casual, random, jukebox playlist....


casual, random, jukebox playlist....

Talking Heads - The Lady Don't Mind Smajli

Idoli - Moja si

Lačni Franz - Praslovan Neutral

Sećanje na Alhambru:
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Talking Heads - Slippery People

"Cosy Prisons"

Take a moment if you dare
Catch yourself a breath of air
There's another life out there
And you should try it

Dead ends hide on every street
Look before you place your feet
(zabranjeno)s and fissures keep the beat
And you're inside it

Every thought you never dared to think
Every mood you always knew would sink
Every line you spoke out loud in a jest
All the time you took to be your best
Soon forgotten

The sun must never touch your skin
It could expose the dark within
You're paranoid about the paranoia

And panic hits without a sign
You worry about it all the time
Every perfect moment is a hidden warning

Cuz everything makes your pretty head spin
And nagging thoughts are starting to sink in
With everything this way it's better to forget
Than end up in a place with something to regret

Your transatlantic shopping spree
Your health forever guarantees
Organic -bio-life's a breeze in cosy prisons

But hiding out in a salad bar
Isn't gonna get you far
and bottled wine is vinegar tomorrow

Everything around here makes your pretty head spin
Its piling up high and you're back where you begin
Moments you have tried so hard to forget
Are promising to 've been the best one's yet

Everytime you shut your eyes it appears
Everytime you trace your steps back here
None of your convictions have the same old ring
No doubt you found a place for everything
In cosy prisons

So if you're careful
You won't get hurt
But if your careful all the time
Then what's it worth?

ili kako kazu Pink Floyd -
nd did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?

Damn, muzika nekada i muzika danas Sad ... kao nebo i zemlja, prosto neverovatno. Nekada je muzika bila ... muzikalna, ritmicna, prijala usima, tako divne melodije ... Danas muzika ... zlatni zubi, platinaste proteze, hromirani pistolji i automobili ala bangbrothers production, svega ima, samo muzike nigde Sad ...

The Specials - Message to You, Rudy

Paula Abdul - Rush, Rush

the smiths - there is a light that never goes out

Barry White - Let Me In And Let´s Begin With Love

Napisano: 06 Jul 2009 0:36

Sneaker Pimps - Low Five

Dopuna: 09 Jul 2009 22:40

Frank Black - Selkie Bride smešak

Dopuna: 12 Jul 2009 16:37

New Order - Regret (Riiiim Smajli )

New Order - Special smešak

Madona - Voices

Madona - Secret

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