Wishes, regrets, desires, and so on and on...


Wishes, regrets, desires, and so on and on...

Kad viđamo stalno ista lica- a to se uvek događalo u semeništu- na kraju ona postaju deo našeg života. A kad postanu deo našeg života, onda žele i da nam ga izmene. I ako ne bude po njihovom, nije im pravo. Jer svaki čovek ima tačnu predstavu kako bi trebalo da živimo svoj život.

U određenom trenutku našeg postojanja gubimo kontrolu nad sopstvenim životom i prepuštamo se sudbini.

…Ponekad se stvari u životu menjaju za tren oka, pre nego što čovek stigne da se navikne na njih.

Ja sam kao svi ljudi: gledam na svet onako kako bih želeo da se stvari odvijaju, a ne onako kako se one stvarno dešavaju.

Plašim se da ostvarim svoj san, pa da posle nemam više razloga da živim.

Ponekad je reku života nemoguće zaustaviti.

Jedino se plašimo da ćemo izgubiti ono što imamo, bilo život, bilo njive. Ali taj strah prolazi kada shvatimo da su naša istorija i istorija sveta napisane istom rukom.

Jer niti živim u prošlosti niti u budućnosti. Imam samo sadašnjost i jedino me ona zanima. Ako uspeš stalno da ostaneš u sadašnjosti, bićeš srećan čovek. Shvatićeš da u pustinji postoji život da su na nebu zvezde i da se ratnici bore zato što je to svojstveno ljudskoj rasi. Život bi bio praznik, jedno veliko praznovanje, jer on je uvek jedino trenutak koji živimo.

Na svetu uvek postoji jedna osoba koja čeka onu drugu.

Ako sam ja deo tvoje Legende, ti ćeš se jednog dana vratiti.

Kada ljudi dođu do mene, ja im ne čitam budućnost; ja samo naslućujem budućnost. Jer budućnost pripada Bogu i samo on je, u izuzetnim okolnostima, otkriva. A kako uspevam da pogodim budućnost? Po znakovima sadašnjosti. Tajna je u sadašnjosti; ako obratiš pažnju na sadašnjost, možeš je poboljšati. A ako poboljšaš sadašnjost, biće bolje i ono što će ti se kasnije dogoditi. Zaboravi budućnost i živi svaki dan svog života prema poukama zakona i sa verom da Bog brine o svojoj deci. Svaki dan nosi u sebi Večnost.

Treba voleti pustinju, ali joj ne treba u potpunosti verovati. Jer pustinja je proba za svakog čoveka: ona proverava svaki njegov korak i ubija svakog ko se zaboravi.

Odmori se kao što se obično ratnik odmara pred bitku. Ali ne zaboravi da ti je srce tamo gde se nalazi tvoje blago. I da tvoje blago mora da bude pronađeno da bi sve što si otkrio na putu moglo da ima smisla.

Samo onaj ko nađe život, može da pronađe blago.

-Želim da ostanem u oazi-odgovori mladić.-Već sam sreo Fatimu. I ona mi više znači nego blago.
-Fatima je žena pustinje-reče Alhemičar- Ona zna da muškarci moraju da odu, da bi mogli da se vrate. Ona je već pronašla svoje blago:tebe. Sada ona čeka da ti pronađeš ono što tražiš.

Počev od tog dana pustinja će biti samo jedno: nada da će se on vratiti.

Ne misli na ono što je ostalo za tobom.

Ljudi više snevaju o povratku nego o polasku.

Ako je ono što si našao sačinjeno od čiste materije, nikad neće istruliti. I moći ćeš jednog dana da se vratiš. Ako je to bio samo trenutak svetlosti, kao eksplozija neke zvezde, onda na povratku nećeš ništa zateći. Ali si bio svedok eksplozije svetlsoti. Samo to vredelo je truda.

-Zašto moramo da slušamo srce?-upita mladić u trenutku kada su se pripremali da prenoće.
-Jer tamo gde ono bude, tamo će biti tvoje blago.

-Moje srce je kolebljivo- reće mladić Alhemičaru kada su zasali da malo odmore konje.- Ne želi da nastavim.
-To je dobro-odgovorio je Alhemičar- To je dokaz da ti je srce živo. Prirodno je da se plašiš da promeniš sve što si do sada stekao- za jedan san.
Zašto onda treba da slušam svoje srce?
-Zato što nikad nećeš uspeti da ga ućutkaš.
Čak i ako se budeš pravio da ga ne slušaš, ono će uvek biti u tvojim grudima, stalno ponavljajući šta misli o životu i o svetu.
-Čak i kad je sklono izdaji?
-Izdaja je udarac koji ne očekuješ. Ako dobro poznaješ svoje srce, onda to njemu nikada neće poći za rukom. Jer ćeš poznavati njegove snove i njegove želje i umećeš da se nosiš sa njima.
Niko nije uspeo da pobegne od svog srca. Zato je bolje slušati šta govori. Kako nikada ne bi došlo do udarca koji ne očekuješ.

