casual, random, jukebox playlist....


casual, random, jukebox playlist....

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean

Robbie Williams - Lola

Los Lobos - Beautiful Maria of my Soul

Ova za ljubičastu jer me trpi na svom blogu smešak

Iron and Wine - Burn that Broken Bed

How do you bust the clouds
Press on your back been hanging in the air
I wanna scope you out
I wanna touch your mouth when you're up there

When are you coming back
Bird on a branch will come back home to sing
When are you coming back
Bringing it back and singing what you bring

How do you bust the clouds
Head on the ground and feeling what you've seen
I wanna scope you out
I wanna be your eyes and show you me

When are you coming back
When are you gonna burn that broken bed
When are you coming back
I wanna see you drifting overhead

@jelkica7 Zagrljaj Poljubac

Thank you for coming home
Im sorry that the chairs are all worn
I left them here I could have sworn
These are my salad days
Slowly being eaten away
Just another play for today
Oh but Im proud of you,but Im proud of you
Theres nothing left to make me feel small
Luck has left me standing so tall
Always believe in your soul
Youve got the power to know
Youre indestructable
Always believe in,because you are

Glad that youre bound to return
Theres something I could have learned
Youre indestructable,always believe in
After the rush has gone
I hope you find a little more time
Remember we were partners in crime
Its only two years ago
The man with the suit and the pace
You know that he was there on the case
Now hes in love with you,hes in love with you
And my love is like a prison wall
But you could leave me standing so tall

Always believe in your soul
Youve got the power to know
Youre indestructable
Always believe in,because you are

Glad that youre bound to return
Theres something I could have learned
Youre indestructable,always believe in

Very Happy
Za dobar dan i lep pocetak nedelje

Crazy ABC

Hey Steve!
Hey Ed, that sounds nice, what is it?
Thank you, it’s an alphabet song I’m working on
Oh great, a whole new alphabet,
I just learned the old one.

A is for aisle
B is for bdelliums
C is for czar
And if you see him, would you mind telling him-

Okay, hang on a second, yeah aisle?
Yeah, aisle like a, like a theatre.
Alright, okay, and bdelliums?
Bdelliums, it’s a gum like tree resin, it starts with a silent B
And then czar?
Yeah, it’s uh- like a Russian czar.
You know, everyone knows apple ball and cat,
I wanted to get into some you know,
some stranger words.
Right, I see what you’re doing.

D is for djinn
E for Euphrates
F is for fohn, but not like when I call the ladies

I thought phone started with a “p” a “ph”
No its f-o-h-n, it’s a kind of wind
Yeah, I know what you mean by wind

G for Gnarly,
I for irk
H is for hour
J for jalapeños
Good in either corn or flour (tortillas…)
Nice rhyme
K is for knick-knack
L is for llama

Pramma, llama, ding - what’s so strange about llama?
Llama, its starts with two L’s
What’s the second one for?
No idea.
I know, loser.

N for neumonic
M is for mdomo
O is for ouija board
P for pneumonia pterodactyl and psychosis
Q is for qat

Okay, Q - qat? What?
Yeah it’s uh...q-a-t,
It’s an evergreen shrub
It’s a perfect scrabble word because it’s a q with no u,
There’s not many of those
You have too much time on your hands.

R is for R-gyle
No, it isn’t

Okay, you’re right; I couldn’t find a good “r” word

S is for Saar, a lovely German river
T for tsunami, a wave that makes me quiver
U is for urn, but not like earning money
V for vraisemblance from French,
And therefore kind of funny
W for wren, wrinkly, and who.
X is for Xian, an ancient Chinese city, true!

Ancient Chinese city, huh?
My guitar player, some hotshot.

Y is for yperite, a very nasty gas.
And zed’s the final letter
And by final, I mean last.

Okay, when you say zed,
For the benefit of our American friends
You really mean Z, right?
No I mean Zed, like, like Zed Zed Top.
Zed Zed Top?
Yeah, you know the guys with the big long beards
Well, except the guy whose name is Beard,
he has a mustache
I always thought that was interesting
You done with the alphabet?
No extra letters I haven’t heard of?
I think so.
Well this was a great help, I think, you know,
the contribution you made to world literacy
Well, I’m just saying, kids
I’m just saying
Think outside the box a little bit
Box with an “r”
Yeah, well, no, box with a b-a-l-k-s, like a pitcher.
Ahh, as opposed to b-a-c-h-s,
Right, think outside the “balks”


@jelkica - hvala za pesmu, ali ne mora da bude zato sto te 'trpim u mom blogu' - ovo odavno vise nije samo moj blog Wink - kao sto rekoh ranije, feel free to.....

Hvala Zagrljaj Nije samo zbog "trpljenja" od srca je. Razmahaću se još malo.
Josh Rouse - Streetlights

Rock and roll
You are envy, I am
So uncool
Still I want to do the best I can
Let’s meet on the corner and act like we’re old friends
We can talk about the streetlights
The people
Surrounding you
In a haze

Won’t you tell me how it feels
To be a nervous man
At the wheels
You don’t have a master plan
But you will start today
You will start today

I called you up
Cause I felt so guilty
Ended up
It was not such a pretty scene
Let’s dump the ashtray, wipe the table clean

We can talk about the streetlights
The people
Surrounding you
In a haze

Won’t you tell me how it feels
To be an famous man
At the wheel
You don’t have a master plan
But you will start today
You will start today
You will start

When all of your fear is gone
And you’re thinking that you’re strong
To make the jump up to the big big sky, sky

We can talk about the streetlights
The people
Surrounding you
It’s a strong pull
We can talk about the streetlights
The people
Going down

And you will start today
You will start today
You will start today
You will start

bryan ferry,your painted smile

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