


Exbury Gardens (bumilang Hampshire, UK)

The beautiful Exbury Gardens are located in county Hampshire, UK. They are property of the family Rothschild. Exbury Gardens represent 200 acres of woody area with a huge collection of rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias. It's considered as the most beautiful park in the United Kingdom.

The Exbury estate was purchased in the distant 1919, from ionel Nathan de Rothschild. The infrastructure of the area included water tower, three large lakes and 35 km. pipelines. Today the park is open mainly at spring and autumn because of the beautiful colors of those seasons.

. Butchart Gardens (Vancouver, Canada)

Butchart Gardens are located on Vancouver Island, Canada. They bear the name “Benvenuto”, which in Italian means "welcome". Once used as a natural piece of land, today they are part of the national historical heritage of Canada.

The Gardens are owned by the heirs of the manufacturer Robert Pim Butchard and as a part of the tradition continue to offer its hospitality to everyone who wants to visit this remarkable place.

Keukenhof (Lise, Netherlands)

Gardens Keukenhof, known as "the garden of Europe", are located near the Dutch town Lisse. They are recognized as the largest flower garden in the world. According to the official site of the park, each year there are planted more than 7 million bulbs of tulips.

In 1949 a group of enthusiasts, producers of tulips, decided to make from the garden space for exhibitions of tulips. Keukenhof is open for visitors between the last week of March to mid-May each year.

Yu Gardens (Shanghai, China)

The beautiful gardens Yu Gardens of Shanghai were build 400 years ago. They were arranged by the dynasty Ming during the government of Emperor Jia Jin and were recovered in 1960.

As a part of the Chinese historical heritage, these gardens are considered a reflection of western Chinese way of landscaping. Today the place is accessible to tourists.

tetka_danuska ::Nema više komaraca, sve je manje ptica i riba. Stvorili smo, najzad, takvu životnu sredinu u kojoj još jedino čovek može da živi. (Dušan Radović Bebee Dol

Ostale su nam i muve, sad sam se s jednom pobila!
Ja pobjedila!

Nego, evo jedne preslatke vjeverice, sad ih možemo vidjet po parkovima (ako nas vid dobro služi)

danka- ::Exbury Gardens (bumilang Hampshire, UK)

The beautiful Exbury Gardens are located in county Hampshire, UK. They are property of the family Rothschild. Exbury Gardens represent 200 acres of woody area with a huge collection of rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias. It's considered as the most beautiful park in the United Kingdom.

The Exbury estate was purchased in the distant 1919, from ionel Nathan de Rothschild. The infrastructure of the area included water tower, three large lakes and 35 km. pipelines. Today the park is open mainly at spring and autumn because of the beautiful colors of those seasons.

. Butchart Gardens (Vancouver, Canada)

Butchart Gardens are located on Vancouver Island, Canada. They bear the name “Benvenuto”, which in Italian means "welcome". Once used as a natural piece of land, today they are part of the national historical heritage of Canada.

The Gardens are owned by the heirs of the manufacturer Robert Pim Butchard and as a part of the tradition continue to offer its hospitality to everyone who wants to visit this remarkable place.

Keukenhof (Lise, Netherlands)

Gardens Keukenhof, known as "the garden of Europe", are located near the Dutch town Lisse. They are recognized as the largest flower garden in the world. According to the official site of the park, each year there are planted more than 7 million bulbs of tulips.

In 1949 a group of enthusiasts, producers of tulips, decided to make from the garden space for exhibitions of tulips. Keukenhof is open for visitors between the last week of March to mid-May each year.

Yu Gardens (Shanghai, China)

The beautiful gardens Yu Gardens of Shanghai were build 400 years ago. They were arranged by the dynasty Ming during the government of Emperor Jia Jin and were recovered in 1960.

As a part of the Chinese historical heritage, these gardens are considered a reflection of western Chinese way of landscaping. Today the place is accessible to tourists.

Možel prevod Danka,vragolanka,ništa neznam šta si napisala,znam tvoje je zadovoljstvo a sad učini nama zadovoljstvo pa daj prevod LOL LOL

Unikatne zemljane, keramičke zardinjere za cveće..i baštanksa pozamanterija

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

volim one nekultivisane vrtove, kakav je imala moja baka, sjecam se hortenzija, cijim se cvjetovima divila, pa ruza od cijih je latica pravila slatko...izgledao je ogroman njen vrt, malo kao samonikli, kupila sam puno godina kasnije sliku koja lici na vrt moje bake i zove se dan u vrtu moje bake, nema neku umjetnicku vrijednost, ali ima ogromnu sentimentalnu za mene. Toliku, da mi je nekad nepodnosljivo da je gledam, sklonim je na par godina, pa vratim. Vrt mog djetinjstva je tuzan...

Dva lica, i moja baka je imala bašticu usred dvorišta, pisala sam o tome na nekoj od prethodnih strana. (Žao mi je što ne umem da crtam niti slikam, rado bih prenela sliku po sećanju.) U njoj je bilo perunika, georgina, grmova ruža i onih od kojih je pravila slatko, kalopera, ruzmarina (ona ga je zvala ružmarin) za svatove, naravno, i ljiljana. Sve to je bilo okruženo drvetima voća - trešnje, višnje, dunje, jabuke i kruške. Obožavala sam da se krijem od spoljneg sveta u toj baštici.