Mi premiremo od straha i pri samoj pomisli na ljubavi koje su zauvek otišle, na trenutke koji su mogli biti lepi a nisu bili, na blaga koja su mogla biti otkrivena a ostala su zauvek skrivena u pesku. Jer kad se to dogodi, mnogo patimo .

Kad su nam velika blaga pred nosom, nikad ih ne primećujemo. A znaš li zašto? Zato što ljudi ne veruju u blaga.

Oči pokazuju snagu duše.

Snovi postaju neostvarljivi samo zbog jedne stvari: straha od neuspeha.

Sve što se jednom desi, ne mora se nikad ponoviti. Ali sve što se desi dva puta, desiće se sigurno i treći put.

Alhemičar- Paolo Koeljo

- You know, this place makes me wonder...

- Yeah, what's that boss?

- Which would be worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man?

Shutter Island

* * *
Dylan: Why do women think the only way to get a man to do what they want, is to manipulate them?
Jamie: History. Personal experience. Romantic comedies.

* * *
Dylan: Hey, I was thinking of getting some lunch. Do you know a place?
Jamie: Are you asking me out?
Dylan: Well, I...I'm not asking you out. I'm asking you to show me a restaurant.
Jamie: I mean I'm the only friend you have in New York. You don't want to complicate that!
Dylan: I know! I'm not asking you out.
Jamie: I mean, sure. We'd have fun, roll around. Get into some erotic humiliation fantasy...
Dylan: Erotic fan...? Could you just lower the...
Jamie: ...which would blow up in our faces, end badly. And we'd never speak to each other again!
Dylan: I'm not fucking asking you out! I swear to God!
Jamie: Okay. You don't like me like that. You don't have to be so mean about it.
Dylan: I'm sorry. I didn't...I...
[Jamie starts laughing]
Jamie: God! You're such a girl. Come on, it's my treat.

* * *
[as she's watching the ending of the romantic movie]
Jamie: God, I wish my life was a movie sometimes. You know, I'd never have to worry about my hair, or having to go to the bathroom. And then when I'm at my lowest point, some guy would chase me down the street, pour his heart out and we'd kiss. Happily ever after.
[referring to the couple in the romantic movie, riding in a carriage at the end of the movie]
Jamie: I mean, a horse and carriage! Come on! That is...awesome!
Dylan: Not as awesome as this ambiguously upbeat pop song that has nothing to do with the plot! They put in at the end to try to convince you that you had a great time at this shitty movie.
Jamie: You know, why don't they ever a make a movie about what happens after they kiss?
Dylan: They do. It's called (film-za-odrasle)-.

* * *

[as he sees Tommy jump into his boat]
Dylan: You have a boat!
Tommy: I live in Jersey! And I ain't takin' no fairy! Unless it's out to dinner and a show. Bam!

* * *

[referring to Jamie]
Dylan: I think I messed it up.
Mr. Harper: Fix it.
Dylan: She won't talk to me.
Mr. Harper: Maybe she'll listen. There's always a way. If you think, there's even a chance that she could be it. You fix it.
Dylan: Did Annie put you up to this?
Mr. Harper:Who's Annie?
[Dylan gives him a worried look]
Mr. Harper: I'm kidding! What, I can't joke about this?
Dylan: [laughing] Jesus Christ, dad!
Mr. Harper: I don't know what else to.

* * *

Dylan: Look, I can live without ever having sex with you again.
[she gives him a shocked look]
Dylan: It'll be really hard.
[she looks away from him with tears in her eyes]
Dylan: Hey, I want my best friend back. Because I'm in love with her.
Jamie: Under one condition.
Dylan: Anything.
Jamie: Kiss me.
Dylan: In public? In front of all these people?
Jamie: I did not ask you to ...
[he comes close and kisses her]

Tommy: You know what I discovered? It's not who you want to spend Friday night with, it's who you want to spend all day Saturday with. Feel me, Felix?
Dylan: Yeah, but then it's every Saturday for the rest of your life...
Tommy: It's OK, you don't get it. It's no big deal. But you will. One day you'll meet someone and it'll literally take your breath away. Like you can't breathe. Like no oxygen to the lungs. Like a fish...
Dylan: Yeah, I... I get it, Tommy.
Tommy: Yeah, you don't.

Friends with benefits

* * *
Alicia: How big is the universe?
Nash: Infinite.
Alicia: How do you know?
Nash: I know because all the data indicates it's infinite.
Alicia: But it hasn't been proven yet.
Nash: No.
Alicia: You haven't seen it.
Nash: No.
Alicia: How do you know for sure?
Nash: I don't, I just believe it.
Alicia: It's the same with love I guess.

* * *
Dr. Rosen: Imagine if you suddenly learned that the people, the places, the moments most important to you were not gone, not dead, but worse, had never been. What kind of hell would that be?

