Galapagos, kornjače, sveštenik Timotije & co.


Galapagos, kornjače, sveštenik Timotije & co.

- “They come at night. But one must sleep sometime”. That’s the problem. Mankind has lost the ability to sleep. You’d better read. I’m a little excited.
- “I know only one thing, señor. When I ... when I sleep, I know no fear, no hope, no trouble, no bliss. Blessings on him who invented sleep. The common coin that purchases all things, the balance that levels shepherd and king, fool and wise man. There is only one bad thing about sound sleep. They say it closely resembles death.”
- “Never before, Sancho, have I heard you speak so elegantly as now.”
- That’s great, but perhaps you’ll let me say something now? I propose a toast to Snaut, to his bravery, to his devotion to duty. To science and to Snaut.
- Science? Nonsense. In this situation, mediocrity and genius are equally useless. We have no interest in conquering any cosmos. We want to extend the Earth to the borders of the cosmos. We don’t know what to do with other worlds. We don’t need other worlds. We need a mirror. We struggle for contact, but we’ll never find it. We’re in the foolish human predicament of striving for a goal that he fears, that he has no need for. Man needs man. Let’s drink to Gibarian. To his memory. Even though he got frightened.
- No, Gibarian was not frightened. There are worse things. He died of hopelessness. He thought all this was happening only to him.
- My God! All these heartbreaking lamentations are nothing but second-rate Dostoyevsky.
- Who are you to judge?
- I know why I’m here. I’m working. Man was created by nature so he could learn her ways. In his endless search for the truth man is condemned to knowledge. Everything else is a whim.
- I’ve really lost heart. Help me out a bit. Doesn’t a man who’s ready to give up his life just to make cursed contact in order to know more about it have the right to get drunk? He has every right. Do you believe in our mission, Kelvin? I’m not going to bed yet. It’s important not to fall asleep. I’m going to see Faust. In the laboratory, our Faust – Sartorius – is seeking a remedy against immortality. While we... Listen, let’s open these hatches and shout down below. It would suddenly hear. But what should we call it? Maybe we should whip it with birch leaves? Or, better yet, pray to it. What’s wrong?

Engleski prevod možda nije baš najbolji, prekucano je sa titlova. Mr. Green

"Prirodno, rekao bi John, nauka nije tu da spasava nego da saznaje. Spasenje je, ako do njega uopšte dođe, tek nusproizvod saznanja. Neka vrsta slučajne izlučevine.

"Pravila pripadaju našem konceptu. Priroda ih ima samo dok se ne promene. ali mi mehanizam promena ne poznajemo, niti ćemo ga ikad upoznati. Jer taj mehanizam, kako ga mi razumemo, kao logičko pravilo kome se sve pokorava, u prirodi jednostavno ne postoji. Priroda poznaje samo - slučaj. Mi smo osuđeni da oko njega pipamo u mraku.

"Bila je to, mislio je, naravno, naopaka predstava o ulozi inteligencije u prirodnom poretku stvari. Prilagođavanje prirodi, a ne prilagođavanje prirode, formula je koja vrsti obezbeđuje trajnost. Samo, za podizanje samosvesti za ovim stolom pogrešna je ideja o ljudskoj svemoći više vredela od prave, koja je tu moć, ako želi da bude korisna i po sebe i po prirodu, svodila na saradnju s njom".

Pekić, Besnilo

jedan blog entry za ovaj blog na sitiju:

interesantna pricica Wink

Florian, sa linka iz posta iznad ::I was a bit excited but also switched on my “awareness mode”. Without any further talking he was writing something down on a paper. After that he was crumpling up the paper and gave it to me. Than he was asking me to write down the name of my mum, the birthplace of my dad and the name of a person I love. I was doing so and after I finished he was asking me to open the paper I had in my hand.

Guess what?

He was exactly right! How is he doing this? Maybe you can google the name of my mum and if you know me you maybe know a close person I love but how can he know the birthplace of my dad? unbelievable!

