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Sve je to priroda

Water features are today's hottest trend in landscaping. Across America, high maintenance, boring expanses of lawn are being transformed into beautiful, low maintenance water features. Everyday millions of people return home to a little paradise... their backyards!

Environmentally friendly and completely customized water features can be installed anywhere - similar to traditional landscaping. In addition, water features like other types of landscaping, mature with age increasing the value of your house more than any other kind of home improvement.

Water plants are truly the "emerald" jewels of the gardening world. Self-watering and hardy, these plants return year-after-year. You can even plant tropical lilies that bloom at night! The beauty and low maintenance of aquatic plants provide a truly unique accent to any water garden

The flash of brilliantly coloured fish adds immensely to the enjoyment of your water garden. In fact, fish actually help support the natural ecosystem and reduce pond maintenance. Their sparkle and playfulness offer endless fascination, enhancing the naturalness of the setting.

No pond is complete without an adjacent deck, brick patio or gazebo. Because moving water encompasses all senses, your water feature should be the focal point of your yard. Perennial plantings, ornamental grasses and even ground cover help naturalize the water's edge. Often a deck or patio can be incorporated for a more up close and personal appreciation of your water feature. You can always do your project in stages - adding plants and a patio in upcoming seasons.

Relax alongside a water garden and experience a tranquility that transcends today's stressful world. Recuperate from your hectic day with free moments, listening to the soothing sound of a waterfall. Join the many satisfies homeowners who readily profess adding a water feature to their landscape was the best investment they've ever made.

Dopuna: 11 Feb 2009 15:05

asimetricnost, cvet sa kapima je savrsen - nista ni da se doda ni da se oduzme (lepota tvoje preciznosti je ocaravajuca - a pokazujes je gde god nesto postujes, ne samo ovde)

danka, malo obrazovanja iz landscaping-a, a Very Happy

ljubicasta, boje, boje, boje... Zagrljaj

danka, miks je odlican, ali pecurka je fantasticna, a zenska je savrsena smešak

ljubicasta, ponestaju mi reci za tvoju mastovitost oko boja Smajli

life, harmonija i estetika iznad svega; toliko je lepo da je nestvarno Razz

LOL Zagrljaj Zaljubljen

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