casual, random, jukebox playlist....


casual, random, jukebox playlist....

Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again (Eric Prydz Mix)

Sade feat Jay Z The Moon & The Sky Remix

The Doors - Tell All The People

Tarja Turunen feat Schiller-Tired Of Being Alone

Tarja Turunen - Oasis

deo teksta:
The shadow of goodness covers the tear,
Takes the step to the one found.
Peace may, rock the cradle to sleep.
Hope remains, a way to love.
A way to a deep freedom

kakav glas...

Tarja Turunen - Beauty of the Beast (dakle, ne lepotica i zver, nego lepota zveri...)

Scorpions feat Tarja Turunen - "The Good Die Young"

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