Ne ljuti se covjece :)


Ne ljuti se covjece :)

ljubicasta ::

no comment - sanja i leggy

Znaci, mi mu dodjemo dve krave? Very Happy

Bas sam slatka Laughing

S' obzirom da mi cura ne obitava ovde, ali to bi mogli biti nas dvoje kao bikovi u podznaku i znaku ili ti kravice Laughing

ljubicasta ::

sorelag, bloodelf huntress

Shocked (ali prijatan), "ja" kao seksi plavuša u crvenom Very Happy
hvala ljubičanstvena Poljubac

ljubičasta iz moje optike

thx @all, toliko me izgrliste ovde da moram ovo cesce da radim Very Happy
@leggy - nije da point u kravicama, nego u emociji i tome sto su par, a i sto sanja kaze, jesu skroz slatke...eto i tamti je kravica Smile
@all - likove sam odabrala bez mnogo razmisljanja, onako 'na prvu loptu
@sorelag - ko je ta sara?



@ljubicasta Zagrljaj Zagrljaj x1000

ljubicasta, night elfica, pa da isto ne kvarimo Wink

ma, sve bih ja vas u hordu, dobro ste prosli Mr. Green

@tuzor, ccc, ni manje ni vise nego u toples Laughing

E ovo sam ja...

ljubicasta ::
@sorelag - ko je ta sara?

Sara je arheolosko-antropoloska rekonstrukcija zene visokog roda iz indijanskog plemena Saura.
Citat:Sara is a re-creation of a Saura woman from Upper Sauratown, the village of the Saura Indians first identified from early maps circa 1733. The Saura tribe once lived along the border between North Carolina and Virginia. Oliver and a specialized team created Sara for the North Carolina Museum of History between 1990 and 1994.

As an archaeologist and director of development for the N.C. Office of State Archaeology's Sauratown Woman Project, Oliver oversaw the first full-body forensic and costume reconstruction of its kind. Through intricate studies of eroding bead patterns, shell jewelry and brass ornaments, the team determined the exact design and decoration of Sara's garb. Costume designers from the motion picture Dances with Wolves sewed the animal skins together and embroidered each obscure bead to make its linear pattern. More than 43,000 European glass beads adorn Sara's deerskin dress.

Using skeletal remains, the team calculated that the woman stood a modest 5 feet 2 inches tall and had a muscular build of about 120 pounds. A forensic sculptor built a clay model of Sara's head and face from a plaster cast of the original skull. The body cast was then drawn from a female model who matched the Sauratown woman's physical attributes, and the model was adorned with historically accurate garb. Brickside Studios, who created figures for Star Wars, produced the body.

SSpin ::E ovo sam ja...

nisi Zagrljaj

nightelf, druid - i bas me podseca na tebe

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