casual, random, jukebox playlist....


casual, random, jukebox playlist....

eto...podseti me neki period...

they stood up for love- Live


the beatles - while my guitar gently weeps

Colleen Taylor Viola Solo

tom jones - it is not unusual

k.d. lang - constant craving

Even through the darkest phase
Be it thick or thin
Always someone marches brave
Here beneath my skin

Constant craving
Has always been

Maybe a great magnet pulls
All souls towards truth
Or maybe it is life itself
That feeds wisdom
To its youth

Constant craving
Has always been....

David McWilliams - Days Of Pearly Spencer
A tenement, a dirty street
Walked and worn by shoeless feet
Inside it's long and so complete
Watched by a shivering sun
Old eyes in a small child's face
Watching as the shadows race
Through walls and (zabranjeno)s and leave no trace
And daylight's brightness shuns

Brahms - Hungarian Dance #2

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