New Order fan


New Order fan

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Tunak me upropasti načisto sa "Tuluk-tuluk, tuluk-tuluk, tuluk-tuluk, da-da-da! ... perdinaj čdžangeturija ... ne-znam-reči-sve ... " Mr. Green

Moram da okadim blog:

Imali smo ploču, a mene je omot uvek asocirao na mamine Nove fosile, Magazin, i tome slično. Mr. Green

dido - don't believe in love

Citat:Interpol is leading a worldwide hunt for the Rotorua couple who have fled with millions of dollars worth of Westpac's money.

The couple, who ran Rotorua's BP Barnetts service station on Old Taupo Road, are Leo Gao and Australian girlfriend Cara Young.

They are understood to have applied to Westpac Bank for a $10,000 overdraft and mistakenly had $10 million paid into their account.

One News sources tonight suggested the couple may have headed towards Korea or China with up to $6m.

Westpac has reportedly recovered $4m.

A source told the Rotorua Review newspaper a police liaison officer was sent to China recently to search for the couple.

Citat:TUCKED up a quiet country lane, in a very ordinary Scottish suburb, lies the unassuming home of Dorothy Fasola. From this bungalow, barely a stone's throw from her local police station, she quietly runs her seafood-exporting business.
Her business, buying prime Scottish salmon, langoustine and monkfish for sale in the markets of Italy, turns over nearly £2 million in a good year. But in the North-east's thriving fish trade, she claims she is just another small-time player, trying to earn an honest crust.

Yesterday, however, a very different picture emerged of Dorothy Fasola. Some 1,300 miles away, in a Serbian court, three alleged members of a gang faced trial, accused of staging Japan's biggest-ever diamond heist.

The key player in this violent and dramatic robbery is not on trial. But the court papers are clear about her identity: Dorothy Fasola.

The court papers detail how two men and a woman - all Serbian nationals - were responsible for a daring armed raid on an exclusive boutique in Tokyo in March 2004, in which the robbers escaped with more than £20 million in jewellery.

One of the gems stolen from the exclusive Le Supre-Diamant Couture de Maki boutique was the fabled "Comtesse de Vendôme", a 125-carat necklace encrusted with 116 diamonds and worth £17 million, which had been on display at the boutique since it opened in 1991.

Very Happy
Citat:On the subject of a possible divorce, she once said: "I could say that I've been thinking about it for 10 years, and that I'm slow in taking decisions." Two years ago she demanded, and received, a public apology after Mr Berlusconi told a former men's magazine model that he would love to run off with her if he was not already married.
His contrition did not stop him, however, from continuing his political patronage of the young woman, Mara Carfagna, and last year when he was re-elected he made her, apparently without irony, his equal opportunities minister.
The issue exploded again last week, when Miss Lario angrily denounced his party's consideration of four young actresses and models as European Parliament candidates.
Miss Lario chose to make clear her displeasure in the most public way possibile, sending an email to Italy's national news agency in which she said she and her children had "suffered" from Mr Berlusconi's flirtatious and indiscrete behaviour.

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Citat:Mr Boyle, 55, said: 'She started feeling extremely anxious on Sunday afternoon.
'Later that day she had what you and I would call a panic attack. She has been away from home all week and was very lonely and in all honesty very homesick.'
He added: 'Susan panicked because the show had come to an end and she did not know what the future held for her.
'There are no contracts on the table and she hadn't spoken to Cowell properly.'
On Sunday, friends of the singer joined her in her hotel room when they became worried about her state of mind. They called the show's producers who went to the hotel before deciding to call an ambulance. There were unconfirmed reports she also collapsed.
Medical staff spent an hour talking to Miss Boyle before deciding to take her to the Priory.
The previous night she had also reportedly run down a corridor of the TV studios shouting 'I hate this show' after she came second to Diversity in the final

Smajli Smajli

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Muzika koja je sama po sebi New Order Razz

Who'll stop the rain ... i je l' nas to jelkica više ne voli? Neutral

ne ocekuj da te iko razumije - seid memic vajta

Ova Jelkica je osoba koja je vrlo sklona korupciji Razz. Treba covek da je podmiti da bi napisala nesto u svom rodjenom blogu Mr. Green ... Pa ako se bas mora, onda nije tesko Razz ...

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