Pronadjena Atlantida uz pomoc Google-a?!


Pronadjena Atlantida uz pomoc Google-a?!

Komentar nekog korisnika sa Sun-ovog foruma:

Citat:There are several problems with the interpretation that this grid represents the sunken city of Atlantis (or any other artificial structure) in my mind. First, the image is made from ocean surveys. Such surveys are normally made in rectangles and often produce artificial straight lines at the edge of the survey region. This is like what used to be called "state line faults". In bygone days each state produced their own geological surveys. When the surveys were finally put together the geology often didn't match at the state lines from survey to survey. These artificial discontinuities were called "state line faults". The lineations could also be natural. Many lineations in the ocean floor are linear as the ocean floor moves linearly away from the ocean ridge, lineations are produced perpendicular to the ridge. This would explain the east-west lineations in the map but not necessarily those at right angles to them. They may be transform faults which also form in the vicinity of ocean ridges. There are many areas of the ocean floor which have series of lineations at right angles, but in general they do not have the same appearance at this map shows. In my opinion however the main problem with the interpretation of this being Atlantic is the depth. Previous interpretations of the sinking of Atlantis involved the possibility of an area such as the Azores which was above water when ocean levels were lower during the last ice age and this included large portions of the North Atlantic Ridge but it would not include areas of the Abyssal Plain three miles down. In order for this to have occurred, the area would have to have sunk down as much as 5,000 meters in the past 10,000 years. This would have involved a great deal of seismic disturbance and should be continuing at the current time to some extent. This is an average of 5 meters subsidence every 10 years, the equivalent of an magnitude 8 earthquake every 10 years in the region for the past 10,000 years. The area shows little or no moderate or large earthquake activity in modern catalogs and being at the bottom of the ocean should have produced large tsunamis during the sinking. These tsunamis should have devastated areas of western Europe in historic times. This has not been the case. The only area of high seismicity and tsunami generation in historic time in the region occurs off the coast of Portugal far to the northeast of this area. This would not be the first time that a series of lineations were interpreted as evidence of a lost civilization. The “city” near the face on Mars come to mind. In some cases these really do represent artificial structures but often they turn out to be natural phenomena. Sometimes it is very difficult to tell – as with the Bimini Road. With these problems in mind, I think the hypothesis that this is the remains of a sunken continent needs considerably more examination.

LWhiteside, PhD Geophysics

SSpin ::Citat:mnogi senzacionalni lokaliteti su tako nadjeni

Npr.. ? Smile

Izvini, ali bas sam znatizeljan sta je pronadjeno preko Google Ocean aplikacije. Nije da ne verujem, zaista sam iznenadjen i bilo bi kul da su nesto nasli...

@SSpin - usled mog nepreciznog izrazavanja si protumacio da se to odnosi na Google Ocean - a u stvari sam htela da kazem da su mnogi senzacionalni lokaliteti nadjeni slucajno Smajli Embarassed

Slicne linije se mogu naci i zapadno od Irske:

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Peca ::ako je to atlantida, onda je grad bio dugacak 165 KILOMETARA, i sirok 130 KILOMETARA ?!!!!!!
[izmerio sam ga lenjirom iz gogle earth-a]


Bas bih voleo da je stvarno pronadju i da ispadne da su to stvarno ulice, to bi bilo bas mocno Mr. Green

Dopuna: 21 Feb 2009 16:16

Mada, sa druge strane videli smo da je google imao tuzbe za copy right, pa mozda pokusavaju da se izvuku...

Koliko ja znam Sun su tabloidne novine.

I google tvrdi da je to samo greska:

Citat:"It's true that many amazing discoveries have been made in Google Earth including a pristine forest in Mozambique that is home to previously unknown species and the remains of an Ancient Roman villa."

"In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artifact of the data collection process. Bathymetric (or sea floor terrain) data is often collected from boats using sonar to take measurements of the sea floor."

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