casual, random, jukebox playlist....


casual, random, jukebox playlist....

Loreena McKennitt The Mystic's Dream

A clouded dream on an earthly night
Hangs upon the crescent moon
A voiceless song in an ageles light
Sings at the coming dawn
Birds in flight are calling there
Where the heart moves the stones
It's there that my heart is longing for
All for the love of you
(naoblaceni san jedne zemaljske noci
visi nad srpom meseca
pesma bez glasa u vecnoj svetlosti
peva nadolazecoj zori
ptice u letu zovu tamo
gde srce kamenje pomera
to je ono za cim moje srce zudi
sve za ljubav tebe)

A painting hangs on an ivy wall
Nestled in the emerald moss
The eyes declare a truce of trust
And then it draws me far away
Where deep in the desert twilight
Sand melts in pools of the sky
When darkness lays her crimson cloak
Your lamps will call, call me home
(slika visi na zidu od brsljana
ugnezdena u smaragdnu mahovinu
oci objavljuju mir poverenja
i zatim me odvlaci daleko
gde duboko u pustinjskom sutonu
pesak se topi u jezerima neba
kad tama polozi svoj crveni plast
tvoje lampe ce me pozvati, pozvati me kuci)

And so it's there my homage's due
Clutched by the still of the night
And now I feel, feel you move
And every breath, breath is full
So it's there my homage's due
Clutched by the still of the night
Even the distance feels so near
All for the love of you.
(i tamo je moja zakletva na vernost
uhvacena u tisini noci
i sada te osecam, osecam tvoje pokrete
i svaki dah, dah je pun
i tamo je moja zakletva na vernost
uhvacena u tisini noci
cak i daljinu osecam kao blisku
sve za ljubav tebe)

namerno i slobodna verzija prevoda, tekst je Smajli

Nova Bond-tema. Lepa Smile

the velvet underground and nico,femme fatale

oktobar 1864 - denis

Pixies - Where is My Mind (stvarno, kud' mi nestade pamet?)

green day - time of your life

Another turning point;
a fork stuck in the road.

Time grabs you by the wrist;
directs you where to go.

So make the best of this test
and don't ask why.

It's not a question
but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

So take the photographs
and still frames in your mind.

Hang it on a shelf
In good health and good time.

Tattoos of memories
and dead skin on trial.

For what it's worth,
it was worth all the while.

It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

Deep Purple - Perfect Strangers

terence trent d arby,wishing well

Dopuna: 13 Nov 2008 23:14

the beatles,michelle

depeche mode - lillian
Oh, Lillian
I should have run
I should have known
Each dress you own
Is a loaded gun
Oh, Lillian
Once I begun
I couldn't stop
'til every drop of blood was sung

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