te"
jako je i napeto istinom -
a niko ga ikad čuo nije.

Uvek sam bio dalje od providne granice
koja označava mekoću što
dvoje ljudi deli pred medjusobnu slabost, bliskost.
I tako je jer ne lažem sebe.

Sve novo što osetim me detaljnije
vaja na putu do savršenstva;
a nikad takav postati neću, nikad
obraza suvih zbog odsustva suza.

Čekam, ovde, da pojavi se neko
u galeriji zatrpanog poda lišćem što odavno
nije zeleno, a potiče sa drveta koje su zaključana vrata...
i pričam sebi uspavanku, jer tako manje boli.

MladjaVR ::Otkrij me

Sve novo što osetim me detaljnije
vaja na putu do savršenstva;
a nikad takav postati neću, nikad
obraza suvih zbog odsustva suza.

Čekam, ovde, da pojavi se neko
u galeriji zatrpanog poda lišćem što odavno
nije zeleno, a potiče sa drveta koje su zaključana vrata...
i pričam sebi uspavanku, jer tako manje boli.

Da ne kvarim rečima.... smešak

Dobro je - malo sam se sredio ovih dana, te ću polako a sigurno zanemarivati onaj drugi (patetičniji) moj blog...

Sad, naleteh na svoje (relativne) početke kada je poezija u pitanju, pa rekoh, da podelim to s vama.
Tim je interesantnije kad vam kažem da sam svoje prve pesme (i to njih 30-tak!) napisao na engleskom; srpski sam tek kasnije prisvojio kao 'default'... Mr. Green

Bolje pišem na srpskom, ali mi svi govore kako dopadljivije pišem na engleskom. Istini za volju, ranije sam uglavnom bio vodjen emocijama i uz malo talenta; a sad se uglavnom uzdam u mudru prevaru čitaoca (iako ja to radim za sebe, naravno!)...

Dakle, evo Mladena od pre godinu-dve-tri:

A Lie of My Own

I dream of you,
holding your head
up against the
calm wind sculpting
your closed eyes
deep within my memory.

I dream of me,
so free between
your gentle fingers
caressing my soul;
and for the first time

I am fulfilled.

Breathe No More

My hidden fears -
Your lonesome tears

Dripping wet
And nearest death.

Our unsuccessful roles
Taking rightful tolls;

A single lullaby
To say "goodbye".

Chained By Fears (Countless Reasons To Continue)

Desperate heart stood eager yet still;
Gods of love decided to kill
The fire that warmed no one...

Chronicles of The Unguided One
[ova mi je objavljena u jednoj američkoj zbirci pesama različitih autora; jedina koju sam i pokušao da objavim, do sada Wink ]

With not enough dignity earned
To see the fruits of Heaven
Falling to make someone else
Happy, during the hard journey
Of changing my destiny, I walk
Opposing the wind's play, managing
To stand up straight.

Bunch of signs along the road;
What's it worth when I'm blind?

I hope only that you dream of me
Slowly heading your way...


I am disturbed;
My thoughts aren't plain
But my mind is weak.

My life is absurd;
A bloodless puppet on
Strings of guidance is me.

I am unwanted;
Now the sought-after icons
Are haunting me again.

My hopes are dying;
The energy, so great,
Is spoiled forever.

I am lonely;
The goods of a mocked soul
Aren't tested long enough.

Please, love me;
Don't say I'm blind if
My eyes have never been open.

Emotion-colored Horizon

When your eyes allow to be taken
by my voice far away from reality,
just squeeze the telephone in search
for an adventure to remember, and I
shall speak to you all day long.

Blink just once to let me know I'm boring,
and my hands will be cuddling your neck
in spite of the unwanted distance...

Your golden smile is the reward
for my thirsty heart, sinful to you
only because of the naive stupidity
and quiet nature of me.

And perfection is my instance of peace,
the time when you believe in the words
I never said, and care about me, knowing
only my speech and giving me the pleasure of yours...

Give Yourself To Me

Can you hear the Sun
My little fantasy?
It's promising you endless fun
If you stay beside me

See the music of my eyes
Hear the touch of my fingertips
This time, for real, I'm not wearing disguise
And I sense the blush on your lips

Reach for our reflection
In the still water near by
Your pale skin is my salvation
Come on, please, just don't be shy

I've never tasted the true
Unriddled you...

Hello, Stranger

Not even my friends speak to me
with such unearthly kindness;
and we don't know each other at all.

And though I'm easily distracted,
sharing my attention with everybody else,
you are the single one that deserved it.

Others think that you tried to charm me
back then, to take the white raven home;
that's the only thing I hope of, beautiful...

Someone new and unexplored, the
chance to finally meet myself beside;
to see what I've grown into.

Please, wait for me...

Her Ever-repeating Memory of Me

'Twas but a glimpse
that answered all of my
questions, cleared her
doubtful mind.

Eye against eye,
we stood in awe when
the identical drams
unraveled before us,
leaving its victims
alone and parted from
the distant crowd.

Her voice I'd never
heard and she knew me
not, as well, yet silence
in the air did no hurt upon
our mutual completion.

For, when we touched,
stared into one another,
she had me and I tasted
her intentions storming
towards my very self.

Not all, eventually, was
well and mirrored bliss -
a life's been cut on
its opportunities.

'Tis the noblest move
to make, to find that
life of yours belongs
not to you only.

Sadly, I won't be there
to see her tears
reflecting pictures
painted once by me...

Perfectly Invisible

In the desert of people
You shall find my soul;
In the swarm of eyes
Mine will be closed;
In the waves of moving hands
I shall be the useless rock;
And in the forest of hearts
Mine is the wounded log;
The emptiness of my presence
Is off to erase the frontiers of existence;
A thought of difference
Stumbles down through the lobby of nothingness;
But in the endless dark a single spark
Moves the motionless being...

The Beginning
napisao sa 14 godina, kad se prvi i jedini put ozbiljno zaljubih

Everything has begun
Under the morning sun;
The snow below was melting away
Can you remember that day?
A cool wind caressed your hair,
And I was there...
The magic of love drugged me
And you were the only thing I could see;
I was standing on the shaking ground
And listening to that sound...
It was the song of your voice
That left me no choice
But to love you sincerely,
With all my body - completely!

The Pleasures of Ridicule

Someone you know is not up to
your tranquil manysidedness wishes
for an evening laugh and some more
priviledge among the company only
you are part of; his words, no matter
how idle they seem, distort your
virtues to a brief weakness.

Pray it's all that simple and temporary...

Thunders For Good Night

Slow footsteps had
stopped behind me

And I saw your figure
in the mirror;

A gentle turn, and
the meeting of our eyes

Reminded me of
the passion we are trying to hide.

Your incomplete touch
tightens me in agony,

The wrinkles of your trust
set me free again;

Wordless moments
and intimacy of our

Proudly dressed bodies
made no difference...

Time to go without
the deserved prize

Couldn't stop me from
being faithful ever still.

Your secret smile
behind my back,

And a hidden one
for you, my dear...

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