Ja svičujem na “awareness mode” kad čitam tuđe blogove. Razz

Meni se nikada ništa slično nije desilo, i ne verujem u ovakve priče, mada verovatno dopuštam sebi minimalnu dozu sumnje, kao i autor bloga. Ali ne verujem isključivo za sebe, ne mogu druge ubeđivati u to da li su ili nisu iskusili nešto neobično. Trudim se da zaobilazim ovakve pojave, ali to ne znači da ih smatram nenormalnim, lažnim, ili ne znam kakvim. Istinite su za onoga kome su se dogodile, ze mene nisu. Nisu mi bliske, i ne privlače me, ni ne pokušavam da ih odgonetnem i racionalizujem.

Uostalom, nije da sam ja ovako racionalno nastrojena nekakvo otelotvorenje normalne osobe. Mr. Green

upravo zato sto se i njemu nista slicno nije desilo, postovah ti link na njegovu pricu, jer je i on sasvim racionalno nastrojen Wink
samo kao primer Smile

Tamtitam ::...ako vernik gresi, njegov gubitak i rizik se svodi na izgubljeno vreme ali ako ateista gresi pasce bogami jedno dinstanje na vecnoj vatrici da ce se sve pusiti Laughing

Postoji i treća mogućnost. Mr. Green

Citat:The human brain is the most complex object in the known Universe, with as many neurons as there are trees in the Amazon rain-forest. The number of possible connections in a single human brain is said to exceed the number of particles in the universe. But what are we doing with this extraordinary organ between our ears? Reading Hello is what. Doing the lottery in the pathetic hope that things would be all right if we were on a yacht.
People say the brain is like a computer, but it is not. It is nothing like a computer. There is no computer in the world today that knows or understands as much as any five year old child. Smarter than computers though we may be, what do we know, really, any of us? Sure we can build aeroplanes and toasters (well, you and I can't, but we know a man who can). Some people can remember all the state capitals in the US or the name of Napoleon's horse. But as to the knottier questions...
What is life? No one knows. What, if anything, happens after death? Nope, got me there. What is consciousness? Er... Music? Light? Viruses? Laughter? Electricity? No one has the faintest idea what any of these things actually are. We do not know how the universe began, how large it is, how fast it is expanding (or even if it is) or if there is more than one of them.
Orthodox modern physics asserts that there are many universes, though exactly how many is anyone's guess, because there is, unfortunately, no quantum physicist in the world who understands quantum physics. Well, why should they ? I've never met a single person who understands the workings of their own mind or how to bring up their own children properly, let alone tricky stuff like The Copenhagen Interpretation.
We live, they say, in The Information Age, yet almost none of the information we think we possess is true. Eskimos do not rub noses. The rickshaw was invented by an American. Joan of Arc was not French. Lenin was not Russian. The world is not solid, it is made of empty space and energy, and neither haggis, whisky, porridge, clan tartans nor kilts are Scottish.
So we stand, silent, on a peak in Darien: a vast, rolling, teeming, untrodden territory before us. QI country.
Whatever is interesting we are interested in. Whatever is not interesting, we are even more interested in. Everything is interesting if looked at in the right way. At one extreme, QI is serious, intensely scientific, deeply mystical; at the other it is hilarious, silly and frothy enough to please the most indolent couch-potato.
The steam engine was invented in ancient Greece. The earth has at least seven moons, not one. George Washington's teeth previously belonged to a hippopotamus. The information goes on and on, deeper and wider, stranger and stranger.
And this is the point of QI: it is worthwhile. It is 'autotelic' - worth doing for its own sake. And it echoes the venerable mission statement of Lord Reith's BBC: to educate, inform and entertain.
No one need ever be bored again.

Citat:...ako vernik gresi, njegov gubitak i rizik se svodi na izgubljeno vreme ali ako ateista gresi pasce bogami jedno dinstanje na vecnoj vatrici da ce se sve pusiti
Рекла си нешто слично Паскаловој опклади.
"Или Бога има или га нема.Клађење не зависи од наше воље,већ смо уплетени у њега,јер остати неутралан,или не изабрати значи бити против Бога.Дакле ако човек може да бира,треба да одлучи шта ће да уложи ? Улаже свој живот и вољу,знање и срећу.Зато је потребно кладити се на Бога,јер „ако се добија,добија се све,а ако се изгуби не губи се ништа.“,каже Паскал."

Skoro me Internet pretraga nije ovoliko obradovala. Poglavlje "Biblioteka kao um" knjige "Biblioteka noću", o Varburgovoj biblioteci, odnosno o Varburgovom umu.

