What do you see? ;)


What do you see? ;)

jaoj, Limit osvezhila temu, pa tako ispliva i "tematska" fotka Laughing
jos jedna od mogucih primena cokojade Mr. Green

ubicu te za ovo, sad ispade da sam ja uradila refresh ovde Twisted Evil

Women really are hot for chocolate
Sarah-Kate Templeton

FOR a long time women have compared chocolate to sex. Now doctors have discovered a scientific link between the two.

According to Italian researchers, women who eat chocolate regularly have a better sex life than those who deny themselves the treat. Those consuming the sugary snack had the highest levels of desire, arousal and satisfaction from sex.

The urologists from San Raffaele hospital, Milan, questioned 163 women about their consumption of chocolate as well as their experience of sexual fulfilment.

The study, which will be presented at the European Society for Sexual Medicine in London next month, found: “Women who have a daily intake of chocolate showed higher levels of desire than women who did not have this habit. Chocolate can have a positive physiological impact on a woman’s sexuality.”

Dr Andrea Salonia, author of the study — funded from a university research budget, not by the confectionery industry — said women who have a low libido could even become more amorous after eating chocolate. He believes chocolate could be particularly medicinal for women who shun sex because they are suffering from premenstrual tension.

“Chocolate is not like a food, it is like a drug. Women who suffer mood swings as a result of their menstrual cycle may also suffer a dip in their sexual function. I strongly believe eating chocolate may improve their sexual function,” said Salonia.

The research looked at the lifestyle habits that affect women’s sex lives. It also looked at smoking and coffee consumption but found no links with sexual enjoyment. Some might argue, however, that women who like chocolate are simply more sensually attuned.


Dopuna: 08 Jul 2006 1:48

Black Orchid ::ubicu te za ovo, sad ispade da sam ja uradila refresh ovde Twisted Evil

Whatever... Mr. Green Ko ti je kriv sto se krijes... I... brises postove.

...sporije nego neki, nazhalost Laughing

Black Orchid ::...sporije nego neki, nazhalost Laughing

Nisam mislio na to brisanje. Mr. Green

na koje nisi a na koje jesi onda?

tako, tako, podevajte me vi da jedem cokoladu, slobodno nemam nista protiv.... Mr. Green

Black Orchid ::na koje nisi a na koje jesi onda?

Nismo li zašli malo u offtopic.

@ jana
sorry Smile ali chokolada ne goji, ne brini Wink

@ bocke
moj blog Cool i ne vrdaj tako Razz

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