GFactory Dance Floor


GFactory Dance Floor

pa može i za mene & also to Ljubičanstvena... Very Happy

10x to little miss angryness,I mean Ljutka... Smile Zagrljaj

Apollo Four Forty - Ain't Talking 'Bout Dub

apollo 440,stop the rock

delerium - underwater, remix

something fearless in your eyes
something careless about your smile
something fragile when you hold your breath
and when you move
you move right through me

fingertips so gently on my skin
i'm underwater
i feel the flood begin
fingertips so gently on my skin
you're taking over and over again

shed your armour
spin your web
hypnotise me with the longest stare
make your promise
or maybe it's a threat
'cos when you look
you look right through me

we're flesh and bone
together and alone
and we're looking for a home

silver moonlight fills the sky
calling gently to the evening tide
you're unfolding right before my eyes
and when you move
you move right through me

10x[thanks] Ljubičanstvena Smajli

nema na cemu - ta mi je pesma jedna od favorites of all times Smajli

i can move any mountain - shamen

Dopuna: 31 Okt 2008 15:14

chris rea - all summer long (nije klasična "dancefloor" stvar, ali se uz ovo da jako lepo igrati)

Ja već "tancujem" uz tvog Chris Rea,pa Ljubice izvol'te,pridružite mi se... Smajli

Mason vs. Princess Superstar - Perfect (Exceeder)

paul johnson,get get down

summer jam - underdog

Dopuna: 03 Nov 2008 18:06

tacnije, underdog project Wink

Dopuna: 03 Nov 2008 18:54 znam da li je bilo ali...freemasons - when u touch me

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