New Order fan


New Order fan

Very Happy Very Happy


Citat:Well, that was the TOTP edition that has gone down in folklore as featuring one of the great TV bloopers. Dexys were performing their cover of the Van Morrison song Jackie Wilson Said, a tribute to the titular soul singer, although the backdrop featured not Jackie Wilson but a grinning mugshot of Jocky Wilson, who at that time was a household name.

"I'm in heaven when you smile," sang Rowland, and despite the gap-toothed Scots arrowsmith's undoubted charisma, this unlikely juxtaposition of words and imagery made it all the more memorable.

Tja, nije istina. Ovom blogu treba više tračeva.

Mr. Green

"kooky bazouki"

Napisano: 13 Apr 2012 15:12

Alan Vega se slika mobilnim??

Dopuna: 13 Apr 2012 15:27

U, kakv super blog si mi otkrila, Jelly!
Vidi ovo:

I kuzi datum!!

Jeste super! Sad sam se setila da sam čitala negde o tom flajeru.

wiki ::In a November 1970 flyer the band was the first ever to use the phrase "punk music" to advertise a concert.
Pank je mator. Mr. Green


... i omniprisutan. Surprised

opet wiki :: The remaining songs are largely of the same bleak tone, including the dark "State Trooper," influenced by Suicide's "Frankie Teardrop".

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