Jeste, to je bio znak!!
Ej, kakvi sama da mi putujes, saljem licnog pilota po sve vas (ehm... mislim, iz ovog bloga, da ne preterujem ) ako mi se to ovaploti!
Dakle, nista od masovnog putovanja u Norvesku. Prvu premiju, koja je u medjuvremenu narasla na 97 miliona norveskih kruna (za dinare, pomnoziti sa deset!) podelili su troje igraca iz Danske.
Evo kako je to bilo kod mene:
cujem da je najava za loto $220 mil.
odem i potrosim dva zadnja dolara sto imadoh u novcaniku za dva reda brojki
pricala sa djecom sta cemo sa lovom
napravila plan kome, sta, kako i koliko
zaboravila na loto
isla na posao
bilo izvlacenje, ja nisam znala
otisla na posao
sjetila se lota
provjerila brojeve
nisam dobila
planovi se srusise i ja ostadoh bez svoja dva dolara
i dalje radim
i dalje pricam s djecom sta cemo sa lovom koju nemamo
i opet uplatim loto kad imam koji dolar viska
i dalje se plasim da dobijem glavni zgoditak
ali mislim, ono ... kad bi, mozda bi onda, pa vjerovatno da bi ...
Ella ::
i dalje radim
i dalje pricam s djecom sta cemo sa lovom koju nemamo
i opet uplatim loto kad imam koji dolar viska
i dalje se plasim da dobijem glavni zgoditak
E, lepo receno... Ma i to je sto kazes, Ella.
A i nije mi sto nisam ja, nego, bre, sto komsijskoj kravi tako dobro ide...
Ima dobar serijal "Dos Equis – Most Interesting Man" reklame. Ne da su dobre. Ali ja ih slusam na radiu, nisam do sada vidjela ni jednu na televiziji (to je zato sto ne gledam TV).
"Most songs about love are written for him, about him, or by him."
"He'd never initiate a conversation about the weather, even in a typhoon."
"He's against cruelty to animals, but isn't afraid to issue a stern warning."
"Whatever side of the tracks he's currently on is the right side. If he crossed them, he would still be the right side."
"He won the same lifetime achievement award twice."
"He sleeps with a night light, not because he’s afraid of the dark but the dark is afraid of him."
"He holds a doctorate in originality in which he teaches at Harvard where no one ever passes."
"When he goes skydiving Peregrine Falcons always trail behind him."
"The President of a country once took a bullet for him on a failed attempt."
"When he looks in the mirror there's never a reflection because he is only 1 of a kind."
"He can defeat anyone in a game of chess without making any moves."
"It is rumored that James Bond movies are his real life biography. "
"He picks up chicks simply by literally picking them up."
"His personality is so magnetic that he cannot carry credit cards!"
"Restaurants offer him his usual table, even if he’s never been there."
"Stray dogs obey his commands."
"The Spanish Civil War was started by two women fighting over him."
"His pot never has seeds."
"Batman always uses the red phone as a direct contact for his advise."
"Nightmares stay away from his cranium during R.E.M."
"His passport has stamps of locations unknown to geographers."
"People often ask him to spit in their hands for anti-bacterial purposes."
"It is said that he once had a bowel movement, but it has never been confirmed."
"He once was offered the holy grail, only to deny it saying he already had one."
"It is said he once preformed brain surgery, while delivering octuplets."
"In his presence scientists admit that all life sprang from his beard."
"He can speak French—in Russian."
"He wears sunglasses to shield the sun.... from his eyes."