



Juan Antonio: Maria Elena used to say that only unfulfilled love can be romantic.


Cristina: [Looking at a sculpture of Jesus] Are you very religious?
Juan Antonio: No, no, no, no, I'm not. The trick is to enjoy life, accepting it has no meaning whatsoever.
Cristina: No meaning? You don't think that authentic love gives life meaning?
Juan Antonio: Yes, but love is so transient. Isn't it? I was in love with a most incredible woman... and then in the end...
Vicky: Yes?
Juan Antonio: She put a knife into me.
Cristina: My God, that's terrible!
Vicky: Well, maybe you did something to deserve it.


(Vicky Cristina Barcelona)

(No one like you)


Irène: But charm is more valuable than beauty. You can resist beauty, but you can't resist charm.


(Hors de prix)

(At last)


The Boss: I knew you had sense.
Slevin: Sense is something you have when you have a choice.
The Boss: Sometimes, and sometimes it's when you know you don't.


(Lucky number S.)

(I sad No!)

Ella ::"---


(Lucky number S.)

(I sad No!)

Iako mnogo toga nisam razumela(iskrenost je moja vrlina)
ovo poslednje mi se mnogo dopalo Smile


Thomas: And you were accepted, of course. You moved from Boston to Paris into a little apartment on the rue du Faubourg-Saint-Denis. I shoed you our neighborhood, my bars, my school. I introduced you to my friends, my parents. I listened to your texts, your singing, your hopes, your desires, your music. You listened to mine. My Italian, my German, a bit of Russian. I gave you a walkman. You gave me a pillow. And one day, you kissed me. Time went by, time flew and everything seemed so easy, so simple, so free, so new, so unique. We went to the movies, we went dancing, we went shopping, we laughed, you cried, we swam, we smoked, we shaved, sometimes for no reason, or for a reason. Yes, sometimes for a reason. I brought you to the academy, I studied for my exams, I listened to your singing, to your hopes, your desires, your music. You listened to mine. We were close, so close, ever so close. We went to the movies, we swam, we laughed. You screamed, sometimes for a reason and sometimes without. Time went by, time flew. I brought you to the academy, I studied for my exams. You listened to my Italian, German, Russian, French. I studied for my exams. You screamed, sometimes for a reason. Time went by for no reason. You screamed for no reason. I studied for my exams, my exams, my exams. Time went by, you screamed, you screamed, you screamed. I went to the movies.


(Paris, je t'aime )

(When Love leaves you Empty.)


Clareece 'Precious' Jones: I'm gonna break through or somebody gonna break through to me.



(To keep going on...)


Lionel: To serve people takes dignity and intelligence. But remember, they are only people with money. And although we serve them, we are not their servants. What we do, Miss Ventura, does not define who we are. What defines us is how well we rise after falling.


(Maid in Manhattan)

(i wished that i could fly away)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Ketut: Smile in your liver.


(Eat, pray, love)

(when it's not the same) - (when you want it to be)


Solomon Levinsky: You pray to your God. And I'll pray to mine.


(Solomon & Gaenor)



Grandma Mirabeau: [to granddaughter Maine] I'm not asking you to be a normal child, 'cause that's not the Mirabeau way. I'm just asking you to be a little smarter about your crazy side, okay?



(Niko nije uvijek pametan, osim budale.)


Darryl: Your energy’s off, you don’t wanna mess your karma up, you have a child coming. So, whatever you need to do to fix between you and DeBarge, you need to fix it. Trust me. Make it right.


(The Due Date)

(i can change)

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