



Mr. Green Razz

Citat:Ima li neke filozofije iza blufunka, životnog stila?

Životni stil je izdržljivost i sirovost, mogućnost da dobro funkcionišeš u bilo kom okruženju. Moraš da ostaneš opušten, da sviraš bas, ritam i udaraljke u isto vreme, da budeš jako osećajan i opušten, to je moja meditacija kroz muziku. Uživaj i provodi se, budi spontan i improvizuj i u isto vreme pravi originalan zvuk - to mi je životna filozofija!.html/
Razz Zagrljaj

ballerina lyric

thanx... smešak

The Soul of a Man - Blind Willie Johnson

More info:

onda moze i ovo ? Mr. Green

uvek uvek wim wenders... Zagrljaj
Mr. Green pa ajd sad... nije da ne mozhe, ovaj onda znachi ... Smajli

u medjuVremenu inspirisana tudjom i svojom zheljom :
Glenn Gould smešak

(i nije prvi put-vidi gore:>)

"I left my soul there,
Down by the sea
I lost control here
Living free"

Punk's Not Dead!!!

"I'm walking on clouds now
And the sky is falling on down
I don't wanna wake up if I'm dreaming
Don't think I'll ever get out of my bed
And every moment brings a surprise
And my eyes won't open
I feel something's different
I'm growing out of my skin

Goodbye my fears
I feel that we have parted
The possibilities keep walking in on me
It feels so strange, I guess that's change
It's alright
The possibilities keep walking in on me

I always said that I needed a girl
One to hold and who I'd give the world
Well that's alright
But it's so hard to decide, yeah
Sometimes I find pictures of me left behind
Things in life happen twice, the first is in my mind

Sometimes I can't
See what's right in front of my eyes
Sometimes I can't
Believe that I believe"

Teddy Geiger - Possibilities

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