Alberto Mangel, Biblioteka noću ::Svakom posetiocu koji se našao u Varburgovoj biblioteci postajalo je jasno da je od samog začetka njegova kreacija vizuelne prirode. Oblik polica, asocijativni niz naslova na njima, kao i slike i fotografije razasute po svim sobama svedočili su o njegovoj zaokupljenosti fizičkom reprezentacijom ideja i simbola. Pitanja koja je postavljao izvirala su iz vizuelnih predstava; uz pomoć knjiga je razmišljao o tim vizuelnim predstavama i u knjigama je pronalazio reči da premosti tišinu između njih. Pamćenje, ključna reč u Varburgovom rečniku, nadasve je značila pamćenje slika.

Poduhvat koji Varburg nije dovršio i koji je nemoguće dovršiti jeste stvaranje ikonografskog niza koji je nazvao Mnemosina, što je u stvari obimna zbirka vizuelnih predstava što mapira mrežu puteva koje je ovaj učenjak sledio i uspostavlja veze među njima. No, kako da izloži te slike? Kako da ih poređa ispred sebe tako da ih može proučavati u nizu, i to u nizu koji bi se menjao s novim idejama i sveže uočenim vezama? Rešenje za ovaj problem smislio je Saksl. Po Varburgovom povratku u Hamburg, Saksl ga je dočekao sa ogromnim drvenim pločama, nalik na stojeću školsku tablu, preko kojih je razapeo crnu jutanu tkaninu. Varburg je čiodama mogao da pričvrsti slike na platno, i da ih bez problema skine kad god poželi da im promeni položaj. Ovi džinovski izlozi, „stranice" u knjizi beskrajno promenjljivog niza, postali su središte celokupne Varburgove aktivnosti tokom poslednjih godina života. Budući da je po želji mogao da promeni kako ploče tako i slike na njima, one su postale fizička ilustracija carstva njegovih misli i njegove biblioteke, kojima je dodao i reku napomena i komentara. „Ove slike i reči namenjeni su da pomognu onima koji dolaze posle mene da dostignu jasnoću spoznaje", napisao je „i tako prevaziđu tragični sukob instinktivne magije i diskurzivne logike. One su ispovesti jednog (neizlečivo) šizoidnog čoveka, odložene u arhivama mentalnih iscelitelja." Sakslove ploče - knjiga džinovskih promenjivih stranica - Varburgu su zapravo, u izvesnoj meri, nadomestile izgubljeni lični prostor; bile su privatni domen koji mu je pomogao da delimično povrati mentalno zdravlje.

Abi Varburg preminuo je 1929. godine u šezdeset i trećoj godini. Tri godine posle Varburgove smrti u Nemačkoj je izašlo nekoliko knjiga njegovih sabranih dela; dugo vremena ostaće poslednje koje su objavljene u njegovoj domovini. Fragmentirano i čudovišno širokog spektra, njegovo pisano stvaralaštvo je još jedna verzija njegove biblioteke, još jedna reprezentacija zamršenih puteva njegove misli, još jedna mapa njegovog izuzetnog uma. Želeo je da intuicijom stigne do zakona nauke; želeo je da veruje da su uzbuđenje i strahote umetnosti i književnosti koraci koji vode do razumevanja uzroka i uloge. No, uvek se, po ko zna koji put, vraćao zamisli da je pamćenje žudnja, a žudnja znanje. U jednom od fragmenata piše „da je umetničko delo preteći objekat koji se približava posmatraču". Svojom je bibliotekom pokušao da stvori prostor koji ne bi zauzdavao tu pretnju (to se, smatrao je, ne bi moglo uraditi bez uništenja) nego bi se u njemu, sa znatiželjom, poštovanjem i div-ljenjem, krasno ogledao njegov ljubopitljiv, inteligentan um.

"Nabokov Theory on Butterfly Evolution Is Vindicated

Allowing himself a few literary flourishes, Nabokov invited his readers to imagine “a modern taxonomist straddling a Wellsian time machine.” Going back millions of years, he would end up at a time when only Asian forms of the butterflies existed. Then, moving forward again, the taxonomist would see five waves of butterflies arriving in the New World."

Mr. Green smešak


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