


"Koliko na svijetu ima malo mostova
Sami kao otoci shto more razdvaja"

the wild heart

umeshao se PF Mr. Green smešak <"wish you were here"pishe

Walk The Line


imam neshto ovih dana problema sa "autoritetima&utabanim stazama."
a ti si jedna od onih koja ZNA! Zagrljaj

dream on little dreamer

"Demoni i divote
Vetrovi i oseke
Daleko već povuklo se more
A ti
Kao alga blago milovana vetrom
U živom pesku postelje ne miruješ sanjajući
Demone i divote
Vetrove i oseke
Da daleko povuklo se more
Dok su u tvojim poluotvorenim očima
Zaostala dva mala talasa
Demoni i divote
Vetrovi i oseke
Dva talasa mala da me potope"
Zh. Prever


"Mene zapravo
najmanje ima
kad sam u svemu
kad sam u svima.

Samo kad sam sam
ja znam da jesam.
I svemir ovaj
biva mi tijesan.

Ovako jedan
od sebe sam više:
I zrak sam
i onaj koji diše.

Pa ipak me nešto
vuče i tišti:
Da se razbijem
da se sništim.

Što sam ja sebi?
Ništa u svemu?
Ili sam sve
u ničemu?"

E. Kishevic

kad ti zbog demona i divote ponestane sebe...

"stuck in traffic in the wrong direction
don't follow me, yeah..."

"We are the music makers
and we are the dreamers
of dreams..."

Arthur O'Shaughnessy

"Kad jednom isprobas let, uvijek ces hodati po zemlji s ocima usmjerenim u nebo, prema mjestu gdje si bio i gdje se zelis vratiti."

Leonardo da Vinci


"Was I in your dreams, I'd like to know.
Did I touch your hand and did it feel like snow?
Try to understand while I've got you on the phone.
Did I hurt you like I know I can?
Tell me why you'd ever wanna leave your lovin' man.
Try to understand, please try to understand.
Was I in your dreams, was I in your dreams?
This dreamer died when his dreamed died too.
But I don't really mind if I dream about you..
I can't say what any of that means.
Oh, was I in your dreams, late last night.
Did you hold pillow, did you squeeze me tight?
I just wanna make everything all right.
Was I in your dreams, was I in your dreams, was I?"

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans..."
John Lenon

"Život nam se kreće između onoga što hoćemo i onoga što znamo.
Ko hoće, nađe način.
Ko neće, nađe izgovor."

listen Poljubac

A Day Without Rain

"Who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...

And who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...

Who can say why your heart sighs,
As your love flies?
Only time...

And who can say why your heart cries,
When your love dies?
Only time...

Who can say when the roads meet,
That love might be,
In your heart.

And who can say when the day sleeps,
The moon still keeps on moving
If the night keeps all your heart?
Night keeps all your heart...

Who can say if your love grows,
As your heart chose?
Only time...

And who can say where the road goes,
Where the day flows?
Only time...
Who knows?
Only time...
Who knows?
Only time... "
inache celo veche kishi pa izmedju ostalog i zato sad ovo. Wink

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