casual, random, jukebox playlist....


casual, random, jukebox playlist....

future Sound of London-Aboeba

na youtube iskopiraš link,pa za odgovor klikneš na dugme skroz dole levo.Otvoriće ti se prozor sa youtube ikonicom(gore desno),klikneš na nju i pored http:ovde kopiraš link..kažeš ok i dobiješ ovo:

The Doors - Unkown Soldier

malo faith-a

The Stone Roses - Elephant Stone

Paul Weller - Cold Moments

Slow Emotion Replay - The The

The more I see
The less I know
About all the things I thought were wrong or right
And carved in stone

So, don't ask me about
War, Religion, or God
Love, Sex, or Death

Everybody knows what's going wrong with the world
But I don't even know what's going on in myself

Everybody knows what's going wrong with the world
I don't even know what's going on in myself

You've gotta work out your own salvation
With no explanation to this Earth we fall
On hands and knees we crawl
And we look up to the stars
And we reach out and pray
To a deaf, dumb and blind God who never explains

Every body knows what's going wrong with the world
I don't even know what's going on in myself
Everybody knows what's going wrong with the world
But I don't even know what's going on in myself
Everybody knows what's going wrong with the world
I don't even know what's going on in myself

Lord, I've been here for so long
I can feel it coming down on me
I'm just a slow emotion replay of somebody I used to be
Lord, I've been here for so long
I can feel it coming down on me
I'm just a slow emotion replay of somebody I used to be

Nina Simone, My baby just cares for me.
Uz "macasti" spot.

Jimi Hendrix - Angel

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