


Jeste li probali da jedete sladoled po kisi? Bez kisobrana? What a feeling! Very Happy

Moj odnos prema kisi zavisi od mog raspolozenja. Nekad mi prija, nekad mi ide na dzigericu... U proseku sam indiferentan - to je ipak samo atmosferska padavina Wink

Opet pada kisa...hladno je...

Bas juce sam cuo tu pesmu. Vracao se iz grada i prolazio pored Platoa. U istom trenutku se zaculo "Singing in the rain..." Very Happy Odmah sam se setio ove teme. Razz

Take off your topcoat
Put on your raincoat
Give up your birthright
And don't you cry
'Cause in 23 verses now
A storm is a-comin'
And you'll be too surprised
To wonder why.
And it will
Rain rain
Go away, go away
Rain rain
Come back again another day.
Step out your cool suit
Snap on your wet boots
And now eat all your mushrooms
Until you see
That in 22 verses now
A storm in a-brewin'
And you'll be too annoyed
For victory.
'Cause it will
Rain rain
Go away go away
Rain rain
Come back again another day.

China glass &
A chocolate bar
I'm leaving behind
So my children's children
Children's children
Will see what's left of me.
Cue up the James Brown
And jack up the funky sound now
Say it won't be the last time
You hear a scream
'Cause in 21 verses now
A storm is a-ragin'
And you will satisfy your destiny.
'Cause it will
Rain rain
Go away, go away
Rain rain
Come back again another day.

Mrzim kishu... Toliko blamova mi se desilo zahvaljujuci njoj...

.....................Crying or Very sad

I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,
I walk very slow,
I can’t do a handstand–
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said–
I’m just not the same since there’s rain in my head.

Shel Silverstein

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