Mi dolor es tu dolor


Mi dolor es tu dolor

Koop - Island Blues

Hello my love
It's getting cold on this island
I'm sad alone
I'm so sad on my own
The truth is
We were much too young
Now I'm looking for you
Or anyone like you
We said goodbye
With the smile on our faces
Now you're alone
You're so sad on your own
The truth is
We run out of time
Now you're looking for me
Or anyone like me
Na na na na
Hello my love
It's getting cold on this island
I'm sad alone
I'm so sad on my own
The truth is
We were much too young
Now I'm looking for you
Or anyone like you

* * *

Bicu tvoja Julija.

Ne znam da li sam ... nema veze ... opet cu.

Pismo nikome

Na visinama, gde je sveze
I svetlo i cisto i siroko,
Borave moje misli, a ovde
Dole, gde ove reci pisem,
Okuzen vazduh grudi steze,
Odmora nema budno oko.
Sputan zivim i tesko disem,
Sve me je manje, sve sam nize,
Sve je mracnije i sve teze.
A u meni, ko ranjen soko,
Melodija se jedna dize
O visinama, gdje je sveze
I svetlo i cisto i siroko.

To bam pisem da se zna, evo,
Da sam bedno umiruc pevo.

(Ivo Andric)

Arcade fire - My body is a cage

My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key

My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key

I'm standing on a stage
Of fear and self-doubt
It's a hollow play
But they'll clap anyway

My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key

You're standing next to me
My mind holds the key

I'm living in an age
That calls darkness light
Though my language is dead
Still the shapes fill my head

I'm living in an age
Whose name I don't know
Though the fear keeps me moving
Still my heart beats so slow

My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key

You're standing next to me
My mind holds the key
My body is a

My body is a cage
We take what we're given
Just because you've forgotten
That don't mean you're forgiven

I'm living in an age
That screams my name at night
But when I get to the doorway
There's no one in sight

My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key

You're standing next to me
My mind holds the key

Set my spirit free
Set my spirit free
Set my body free

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