casual, random, jukebox playlist....


casual, random, jukebox playlist....

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama (1974).

special trailer - la femme nikita (francuska verzija)
danas se setih nekih od dragih mi scena iz...

andy williams and the osmonds,lida rose

Dopuna: 06 Dec 2008 23:41

girl from ipanema

Dopuna: 07 Dec 2008 0:34

wake up little susie


dve za tebe:

kylie minogue (with rutger hauer) - on a night like this
Yeha-Noha - american indian chant

za danku:

principles of lust - enigma

The principles of lust... Are easy to understand
Do what you feel... Feel until the end
The principles of lust... Are burnt in your mind
Do what you want... Do it until you find Love...

nick cave= more news...

Metallica - Whisky in the Jar Cool

kate bush - lyra

Where are our lives?
If there is no dream
Where is our home?

We don’t know how
There will be a way
Out of the storm
We will find home

And her soul walks beside her
An army stands behind her
Lyra… Lyra…

And her face full of grace
Two worlds collide around her
The truth lies deep inside her

Lyra… Lyra..

And the stars look down upon her
As darkness settles on her
Lyra… Lyra…

Who’s to know what’s in the future
But we hope we will be with her
We have all our love to give her
Oh Lyra… Lyra

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