


Gwen: It hurts when I smile...
Bertram Pincus: I can fix that for you.
Ghost town

i narochito onaj deo kad kazhe da nije istina da mrtvi imaju nezavrshena posla nego mi imamo nedovrshena posla sa njima...

Dopuna: 28 Jan 2009 0:33

"Allison: The world's a playground. You know that when you are a kid, but somewhere along the way everyone forgets it. "
Yes Man

uklapam neke puzle vecheras...neke slike se shire...


Victor: I can't. I'm afraid.
Hilary: Afraid of what?
Victor: Afraid of hoping.


(Dying Young)

Dreams to reality


Ben Thomas: In seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine.


(Seven pounds)



Karen Blixen: When God wants to punish us, He answers our prayers.


(Out of Africa)

What or where else?



Lady Sarah Ashley: Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be.



I sing you to me.

"Bendžamine, moramo izgubiti ljude koje volimo.
Kako bismo inače znali koliko su nam važni?"



August Boatwright: Well, I don't know. Some things in life, like the color of a house, don't really matter. But lifting someone's heart? Now, that matters.


(The secret life of bees)


Julie Vignon: Why are you crying?
La servante: Because you're not.


(Trois couleurs: Bleu)

(With Desire)


David Kepesh: When you make love to a woman you get revenge for all the things that defeated you in life.



(To really love a woman)


Allison: [riding on a motor scooter] Am I going too fast for you?
Carl Allen: Nah. In fact, I think you should go faster. That way if we crash, at least I'll die. I just don't wanna be kept alive artificially.


(Yes Man)

(Turn your No's into a Yes)



Klaatu: [to Helen] Your professor is right. At the precipice we change.


(The Day the Earth Stood Still)

(Can we change?)

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