Imam ambivalentan odnos prema irisima: vezujem ih za groblje. Pošto je moje rano detinjstvo vezano za selo, tamo sam stekla prve utiske o životu. I videla da se na grobovima obavezno sade perunike (tamo su nekad sahranjivali rođake po njivama, vinogradima, izvan groblja - i mnogo mi se sviđa taj običaj. Ja sam sebi već rezervisala mesto na jednom brdu odakle puca pogled, između starih drveta crnih trešanja).

Pažnja! Samo da vam kažem moje dame - natrix, danka i ostale da vaše lepe fotografije koristim kao desktop. Počela sam da menjam wallpapers nedeljno: prvo je stajala natrixina fotografija prozora sa Gospe, a sad je aktuelan dankin japanski vrt.

@sorelag, vocke nisam pomenula, a bila je po jedna kruska, orah, dunja, treshnja, jabuka... rezano cvijece ne podnosim, ne volim da mi ga poklanjaju upravo zbog asocijacije na groblje. Vise me asocira miris nego izgled... Nisam pazljivo citala prethodne stranice, mislila sam da nemam nista da dodam na temu vrtova, medjutim, dok sam pospremala stan, pade mi pogled na sliku iza stalaze...i sjetih se tvog bloga...

Citat:Exbury Gardens (bumilang Hampshire, UK)

The beautiful Exbury Gardens are located in county Hampshire, UK. They are property of the family Rothschild. Exbury Gardens represent 200 acres of woody area with a huge collection of rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias. It's considered as the most beautiful park in the United Kingdom.

The Exbury estate was purchased in the distant 1919, from ionel Nathan de Rothschild. The infrastructure of the area included water tower, three large lakes and 35 km. pipelines. Today the park is open mainly at spring and autumn because of the beautiful colors of

Evo dajdžest prevoda za tetka danušku

Igzberi vrtovi, tetka danuška, nalaze se u opatiji Hempšir u Velikoj Britaniji. Pripadaju porodici Rotšild. Obuhvataju veliko područje šume i zasade rododendrona, azaleja i kamelija. Smatra se najlepšim parkom u Britaniji.

Imanje je kupio Lajonel Nejtan de Rotšild još 1919. godine. Na njemu se nalaze tri velika jezera i kanali sa vodom. Park je otvoren za posete uglavnom u proleće i jesen.

Citat:Butchart Gardens are located on Vancouver Island, Canada. They bear the name “Benvenuto”, which in Italian means "welcome". Once used as a natural piece of land, today they are part of the national historical heritage of Canada.

The Gardens are owned by the heirs of the manufacturer Robert Pim Butchard and as a part of the tradition continue to offer its hospitality to everyone who wants to visit this remarkable place.

Vrtovi Bučart nalaze se na ostrvu Vankuver u Kanadi. Nose naziv "Benvenuto", italijanski izraz u značenju "dobro došli". Danas čine deo nacionalnoistorijskog nasleđa Kanade.

Vrtovi su vlasništvo naslednika fabrikanta Roberta Pima Bučarta.

Citat:Gardens Keukenhof, known as "the garden of Europe", are located near the Dutch town Lisse. They are recognized as the largest flower garden in the world. According to the official site of the park, each year there are planted more than 7 million bulbs of tulips.

In 1949 a group of enthusiasts, producers of tulips, decided to make from the garden space for exhibitions of tulips. Keukenhof is open for visitors between the last week of March to mid-May each year.

Vrtovi Kojkenhof, poznati pod nazivom "bašta Evrope", nalaze se u blizini holandskog grada Lizea. Smatraju se najvećom baštom cveća u svetu. Svake godine zasadi se više od 7 miliona Shocked sadnica tulipana.

Od 1949. godine bašta služi kao izložbeni prostor tulipana. Kojkenhof je otvoren za posetioce u periodu od poslednje nedelje marta do sredine maja.

Citat:Yu Gardens (Shanghai, China)

The beautiful gardens Yu Gardens of Shanghai were build 400 years ago. They were arranged by the dynasty Ming during the government of Emperor Jia Jin and were recovered in 1960.

As a part of the Chinese historical heritage, these gardens are considered a reflection of western Chinese way of landscaping. Today the place is accessible to tourists.

Ju vrtovi u Šangaju

Sagrađeni su pre 400 godina, za vreme dinastije Ming i vladavine cara Jia Jina, a obnovljeni su 1960.

Kao deo kineskog istorijskog nasleđa, smatraju se izrazom zapadnokineskog načina uređivanja prirodne sredine. U savremeno doba mesto je otvoreno za turiste.

Sorelag draga,iznenađenje je veliko ,jer nisam očekivala to od tebe,šta reći?Saznala sam nešto novo,parkovi su predivni,hvala ti,ovo je od srca,iako je već viđeno.

Dopuna: 19 Nov 2008 21:01

Trozubi javor u jesen

A ovde kaže kosa ti miriše na jesen,dali je tako?

Mali vrt u saksiji (nisam ga sama napravila, već častila sebe danas u cvećari). smešak
Na proleće ću preneti biljke napolje, direktno u zemlju. Samo je pitanje da li će mini ciklama preživeti.

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