casual, random, jukebox playlist....


casual, random, jukebox playlist....

e moj Saša...... Wink

Coverdale je jedini koji moze da peva Plantove stvari!

Ljubicasta svaka cast za ovu stvar od kad je nisam cuo,jesi gledala film ono LJUBOMORNI KOMPJUTER koji se zaljubljuje u devojku svog vlasnika..bas je trip...A i pesma je bruka....Ako gotivis Phila O. Mislim da je grupa Human League njegov projekat..
pozz Kid

Smajli thx, odlična je pesma i taj film - a inače me podseti i na blade runner-a i knjigu po kojoj je rađen blade runner - "do androids dream of electronic sheep" filipa dika Wink

"Sanjao sam zutu dunju...

pretenders - loving you is all i know

Ljubicasta pogledaj film A SCANNER DARKLY od Philipa K Dicka (Knjizi),pored Blade-a koji je antologija R.Scotta..
A da Androidi zaista sanjaju elektricne ovce...proverena informacija Wink

Alicia Keys - Fallin'
(nema embed Sad)

@sundance - nisam cula za film - pogledacu info, potrazicu Smajli

u2 - the ground beneath her feet
lyrics: salman rushdie

All my life, i worshipped her
Her golden voice, her beauty's beat
How she made us feel
How she made me real
And the ground beneath her feet
And the ground beneath her feet

And now i can't be sure of anything
Black is white, and cold is heat
For what i worshipped stole my love away
It was the ground beneath her feet
It was the ground beneath her feet

Go lightly down your darkened way
Go lightly underground
I'll be down there in another day
I won't rest until you're found

Let me love you true, let me rescue you
Let me lead you to where two roads meet
O come back above
Where there's only love
And the ground beneath her feet
And the ground beneath her fee

(dedicated to: the beauty of the soul of you...)

1992. Smile

novi fosili,milena

Dopuna: 16 Feb 2009 22:37

jappa i metak,split at night

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