


Dopuna: 30 Dec 2008 2:59

Dopuna: 31 Dec 2008 11:10

- The Maledictions -

The cards are scattered across the road
A Royal Flush blowing from the fold
Easy money burns with a Jokers laugh

Two 8s Two Aces and youre far from damned
But West of here its a dead mans hand
Give me blood and gin for an epitaph

And hang my regrets neath a buckshot sky
It all goes dark once you see the light
Starts with a kiss and ends with a knife
There aint no hand like Desire
Aint no hand like Desire

Got the ghost of it all following me
Hitching her skirts and spreading her wings
Turning tricks for a half remembered prayer
Sorrows a Saint when theres nothing left
Sweet as the promise she never kept
Blame it all on a certain laissez faire

And hang my regrets neath a buckshot sky
It all goes dark once you see the light
Starts with a kiss and ends with a knife
There aint no hand like Desire
Aint no hand like Desire

- Wiithin Temptation -

The child without a name grew up to be the hand
To watch you, to shield you, or kill on demand
The choice he'd made he could not comprehend
His blood a grim secret they had to commend

He's torn between his honor and the true love of his life
He prayed for both but was denied

So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed
Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind
So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise?
Will all our sins be justified?

The curse of his powers tormented his life
Obeying the crown was a sinister crime
His soul was tortured by love and by pain
He surely would flee, but the oath made him stay

He's torn between his honor and the true love of his life
He prayed for both but was denied

So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed
Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind
So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise?
Will all our sins be justified?

Please forgive me for the sorrow
For leaving you in fear
For the dreams we had to silence
That's all they'll ever be
Still I'll be the hand that saves you
Though you'll not see that it is me

So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed
Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind
So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise?
Will all our sins be justified?

Within Temptation "Hand of Sorrow"

(naslov ove poslednje je...."pssst nisu svi dečaci takvi")

Tuzor...hvala puno...
Ljubicasta ...silija... Zagrljaj

ekv - srce

nije dotakla nista sto bi moglo da boli
njene ruke su bele kao led
njene misli su ciste, ona misli da voli
ona veruje, veruje

nece doci na jesen kada opada lisce
nece doci u zimu kad je sneg
nije imala hrabrost, nije imala kada
da ostane, da ostane kraj mene
da li da verujem u to

nisam rekao nista sto bi moglo da znaci
nisam nasao onu pravu rec
koja moze da veze, koja moze da boli
kojoj verujem, verujem

nece doci na jesen kada opada lisce
nece doci u zimu kad je sneg
nije imala hrabrost, nije imala kada
da ostane, da ostane kraj mene
da li da verujem u to

jedino cisto culo to je dodir njene i moje ruke. sve ostalo uopste nisu cula.
(m. antic)

Dopuna: 12 Jan 2009 23:54

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