



Robbie Turner: Dearest Cecilia, the story can resume. The one I had been planning on that evening walk. I can become again the man who once crossed the surrey park at dusk, in my best suit, swaggering on the promise of life. The man who, with the clarity of passion, made love to you in the library. The story can resume. I will return. Find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.


Cecilia Tallis: [crying] I don't know how I could've been so ignorant about myself ... so ... so stupid. And you know what I'm talking about, don't you? You knew before I did.
Robbie Turner: Why're you crying?
Cecilia Tallis: Don't you know?
Robbie Turner: Yes, I know exactly.


Briony Tallis, aged 13: Why don't you talk to Robbie anymore?
Cecilia Tallis: I do. We just move in different circles, that's all.


Robbie Turner: [about the letter he sent her] It was a mistake.
Cecilia Tallis: Briony read it.
Robbie Turner: I'm so sorry, it was the wrong version.
Cecilia Tallis: Yes.
Robbie Turner: It was never meant to be read.
Cecilia Tallis: No.



"I love you. I'll wait for you. Come back. Come back to me."

Dobar ti i ovaj post...

Otisao sam da pronadjem mir, ostavio sve...
Popakovao neophodne drangulije,
zapio se za puta da zaboravim, i otisao, ne pitajuci se smem li...

Nisam siguran vise imam li volju da je pronalazim,
verovatno sam je i nasao, ko zna,
i pred nosom da mi je dupencetom vrckala, ako nije sudjeno, nije.

Prokleta rakija nije delovala dugo,
ni dolivanje pivom u Londonu nije valjalo puno,
vazda joj oci vidim i kosu...

Zabludim pokadkad, pa musko sam majku mu,
zalude me lepe dojcice,
dam se kako valja, nisam od skrtih onih,
ali Ona me progoni, u misli mi se zakovrdza i umrsi,


e, da, i dokuckamo se pokadkad Zlatoruna i ja (ne pitaj me kako znam, znam, to mora biti ona). Drzi mi palceve, valjace...

"... Jednom kad smo se slucajno sreli, pitao me: '
Da li bi bila sa mnom da znas da necemo ostati skupa...?'
Rekoh mu: '...da... jer najljepsi trenuci u zivotu mogu biti i najvece pogreske...'

life music

Plavac, moja moc ne dostize bas daleko, ali Sunce mogu da usmjerim u tvom pravcu. Hvala ti ... Zagrljaj



kindergirl ::Citat:Oziljci se ne formiraju dok ne vratis izvadjene delove tela nazad. Tako znas da si volela nekog.

Hvala i tebi ... Zagrljaj


Gray: I told them all the great things I know about you and there were a lot. I was up there for a while. I didn't tell them everything, though. I left out the complicated stuff, like how it took losing you forever for me to truly find you. And how finding you turned me into someone else entirely. That's not what they came for. People want to hear you were great. Not that were great, but also, sometimes, not so great. They want to know I miss you. Not that while I've been missing you, I've fallen for someone else. It's weird, though. I feel like the only one who would understand this is you. In a way, that makes sense. He was the one person you were yourself around. Of course he'd be that same person for me. Anyway, I left all that out and I kept it simple. I told them I loved you and that's the truth.


(Catch and Release)

Coulda, woulda, shoulda ...

Citat:I knew...
That I had to stay alive.
I had to keep breathing.
Even though there was no reason to hope.
And all my logic said that I will never see this place again.
So that’s what I did.
I stayed alive.
I kept breathing.
And then one day that logic was proven all wrong.
Because the tide...
Came in, and gave me a sail.
And now, here I am.
I’m back...
In Memphis, talking to you.
I have ice in my glass.
And I've lost her all over again
I’m so sad that I don't have Kelly.
But I'm so grateful that she was with me on that island.
And I know what I have to do now.
I gotta keep breathing.
Because tomorrow, the sun will rise.

Who knows what the tide could bring?

cast away

nisam znala da li je bash za ovaj blog.... ali nek ide zhivot...keep breathing Mr. Green

Indeed ... it's perfect for this blog. Thank you! smešak

valjda ne smeta ovde..


Jocelyn: You know what I'm wondering before I go? How do you feel about older women?
Grigg Harris: Ah, great. I have three older sisters, so I like all women.


Grigg Harris: Isn't physical attraction one of the ungovernable forces? You know like gravity, that's what we like about it. Down hill, release the breaks, loosen the breaks and then whoosh! Cool


Grigg Harris: What about me? Am I your friend? Or am I just some widget to help you make Sylvia feel better about herself? Why did you invite me to be part of your book club? What went through your mind the first time you saw me? "There's a man who is dying to read every book Jane Austen ever wrote." Is that what you thought?
Jocelyn: No.
Grigg Harris: But I thought, "What a beautiful woman. I hope she looks over at me." I thought if I read your favorite books that you would read mine. But, no, no, no, no... You just want to be obeyed. That's why you have dogs.


Prudie Drummond: He looks at me like he's the spoon, and I'm this dish of ice cream. Embarassed Zaljubljen


(The Jane Austin Book Club)

You make me sick, but I enjoy every minute of it!

nikada i nikako ...


Eisenheim: From the moment we enter this live we are in the flow of it. We measure it and We mock it, but we cannot defy it. We cannot even speed it up or slow it down. Or can we? Have we not each experienced the sensation that a beautiful moment seemed to pass to quickly, and wished that we could make it linger? Or felt time slow on a dull day, and wished that we could speed things up a bit?


Chief Inspector Uhl: Then why are you doing this?
Eisenheim: To be with her.


Eisenheim: I was meant to return... I just... I kept thinking I'll find around the next corner...
Sophie: What?
Eisenheim: A real mystery. I saw remarkable things but the only mystery I never solved was... why my heart couldn't let go of you.


The Illusionist

I'll stand by you

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