New Order fan


New Order fan

Nešto skroz drugačije:

Very Happy

The pub talk, the scandals
Like vandals they try to tear you down.

The whispers turn rumours
There's no proof but that don't stop those cats.

They need that little bit extra
They don't mind if it's only conjecture, yeh.

They tried to tell me I wasn't full time
I tried to think of an alibi,
I felt so awful I spat in their faces
And ran for my life!

They need that little bit extra
They don't mind if it's only conjecture, yeh.

They tried to tell me their's was the right way,
I tried to shout that was a lie,
I felt so sick I spat on their lifestyles
With a runaway pride!

Untouched by unhuman hands,
'Cause only God knows I don't call that a man

Who spends his waking day
Telling others what to think and what to say.

They tried to tell me I wasn't normal,
I tried to say there's no such thing!

I felt so awful I spat in their faces
With a runaway pride!

So catch me if you can
'Cause I would rather be dead than live like that!

Hey, hey, hey, hey!


Very Happy

90's Zagrljaj

Kao sto rece jedan lik u komentaru na YT, voleo bih kada bi muzika ponovo bila lepa Sad ... Ne mora da bude lepa kao sto su to ove dve stvari, ali bar upola i svi bi mi bili sretni.


Nisam znala da se dao i na muziku. Znam da se ozbiljno bavi slikarstvom (fala k. na tome), umalo nije dobio i temu na Likovnim um. Mr. Green
Ali da je čovek i freestyler, nisam imala pojma.

Da ja manje zborim, da mi ne zazvone jednog dana na vrata... Mr. Green GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Embed, Jelkice, embed. Mene ste linčovali zbog embeda. Razz

Š'o, š'a 'e bilo?

E, da je bio embed kad je moj brat išao da drži čas iz fizike jednoj klinki, a kod nje njegova slika na stolu. Prenerazio se čovek. Mr. Green

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