The Great Misconceptions of Me


The Great Misconceptions of Me

Kako je jako..i lepo..Posebno mi se svidela:
"Pitao sam ruze vetrova kuda nose jesenje lisce...."

Ja ne umem ovako pisati,ali evo tebi za uzvrat jedan cmok.. Poljubac

Dear God, you're a Hell of a writer!!! Beloved ladies and respected gentlemen, please take a gentle bow of admirance...

simpaticno da se obracas jednoj jeleni u ovoj zadnjoj pesmi. smešak Poljubac

cuz it's my name too. smešak

Uff... sta da ti kazem onda onaj stih iz pesme "Strepnja" Desanke Maksimovic: "Ne, nemoj mi prici... " dolazi do izrazaja ovde Zagrljaj

Ne, nemoj mi prići! Hoću izdaleka
da volim i želim tvoja oka dva.
Jer sreća je lepa samo dok se čeka,
dok od sebe samo nagoveštaj da. Poljubac

ukrivljen novcic, koji sluzi za uspomenu, ove reci. Embarassed Sad smešak

It was all I ever wanted, everything I dreamed
But the dream became my nightmare and no-one could hear me scream

matrix? pa jel ti vidis kolicni (mali) lanac drzi ovoliku ogradu zakljucanu? Very Happy

Bebee Dol



vid' stvarno, pa ce lopovi da obiju kapiju eee domacin covek, obrijao brkove!!! Mr. Green

Al' je STATE OF GRAY fotka, jel? Wink A mozda je namerno katanac mali, ali tako ti je to iako je nesto lako izgleda ti kao planina... Bebee Dol

the truth is in the eye of the beholder[/url]


somewhere in time... 2005.
Another misconception of me... Confused

~~ Untouchable ~~

Wherever you look you can't see me
Places that are meant to be
Disappear so easily
So take the cards and roll the dice
Take your chance
You might fall in romance

But there's a wall around me
A wall so strong
It's a place where I belong
Above the sky, above the world

Standin' in this dirt
I will make you hurt
You better stand your ground
'couse there's a price that you pay
For this sad story, every single day

Never shining smile
Reaching out for the light
Untouchable, above the sky, above the world

Just like every moment you're living in fear
Waitin' for the miracle so clear
But the world is an evil place
Don't you know there's nothing real

Now and forever
Above this world, above the sky
Now and forever

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