


"Dreamers have mountains they will climb. There are dreamers who don't believe in time. Only dreamers have worlds where they can fly far away.Certain dreamers have kingdoms they will build, filled with treasures and dragons to be killed. Only dreamers have wings with which to fly far away. Some people dream of being rich, while others dream of being tall,and there are people who don't dream at all. Dreamers have shooting stars they chase, there are others with nightmares they must face. Sometimes dreamers are forced to leave their dreams far away. And there are people who don't dream at all. Sometimes you need to take the time to find treasures and mountains we can climb. And maybe we dream to change the way that we feel, 'cause to dreamers the real world can be unreal."


"Svet, odlazak, daljina, pustinja, srce, slika, laz, senka, andjeo, scenario, Lisabon, telo, putovanje, jutro, zena, grad, nevinost, umetnost, pesak, hleb, pad, knjiga, boje, suze, nebo, Berlin, vecnost, more, Istok, most, dorucak, put, smrt, logika, kontinenti, postelja, sigurnost, pakao, naivnost, vera, pocetak, noc, pesma, nada, samoubistvo, snovi, drvo, vreme, svetinja, vidjenje, Crkva, pepeo, ljubav, izlazak, privid, strast, secanje, apokalipsa, zemlja, razum, Evropa, negde, lisenost, prica, celina, ljudi, astronomija, bolest, stvari, sumrak, samoca, blagodat, Amerika, unutra, naracija, vetar, radost, kraj, Japan, planina, oci, miris, budjenje, istorija, sahrana, pojam, silazak, mesto, ocaj, pomracenje, prolece, mir, sopstvo, predavanje, obmana, tuga, mirovanje, Ozu, lek, cutanje, film, Rusija, umor, jezik, povratak, Zapad, kajanje, pecina, svetlo, ekran, lepota, nevreme, identitet, slutnja, misljenje, Istina, kazivanje, nista, bol, svest, govor, nistavilo, grob, nauka, nebice, odluka, cudjenje, sklad, rez, iskustvo, podsvest, bliskost, ideje, Pismo, zrtva, kamen, fotografija, neposredno, filosofija, vecnost, granica, greh, licnost, pogled, zahvalnost, cinjenica, zvuk, dogma, svetlo, prostor, prisustvo, obzorje, ozbiljnost, prijateljstvo, um, spoznaja, odnos, neskrivenost, deca, paradoks, bice, nemir, kisa, dodir, cudo, poezija, smisao, oprostaj, celiv, uteha, srce, zivot, rec, 11. januar, 14000 mladenaca Vitlejemskih, iskupljenje.
Postoje dva puta
Izmedju Nista i Boga
Biti onaj koji trazi bivstvovanje."

Solveig Dommartin + 11. january 2007
Clair from Until The End of The World,
Marion from Wings of Desire, Far Away So Close

"Remember, O Lord, the soul of Thy departed servant, Solveig, and give her eternal rest and memory eternal!"

]"When the child was a child,
It was the time for these questions:
Why am I me, and why not you?
Why am I here, and why not there?
When did time begin, and where does space end?
Is life under the sun not just a dream?
Is what I see and hear and smell
not just an illusion of a world before the world?
Given the facts of evil and people.
does evil really exist?
How can it be that I, who I am,
didn't exist before I came to be,
and that, someday, I, who I am,
will no longer be who I am? "

Song of Childhood - Peter Handke


"reči koje dlanovima prinosimo
mirišu na snove
u strahu da će poprimiti
obrise stvarnog
ćutim te sebi."(opet)

sometimes i need...chill...
a boje nekad same ischeznu, kao shto limit reche jednom...

"Dreams are calling
like bells in the distance.
We were dreamers not so long ago.
But one by one we all had to grow up.
Believe in what you feel inside,
And give your dreams the wings to fly.
You have everything you need,
If you just believe.

Trains move quickly to their journey's end.
Destinations are where we begin again.
Ships go sailing far across the sea.
Trusting starlight, to get where they need to be."

Believe-by Josh Groban
The Polar Express Soundtrack

a tako smo svi porasli...makes me wonder... Neutral

i ako je daljina stvarna da li mi nismo mi?

"Ako te neko jedne noci bude voleo za dva zivota neces morati da odrastes. Ali sta ako slucajno ostaris za noc voleci za dva zivota?"
Rece Neko jednom..

now you really DID make me cry Embarassed

"pomiric'emo noc' sa sobom
kad se grlimo nec'emo umreti.
Pashc'e velika zvezda u moje krilo."

Elza Lasker Shiler

have you ever really loved a woman?
retro, so what|? Wink

"ja nisam ja, ja sam netko drugi
neshto posredno izmedju dvoga.
zashto se opirem?umetnik nishta nema od
prirode, ni od zivota.
mi moramo skochiti u
pretrchat modrinu da bi se nashla
Mario de Se Carniero

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