* * *
Nash: What truly is logic? Who decides reason? My quest has taken me to the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional, and back. I have made the most important discovery of my career - the most important discovery of my life. It is only in the mysterious equations of love that any logic or reasons can be found. I am only here tonight because of you
[looking at and speaking to Alicia]
Nash: You are the only reason I am. You are all my reasons. Thank you.
[applause from audience]

* * *

Hansen: Cowards, all of you. Come on. Whoever wins, Sol does his laundry for the semester.
Sol: Does that seem unfair to anybody?
Bender: No, not at all.

* * *
Alicia: I need to believe, that something extraordinary is possible.

* * *
Nash: There's no point in being nuts if you can't have a little fun.

A Beautiful Mind

* * *

"I mean you didn't really know Walt," said Eloise at a quarter of five, lying on her back on the floor, a drink balanced upright on her small-breasted chest. "He was the only boy I ever knew that could make me laugh. I mean really laugh." She looked over at Mary Jane. "You remember that night -- our last year -- when that crazy Louise Hermanson busted in the room wearing that black brassiere she bought in Chicago?"
Mary Jane giggled. She was lying on her stomach on the couch, her chin on the armrest, facing Eloise. Her drink was on the floor, within reach.
"Well, he could make me laugh that way," Eloise said. "He could do it when he talked to me. He could do it over the phone. He could even do it in a letter. And the best thing about it was that he didn't even try to be funny - he just was funny." She turned her head slightly toward Mary Jane. Hey, how 'bout throwing me a cigarette?"
"I can't reach 'em." Mary Jane said.
"Nuts to you" Eloise looked up at the ceiling again. "Once" she said, "I fell down. I used to wait for him at the bus stop, right outside the PX, and he showed up late once, just as the bus was pulling out. We started to run for it and I fell and twisted my ankle. He said, 'Poor Uncle Wiggily'. He meant my ankle. Poor Uncle Wiggily, he called it... God he was nice."
"Doesn't Lew have a sense of humor?" Mary Jane said.
"Doesn't Lew have a sense of humor?"
"Oh God! Who knows? Yes, I guess so. He laughs at cartoons and stuff." Eloise raised her head, lifted her drink from her chest and drank from it.
"Well," Mary Jane said. "This isn't everything. I mean this isn't everything."
"What isn't?"
"Oh... You know. Laughing and stuff."
"Who says it isn't?" Eloise said. "Listen if you're not gonna be a nun or something, you might as well laugh."
Mary Jane giggled. "You're terrible," she said.
"Ah, God, he was nice," Eloise said. "He was either funny or sweet. Not that damn little-boy sweet, either. It was a special kind of sweet...."

* * *

She picked up Ramona's glasses and, holding them in both hands, pressed them against her cheek. Tears rolled down her face, wetting the lenses. "Poor Uncle Wiggily," she said over and over again. Finally, she put the glasses back on the night table, lenses down.

* * *

She went downstairs, staggering now very badly, and wakened Mary Jane. "Wuzzat? Who? Huh? said Mary Jane, sitting bolt upright on the couch.
"Mary Jane. Listen. Please." Eloise said, sobbing. You remember our freshman year, and I had that brown-and-yellow dress I bought in Boise, and Miriam Ball told me nobody wore those kind of dresses in New York, and I cried all night? Eloise shook Mary Jane's arm. "I was a nice girl," she pleaded, "wasn't I?"

J.D. Salinger - Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut ("Nine Stories")

Derek Shepherd: Christmas makes you want to be with people you love.

Grey's anatomy

Andy Bernard: The weird thing is now I'm exactly where I want to be. I've got my dream job at Cornell, and I'm still just thinking about my old pals. Only now they're the ones I made here. I wish there was a way to know you're in "the good old days", before you've actually left them. Someone should write a song about that.


Adam Zagajewski

O mojoj majci

O mojoj majci ne bih mogao ništa reći –
kako je ponavljala jednom će ti biti žao,
kad me više ne bude, i kako nisam vjerovao
ni u „više“ ni u „ne bude“,
kako sam je volio gledati dok čita popularan roman,
i odmah zaviruje u posljednje poglavlje,
kako u kuhinji, držeći da to nije
pravo mjesto za nju, pravi nedjeljnu kavu,
ili, još gore, file bakalara,
kako čeka da dođu gosti i gleda se u ogledalo,
praveći izraz lica koji je uspješno brani od tog
da se vidi kakva zaista jest (što sam, izgleda,
od nje naslijedio, uz još neke slabosti),
kako potom slobodno diskutira o temama
koje nisu njezin forte, i kako joj glupo
prigovaram, kao onda kad je sebe
usporedila s Beethovenom kad gubi sluh,
a ja sam okrutno rekao, ali znaš on je
bio talentiran, i kako mi je sve opraštala,
i kako to pamtim, i kako sam letio iz Houstona
na njezin pogreb i kako su u avionu puštali
komediju i kako sam plakao od smijeha
i žalosti i kako ništa nisam mogao reći,
i još uvijek ne mogu.

prevod : Đurđica Čilić
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