Poslao: 17 Okt 2003 23:59
- Djole
- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 02 Sep 2003
- Poruke: 4956
To za WMP znam, neke stvari mogu i da se iskljuce, ali verovatno postoji jos nesto sto nije bas tako vidljivo?
btw, da li znas da xp ima po defaultu kreiran nalog koji omogucava bilo kome iz ms-a (tj. tehnickoj podrsci) da se uloguje na tvoj komp? Verovatno moze i bez znanja korisnika. Mislim da se zove alexa. Xp Antispy ga uspesno brise, mada moze i rucno.
A sto tek mrzim error reporte i remote asistence...
Jos malo pa cu da postanem paranoican!
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 18 Okt 2003 00:56
- Goran
- Prof.Mr.Dr.Sci. Traumatologije
- Pridružio: 05 Maj 2003
- Poruke: 9977
- Gde živiš: Singidunum
Djole ::A sto tek mrzim error reporte i remote asistence...I jedno i drugo možeš da isključiš ako te baš nervira, i za one koji ne znaju imaju opciju koja se nalazi na putanji: desni klik na "My Computer" pa "properties" i kartica "Advanced" i donji desni ugao dugme "Error Reporting". A što se "Remote Assistence"-a tiče putanja desni klik na "My Computer" pa "properties" i kartica "Remote".
Poslao: 18 Okt 2003 01:03
- Bone Collector
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Apr 2003
- Poruke: 5001
- Gde živiš: Beograd
dosta stvari moze da se ukljuci/iskljuci/zabrani preko group policy-a (start>run> ukucate gpedit.msc)
Poslao: 18 Okt 2003 04:10
- Pridružio: 12 Okt 2003
- Poruke: 205
E, tog Alex-u sam izbrisao vec par dana poslije ponovne instalacije,
kad sam pokrenuo AdAware, ali nisam siguran cemu je to sluzilo.
Negdje kasnije na forumu sam procitao da je spy ware za MS.
Tako da ga imam u karantinu AdAware.
Nadam se da je to dovoljno da se on
ne moze aktivirati i da radi to zasto je napravljen!
Iskljucio sam i remote assistanc, sto zanci da nema legalnog kacenja na moj komp??
Poslao: 18 Okt 2003 12:22
- Djole
- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 02 Sep 2003
- Poruke: 4956
Remote ass. moras rucno da aktiviras da bi neko mogao da ti se nakaci na komp, tako da to ne treba previse da te brine.
znam, sve je to iskljuceno kod mene, cak i system restore, a bas mi je zatrebao pre neki dan je*bi ga...
Poslao: 18 Okt 2003 15:52
- Goran
- Prof.Mr.Dr.Sci. Traumatologije
- Pridružio: 05 Maj 2003
- Poruke: 9977
- Gde živiš: Singidunum
homer simpson ::E, tog Alex-u sam izbrisao vec par dana poslije ponovne instalacije,
kad sam pokrenuo AdAware, ali nisam siguran cemu je to sluzilo.
Negdje kasnije na forumu sam procitao da je spy ware za MS.
Tako da ga imam u karantinu AdAware.
Nadam se da je to dovoljno da se on
ne moze aktivirati i da radi to zasto je napravljen!
Ako je u karantinu nema da brineš, a možeš da ga obrišeš iz istog, neće ti trebati.
Poslao: 18 Okt 2003 15:58
- Brksi
- Ex KGB officer
- Pridružio: 18 Jul 2003
- Poruke: 4204
- Gde živiš: U zlatnom kavezu
Ja sam editovao fajl sysoc.inf i zahvalujuci tome obrisao neke dosadne M$-ove servise, ali ne i OE njega nema na listi win componenata. Sta da radim?
Poslao: 18 Okt 2003 16:31
- Djole
- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 02 Sep 2003
- Poruke: 4956
Cudi me sto ga nema na listi, mozda si nesto propustio u sysoc.inf
Mada, kada sam malo bolje pogledao add/rem. windows componetns tamo pise samo da skida precicu da OE i IE iz start menija. izgleda da ga ipak ne brise sa diska
Poslao: 18 Okt 2003 18:22
- Goran
- Prof.Mr.Dr.Sci. Traumatologije
- Pridružio: 05 Maj 2003
- Poruke: 9977
- Gde živiš: Singidunum
To remove Outlook Express, you must rename several folders.
NOTE: Before you remove Outlook Express, make sure you are logged on to the computer with Administrative rights.
Click Start, point to Programs, point to Accessories, and then click Windows Explorer.
Locate and rename the following folders:
The Stationery folder:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Stationery
The Identities folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Identities
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities
The Address Book folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Microsoft\Address Book
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data\Address Book
After you locate these folders, click them one at a time, and then press F2. Rename them to old_stationery, old_identities, and old_address respectively, and then press ENTER.
You must now delete the registry key for Outlook Express:
WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.
Click Start, and then click Run, and then type regedit in the Open box.
Locate the following registry keys, right-click the registry key, and then click Delete:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C}
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{7790769C-0471-11D2-AF11-00C04FA35D02}
Quit Registry Editor.
To complete the removal procedure, rename several Outlook Express files:
Click Start, point to Search, and then click For Files and Folders.
Find and rename the following files (these files are the same in Outlook Express 6.0):
Each of these files are located in two folders, the default file folder, and the C:\Winnt\System32\Dllcache folder. For example, the Inetcomm.dll file is located in the C:\Winnt\System32 folder, by default, and in the C:\Winnt\System32\Dllcache folder. You must rename the same file in both folders to successfully remove Outlook Express. To rename these files:
Remove any CD-ROMs that may be in your CD-ROM drive.
Click the Inetcomm.dll file in the Dllcache folder, press F2, rename the file to filename.old (for example, inetcomm.old), and then press ENTER.
Click the same file in the other folder, press F2, rename the file to filename.old, and then press ENTER.
When you receive the prompt about Windows file protection, do not insert the Windows 2000 CD-ROM. Instead, click Cancel.
At the prompt about keeping unrecognized file versions, click Yes.
Repeat this process with each file in the list.
Napomena: Ista procedura važi i za Windows XP.
Izvor Microsoft
Poslao: 11 Nov 2003 02:47
- Goran
- Prof.Mr.Dr.Sci. Traumatologije
- Pridružio: 05 Maj 2003
- Poruke: 9977
- Gde živiš: Singidunum
Sa XP Lite programom nema šta ne možete da skinete iz Windows-a.