


"About once every five years, the maharadja of Mysore used to round up wild elephants from his jungles, in order to have them tamed and used for ceremonies or logging work. This operation took several months and involved thousands of hunters and several hundred tame elephants. It climaxed when the wild elephants were driven, one by one, into a wooden stockade (called kheddah), where some of their tamed and trained fellow creatures helped to immobilize and rope them. For the maharadja, this was a kind of celebration, to which he invited his friends of the international jet set..."

izvor (ostatak teksta i slika)


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"...Kako vreme nam prolazi, da, vreme nam prolazi brzo
i dani i nocci su slonovi na indijskom crtezhu..."

: *

E is for Elephant

Citat:The elephant that jumped over the fence from a playground rhyme called "Miss Mary Mack." As a child, I loved singing and playing this hand-clapping song with my friends. Little did we know that it dated back to the early American slave lore of the Gullah people. They spoke a Creole blend of Elizabethan English and African languages and lived along the southern coastline. Listen online to Miss Mary Mack. Just scroll down to the third CD titled "Feel Like Journey On" and click on the songlist title: Miss Mary Mack (Traditional). Enjoy! :-)

Miss Mary Mack

Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack
all dressed in black, black, black
with silver buttons, buttons, buttons
up and down her back, back, back.

She asked her mother, mother, mother
for fifty cents, cents, cents,
to watch the elephant, elephant, elephant
jump over the fence, fence, fence.

He jumped so high, high, high
he reached the sky, sky, sky
and he never came back, back, back
'til the fourth of July, 'ly, 'ly.



Ne znam kako nisam video ovu temu. Volim slonove.

Aerial View of African Elephants, Kenya, 1999
Photograph by George Steinmetz

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