south park


south park

Cartman: I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried something, I'd be like, HEY! You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!


Mr. Garrison: Does anyone know what sexual harassment means?
Cartman: When you are tying to have intercourse with a special lady friend and some other guy comes up and tickles your balls from behind.


Cartman: Hippies.They're everywhere. They wanna save the earth, but all they do is smoke pot and smell bad.


Cartman: Well, I looked in my mom's closet and saw what I was getting for Christmas, an UltraVibe Pleasure 2000.

Dopuna: 22 Jun 2006 0:54

Officer Barbrady: You can't just lock 63 people in your basement.
Cartman: They're not people, they're hippies!

Dopuna: 22 Jun 2006 0:57

Kyle: Cartman, you have such a fat ass, that when people walk down the street they go, 'God damn, that's a big, fat ass.'
Cartman: No, they don't, you jealous weakling.
Passing Man: God damn, that's a big fat ass.

Dopuna: 22 Jun 2006 1:03

Cartmen:God has told me how to make 10 million dollars!
Cartman: Boy band.
Stan: Boy band?
Cartman: Boy band.
Stan: I'm not being part of any faggy boy band.
Cartman: Theres nothing faggy about 10 million dollars, asshole.

Cartman bi bio glavni lik,samo što ima krupne kosti,a nije debeo,nije...

da, Cartman je ubedljivo najjaci lik, jer su sve najgore ljudske osobine skupljene u njemu. i nista ga ne razumem kad se iznervira a gledam bez titla.

I meni je on najjaci ... cak toliko da ni ne primecujem lose osobine ...

c: you must refer to me as a Capitan.
w:where i'm suppose to drive to?
c: no see you mast say Capitan where i'm suppose to drive to!
w: Capitan where i'm suppose to drive to?...

w: this whole thing is ridicules.
c: Capitan this whole thing is ridicules.
W: Capitan this whole thing is ridicules. Smile

we must bomb heaven
do you relay think that this is a good idea rendi?
if sadam is building weapons we have to stop him, with our weapons Smile

r:you are saying that you boys only want to build ladder to heaven so you can get some candy?
c:I never heard word only and candy in the same sentence before Smile

kad je kartman bolestan i odveduga kod doktora.
kartmanova mama: what is with him?
doktor:i am afraid that it's his time.
k m :why what's wrong with him?
d:it's his time, it's running out.
k m : what does he need?
d: he need's to have more time.
k m : what can we do?
d: well i suppose we can try a time transplant i have to call a specialist. Smile

Woman: [rrom the Make-A-Wish Foundation] So, Kenny, if you could have one wish, what would it be?
Man: What's your wish, pal?
Kenny: [muffled] I guess the only thing I wish is not to die.
Woman: What did he say?
Kyle: He said his wish is not to die.
[long stretch of silence]
Woman: Okay, and what if you're gonna have two wishes? What would the second one be?

i po meni jedan od top komentara
Cartman: Why don't we all sing, "Kyle's Mom is a Stupid Bitch" in D-minor?
hehe extra su

cartman rula Exclamation Very HappyVery HappyVery HappyVery Happy

You guy's wonna get high? smešak

Matt Stone
Trey Parker

Kreatori... Smajli

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