Poslao: 08 Avg 2010 18:24
- mcrule

- Legendarni građanin
- Michael
- Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 16934
- Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W
Neither fish nor fowl. - Nit' riba, nit' devojka.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 17 Avg 2010 15:22
- Silija

- Prijatelj foruma
- Pridružio: 18 Feb 2008
- Poruke: 987
- Gde živiš: na putu za jedno ostrvo
One man's loss is another man's gain. Dok jednom ne smrkne, drugom ne svane.
Poslao: 19 Avg 2010 01:17
- mcrule

- Legendarni građanin
- Michael
- Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 16934
- Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W
Too many cooks spoil the soup. - Mnogo babica, dete kilavo.
Poslao: 29 Jan 2011 03:31
- mcrule

- Legendarni građanin
- Michael
- Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 16934
- Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W
Napisano: 27 Avg 2010 23:46
Still water runs deep. - Tiha voda breg roni.
Dopuna: 06 Nov 2010 12:40
"Nothing ventured nothing gained."
"Horses for courses."
"You fly with the crows, you get killed with the crows." (When you get mixed with the wrong crowd...)
Dopuna: 29 Jan 2011 3:31
Pardon, ja sam apsolutno zaboravio na ovu temu
Evo jos nekih poslovica:
* Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.
* One man's meat is another man's poison.
* Engage brain before mouth.
* If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
* Why have a dog and bark yourself?
* Better late than never.
* Once bitten, twice shy.
* What goes around comes around.
Poslao: 03 Maj 2012 20:29
- bluewortex

- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 01 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 588
Evo za početak par poslovica koje imaju pandane u srpskom jeziku:
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
- Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego golub na grani.
A leopard can’t change his spots
- Vuk dlaku menja, ali ćud nikada.
Absent-minded do the work twice
- Ko nema u glavi, ima u nogama.
Bad news travels fast
- Loš glas daleko se čuje.
Better late than never
- Bolje ikad nego nikad.
Blood is thicker than water
- Krv nije voda.
Don't jump the gun
- Ne trči pred rudu.
It was the last straw that broke the camel's back
- Kap koja je prelila čašu.
No pain, no gain
- Bez muke nema nauke.
Out of sight, out of mind
- Daleko od očiju, daleko od srca.
Soon learnt, soon forgotten
- Brzo, pa kuso.
Speak of the devil
- Mi o vuku, a vuk na vrata.
Strike while the iron is hot
- Gvožđe se kuje dok je vruće.
The best advice is found on the pillow
- Jutro je pametnije od noći.
The early bird catches the worm
- Ko rano rani, dve sreće grabi.
There's no place like home
- Svuda pođi, kući dođi.
What goes around, comes around
- Ko drugome jamu kopa sam u nju upada.
When pigs fly
- Kad na vrbi rodi grožđe.
Where there's smoke, there's fire
- Gde ima dima ima i vatre.
You can't tell a book by its cover
- Odelo ne čini čoveka.
Ko je raspoložen neka doprinese temi
Poslao: 10 Maj 2012 03:24
- bluewortex

- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 01 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 588
Still waters run deep.
--> Mirna voda breg roni.
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
--> Put do srca svakog muškarca je preko njegovog stomaka.
Where there's a will there's a way.
--> Gde ima volje, ima i načina.
Live and let live.
--> Živi, i pusti druge da žive.
Tell me who you go with and I'll tell you who you are.
--> S' kim si, takav si.
Poslao: 10 Maj 2012 04:17
- mcrule

- Legendarni građanin
- Michael
- Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 16934
- Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W
Too many cooks spoil the broth / soup.
- Mnogo babica, dete kilavo.
Charity begins at home.
- Bog je prvo sebi bradu stvorio.
Poslao: 22 Maj 2012 16:17
- Pridružio: 04 Nov 2008
- Poruke: 63
I made a page a while back with some Serbian idioms that I translated first "literally" (not silly, like those jokes that go around - a proper "literal" translation), and then also added the equivalent phrase in English where I could find one: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Some of the ones I did were:
"The mountain shook but a mouse was born" (Serbian - Tresla se gora, rodio se miš) - much ado about nothing, a storm in a teacup.
"It's hard to get a frog in the water" (Serbian - Teško žabu u vodu naterati) - meant ironically, an attempt at persuasion that is considered a pushover! "Did John agree to come and play football with us?" "Well, we managed to twist his arm!"
"Until dusk falls for one man, dawn cannot come for another" (Serbian: Dok jednom ne smrkne drugom ne svane). A bit more concise in Serbian, but meaning one man's ill fortune is another's good fortune.
"Better a sparrow in the hand than a falcon on the branch" (Serbian: Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego soko na grani) - no further explanation required there!
"He who has burned himself on milk will blow on yoghurt too!" (Serbian: Ko se jednom na mleko opece taj i u jogurt duva) - "Once bitten, twice shy"!
"The early riser grabs good fortune twice!" (Serbian: Ko rano rani dve sreće grabi) - "The early bird catches the worm". Except it's TWICE the luck in Serbian!
I know it's not quite the same thing, but I hope you like it.
Also I should mention, though you probably know, Srpska književna zadruga has a "Englesko-srpski frazeološki rečnik" out which is pretty good and can help with a lot of these phrases/idioms etc. I bought it fairly cheaply at a Sajam knjiga for 240 dinars, reduced from 400 dinars, so I guess that was in about 2001.
Poslao: 22 Maj 2012 16:54
- Fil

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
- Poruke: 16586
You made an excellent compilation. I like it.
Let's recall this free English adaptation of some sayings:
1. Svaki je veliki uspeh trijumf upornosti
A great success is always a triumph of persistence.
2. Niko ne uspeva tako brzo kao onaj koji se koristi tudjom greskom
One who learns from others’ mistakes makes quick success.
3. Pre uspeha bogovi odredise da se covek oznoji
God said that man has to take pain before success.
4. Vera u uspeh, uspeha je pola
Faith is half made success.
5. U zivotu postizu uspeh oni koji stanu na svoje noge i traze prilike koje im odgovaraju, a ako ih ne nadju sami ih stvaraju
In life success is made when you set up a path for yourself, embrace opportunities of your choice; if there aren’t any, you create them yourself. (this sounds like B. Shaw )
6. Ne obaziri se na to odakle dolazis vec gledaj kuda ides
Don't look at where you've been, rather look where you are going.
Don’t look behind but forward.
7. Covek je smrtan ali njegovo ime moze postati besmrtno
Man is mortal, but his name may become immortal.
Man is mortal but his name may live eternally.
8. Kako drugacije da raste stablo nego prema suncu
The tree can grow only towards the Sun.
9. Uspeh je uvek dete smelosti
Success is always a child of boldness.
10. Ako ne mislite o buducnosti ne mozete je ni imati
If you don’t regard the future, you won’t have one.
If you don't think about the future, you can't have one.
11. Znamo sta jesmo ali ne znamo sta mozemo biti
We know what we are, but we don’t know what we may become.
12. Nista se veliko ne moze uciniti bez velikih ljudi, a oni su veliki zato sto su to hteli da budu
Great things are achieved by great people; great people achieved greatness as they wanted so.
13. Kad ima volje ima i nacina
Will shall always find the way.
14. Uraditi s lakocom ono sto je drugima tesko znaci imati talenat uciniti ono sto je talentu nemoguce znaci biti genijalan
When you do smoothly what is difficult to others, you can boast of talent; when you achieve the impossible, you are a genius.
15. Zelja i ljubav su krila za velika dela
Desire and love can make you move mountains.