casual, random, jukebox playlist....


casual, random, jukebox playlist....

za društvo iz ćoška Mr. Green

Oskar i Slavica Cukteras Zmija i zaba Amidzi show

hali gali halid,hajde da se drogiramo

Mr. Green LOL

jura stublic - doci cu ti u snovima

jura stublic & film - dom

a ploca pucketa.....
'moj dom je tamo, tamo gdje sam ja....takva je moja sudbina...'

nervozni poštar,marko kamiondžija

to je samo folk 'n' roll

Mr. Green

@Asi - kad si vec jutro poceo sa 'heavy' temom, evo malo nadovezivanja na Hali Gali Halida Mr. Green :

Velvet Underground - Heroin

I don't know just where I'm going
But I'm gonna try for the kingdom, if I can

'Cause it makes me feel like I'm a man
When I put a spike into my vein
And I'll tell ya, things aren't quite the same
When I'm rushing on my run
And I feel just like Jesus' son

And I guess that I just don't know
And I guess that I just don't know

I have made the big decision
I'm gonna try to nullify my life
'Cause when the blood begins to flow
When it shoots up the dropper's neck
When I'm closing in on death
And you can't help me not, you guys
And all you sweet girls with al
l your sweet talk
You can all go take a walk
And I guess that I just don't know
And I guess that I just don't know

I wish that I was born a thousand years ago
I wish that I'd sail the darkened seas
On a great big clipper ship
Going from this land here to that
In a sailor's suit and cap
Away from the big city
Where a man can not be free
Of all of the evils of this town
And of himself, and those around

Oh, and I guess that I just don't know
Oh, and I guess that I just don't know

Heroin, be the death of me
Heroin, it's my wife and it's my life
Because a mainer to my vein
Leads to a center in my head
And then I'm better off than dead
Because when the smack begins to flow
I really don't care anymore
About all the Jim-Jim's in this town
And all the politicians makin' busy sounds
And everybody puttin' everybody else down
And all the dead bodies piled up in mounds

'Cause when the smack begins to flow
Then I really don't care anymore
Ah, when the heroin is in my blood
And that blood is in my head
Then thank God that I'm as good as dead
Then thank your God that I'm not aware
And thank God that I just don't care

And I guess I just don't know
And I guess I just don't know

p.s. nece embed....

the kinks - all day and all of the night

azra - marina

azra - kravava meri

bajaga i instruktori - sa druge strane jastuka

Lou Reed - Take Walk on the Wild Side

Lou Reed - Luciano Pavarotti - Perfect Day

Lou Reed - Romeo Had Juliette

Lou Reed - New York Telephone Conversation

"u mome srcu draga slichica..." Smile

za sve one koje su bili, koje jesu i koje cce tek da one koje chekaju jutro sa mnom u online ili offline rezhimu zhivota....

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